Saturday, October 12, 2024

Word Caesar Salads...




Writer’s block is Mental Constipation ©M7C 2024

This happens to many Writers and Authors, when new ideas won’t emerge and one is stuck with old ideas already written.   I cannot publish anything new.  I’ve already written this type of genre, or this type of supernatural thriller or Magic book.  But I don’t want Mental Diarrhea causing Alphabet Soup, as even Word Salads are presentable.   Or I can’t write anything decent that I want attached to my names.  I don’t want to be remembered as that Writer with hundreds of books consisting of already known ideas, told through numerous facets of the same gemstone.  Sure, brainstorming (what I am doing at the moment) will ease ideas out of my Mental Colon into the toilet of publication, but the tissue paper of reviewers will want their brand name firmly pressed upon it.  Just the flushing of ideas will cure the inability to think creatively.   

© MC 2024.




Friday, October 11, 2024

Citizens of the Kingdom...




Welcome to the Kingdom of Osiris of Akua-Niihau! ©M7C 2024


          The Kingdom of Osiris, from the Biblical Prophecy in the Book of Daniel Chapter 2 about the coming of the Kingdom of God, was also promised as the return of the God Osiris once evil was vanquished by Horus.  Our Flag is red and white with the crossed scepters of Lord Osiris.  Red symbolizes the red mud on Kauai and white for the white sands of Niihau.  The flail is for threshing grain or discipline for Laws, and the crooked scepter is for shepherding livestock; when crossed it symbolizes the dead Spirits of Heaven, as “X” is universal for the dead. 

          Lord Osiris created Civilization in Egypt through Atlantean Civilization that conquered the World in the First Empire.  This was during the Pre-Dynastic Period of Egyptian History prior to Human rulers.  The First Empire was at the end of the last Ice Age when Humans were hunter-gatherers.  Lord Osiris instructed how to create Farms and technology, codified Laws, organized religion, and other aspects of Civilization, as did members of his family.  Lord Osiris promised to return in the future to rule the World peacefully using his ideas.  He returned in future incarnations in that attempt as Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs, or Christ of the Bible in the Book of Revelation.

          Only appointed Pharaohs rule the Kingdom of Akua-Niihau (Micronation).  Our country is described in the book “Akualand” by Author/Pharaoh Horus Michael although it is still listed as being classified by the Central Intelligence Agency.  This classification is a form of recognition by a real Nation to that of a Micronation.   Recognition is an important element for Statehood (example: “The Kingdom of Niihau – The Akua State”) that goes beyond making paper money or postage stamps. 

          The Kingdom is currently separate from the Island itself.  The island was conquered by Hurricane Iniki in year 1992 and purchased in year 2000 by M7.  The original owner died in year 2002.  The information about the ownership was leaked in 2004-2005 and someone on Wikipedia made a comment about it back then.  The island is a working Ranch with livestock and the residents who live there occasionally as a Native Hawaiian Reservation.  This means tourists are not allowed there.  The Pharaoh donated funds to help with Economic Stimulus that allowed businesses on other islands to be purchased; this included 3 shops on Lahaina, Maui (destroyed in August 2023 wildfires).  The Pharaoh tried to donate funds to help Maui recover, but the Biden Administration refused to help.  The President was more interested in World War 3 with Russia than with local issues.   A Russian Nuclear Submarine even visited the Island in that year.  The residents who are all Republicans voted for Donald Trump in the last election. 


          The President Donald Trump helped the Kingdom purchase more land for annexation.  He also prevented war with North Korea, which is closer to the island than the Mainland.  The island has a missile base loaned by the Barking Sands Base on West Kauai.   This base pays a lease to exist there.  If one uses Google Maps a runway can be seen on site.  President Trump nicknamed Pharaoh M7 “Little Napoleon” because of the Island Micronation (Napoleon I once ruled an island nation called Elba when he was first exiled). 

          The defenses of the Kingdom are Magical in nature.  Any Egyptian Magic book by the author can be read to defend the Kingdom, once spells are activated.  Entities summoned from Duat serve as its police force.  This is until the physical connection to the Island + Kingdom is created.

          The Pharaoh has decreed that patrons of his books have the option of Citizenship in the Kingdom, but this is not granted automatically – one has to ask to be a Citizen in person to Pharaoh Horus Michael I (MJC).  This prevents Spam admissions by Bots.  There are Bots on Social Media. One would ask for citizenship the same way one asks for an Autograph, on the book one purchased from the Author.  Follow the customs, Laws, and regulations of the Kingdom to be Citizens;   Mahalo. 


©M7C 2024




Wednesday, October 9, 2024

On Weather Magic (ATTN: MSNBC)...




On Weather Magic ©M7C 2024

In Ancient Egypt, if people worshiped Weather Gods, they could create Storms.  The Gods would get the credit of course, but the people caused the storms in developing Elemental Ability.  If people now believe “only God creates Storms” and calls anyone who does a “liar” (MSNBC), they are in for a shock.  If you want, “there are no Gods, only people” said Occultist Aleister Crowley, who could personally create thunder storms by hurling insults at the Weather Gods on top of a mountain.  Historically people who influenced the weather were called Prophets.  This is not about religion per se.  If a religion teaches you how to manipulate Natural Forces with your willpower and you become super-psychic as a result, then good.  If the Media spreads lies about it, then they are fodder for target practice by Elementals. 

©M7C 2024



Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Ask Athena to end the conflict in the Middle East...



Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War, was violated by the American Tourist who didn't accept that the Gods are real in his pro-Israeli stance.  His punishment was the War by Hamas in Israel.  One year later and no one has apologized to Athena.  If people did that, the war would end and she would be content.  Apparently Human People love war.  They make money from War.   Don't ask for things you don't really want.   Negative Prayer is when someone insults the Gods for a hostile reaction.  Dua Athena Ankh!

MC 2024.



Monday, October 7, 2024

Controlling the Weather 2 (Dua Sakhmet!)...




Hurricane Update:

After I wrote “Dua Sakhmet” a small storm became a category 5 Hurricane within a day.

Why Democrats don’t control the Weather. I do.  It’s called Elemental Chronokinesis.

Are there any Questions or Requests?  ©M7C 2024.



Hail Athena...



 Hail Athena, Greek Goddess of War & Wisdom:

  Hail Athena, Please Stop the War in Israel.  Israel asks for your forgiveness in the desecration of your Statue in the Israeli Museum on October 5, 2023 by that American Tourist.  It was the fault of the Ambassador to the USA for allowing him into Israel.   Mahalo.

MC 2024.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Controlling the Weather with Elemental Chronokinesis...




Why Democrats don’t control the Weather. I do.  It’s called Elemental Chronokinesis.

The Republicans know I control or influence the Weather, I also cause Earthquakes.  I started Earthquakes in the mid 1980s, and I also influenced Volcanic eruptions.  Elemental Chronokinesis is not something to “laugh at.”  It is a real ability.  It works when tied to my emotions, as an energy source (via Internal Emerauldium, the ‘green light I see in darkness’/my essence or Spirit).  The CIA believes this when they classified me top secret for conquering the USA in 1992 with Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki.  Pestilence is another form of Weather related concept with Elemental Chronokinesis.  Dua Sakhmet!

Copyright ©2024 Pharaoh Horus Michael I, Kingdom of Akua-Niihau. 

On Thursday, Republican senator Marjorie Taylor Greene went one step further by seemingly implying on her X account that Democrats controlled the weather for political gain. "Yes they can control the weather," said Taylor Greene. "It's ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done."

Post Script: I am not Democrat or Republican.  Just make me angry and see for yourself. 

©M7C 2024