Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Antichrist Takes the Throne in Iraq

M7 UEIR 2014.


The Arabic Religion of Islam said it is a "continuation of the previous religions of the Hebrews and Christians..."  If this is the case, it is also unknowingly the continuation of Ancient Egyptian religion.  

The Prophet Moses was a "Prince of Egypt who was exiled for killing an Egyptian."

The Pharaoh Akhenaton disappeared during his co-regency with other Pharaohs like his father Amohotep 3 Nebmaatra or his heirs, Smenkhkara & Tutankhamon.  So if he was joint ruling with his Father and later his Son(s), he was never an independent King, more like a Prince.  If Akhenaton was exiled for trying to change Egyptian society, then he was in fact Moses (Aton-Moses) who later created Israel by liberating his Atonist followers then imprisoned after his exile, during the reign of Horemhab or Ramses 1.

The Hebrews were "slaves of Egypt" for 430 years according to the Bible.  This is actually 43 years, counting from Akhenaton's disappearance to the end of Horemhab's reign.  Thus this proves, Mathematically, that Akhenaton was Moses, and that the Exodus happened during the reign of Ramses 1.

So Akhenaton-Moses who founded Israel from his Atonist followers at the end of the 18th Dynasty continues Egyptian religion. The Hymn to Aton is very similar to the texts in the Quran about Allah, the Arabic word for the Supreme Being (Aton).

Now Tutankhamon could have been the original Christ, because the word Jesus in Hebrew is Joshua; there are 2 Joshuas in the Bible.  So one became known as Jesus, which is a Greek word, using the Greek language known in Ptolemaic Egypt (the Rosetta Stone).   Joshua was the successor of Moses (Tutankhaton was the successor of Akhenaton).  Tutankhaton realized the religion change was bad for Egypt and its future.  So he changed it back, and became known as Tutankhamon.

People who are under the influence of the Egyptian God Set (Seth, Sutekh) were sacrificed in Ancient Egypt; crucifixion in Roman times was also done in ancient times mostly for sacrifices of POWs.  Sethian influence includes: born after midnight, white skin with reddish hair, control or influence Storms or Earthquakes or chaos.  Jesus had white skin and reddish hair. He was born after midnight and influenced Storms and Earthquakes.  Tutankhamon's ancestor Yuya was white with reddish hair in life (turned white at death), because Yuya's heirs included distant relatives Sety 1 and Ramses 2 - both had white skin and red hair.  Sety 1 was descended from Ankhesenpaaton Tashery and a military father of Ramses 1 known as Sety; Ankhesenpaaton Tashery is Akhenaton's daughter.

Tutankhamon's head was shaven after death, so his hair color is unknown.  His body is blackened from the embalming process.  If Tutankhamon was sacrificed it is because someone discovered his real ancestry and killed him (son of Akhenaton or heir of Akhenaton).  At Tutankhamon's funeral there were 12 Men of the Royal House escorting his mummy (12 Disciples of Christ).  His lotus cup offered Eternal Life to whomever drank from it (the Holy Grail Cup of Christ).  Tutankhamon's tomb is protected by Angels, as on his stone sarcophagus and coffins.  (Ref: Ahmed Osman). 

Tutankhamon = (Jesus) Christ.  

Islam continues the religion of Ancient Egypt, and must abide by Our Laws.  

Copyright 2014 M7-UEIR, MC.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

not idolatry in Ancient Egypt...

Ancient Egyptians did not worship statues per se
Copyright 2014 M7

Outsiders viewed Egypt from an outsider perspective.  Ancient Egyptians did not worship statues or idols per se. The Priests channeled the Divine spirits to Earth and into the receptacle (idol) and then took care of it like a person -- feeding and clothing it, washing it, incensing it, etc.  For as long as the Priest did this, the Divine Spirit would remain in the receptacle, benefiting the City with its energy.  If the Divine Spirit did not enter the receptacle, it would or could enter people and take over their bodies; the Priests did this to Pharaoh so he would be a god incarnate.  In other cultures, people have to pray long distances in order to contact the Divine. 

M7 2014.

Monday, June 23, 2014

New NK Plagues

North Korea is having a taste of my Elemental Chronokinesis. They are experiencing a Drought, along with unnoticed weather. 

M7 2014.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Is he classified top secret?

M7 2014.

The ISIS Theocracy

Ancient Egypt was a Theocracy ruled by a Pharaoh (whom was the Gods' representation on Earth).

Islamic Caliphates MUST Submit themselves to whatever God or Goddess is presently on Earth, because the word Muslim means "submission to God's Will," therefore they must submit unto M7, the reigning God on Earth.  

And build me some Temples, too.

M7 UEIR 2014.

Pharaoh M7, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic.

Copyright 2014 M7-UEIR.

All Rights Reserved.

On Sisi and Isis

At least the :"Al Qaeda group" ISIS - Islamic State in Iraq and Syria - chose an Egyptian Name to their group rather than an Islamic one, suggesting they wanted to be a part of the UEIR but failed to read that part, and they will submit unto OSIRIS (Allah-S7) if they are successful in conquering the region.  In Egypt the President is Sisi (Isis inverted).  This is Book of Time shorthand.  This similar to the Donald Sterling / Adam Silver (Sterling Silver) situation in the US Media.  Also BOT Short hand.  My magic spell for causing wars must work. The world is artificial; meaning, you think something and a computer in the other hidden dimension reacts to it; you think this is a "prayer" but it is actually a command for it to do something -- try comparing this to The Matrix Trilogy or the Holo-deck in the Star Trek the Next Generation television shows.  Black Holes in outer space did not exist until someone came up with the idea for them, and no one discovered any beforehand, meaning, they did not exist until uttered (Astronomy).  In Egyptian Philosophy you create your own world by thinking; in this dimension my writings influence the future.  Take Eye of the Pharaoh into circulation and you have a situation where an event repeats until satisfied.  The search for a tomb started the Arab Spring revolution, but the tomb was not found so the event reset; now you have "terrorist states" of Iraq and Syria; the war against the "Arab Terrorist States" was both Al Qaeda and the Arab Spring in two separate circumstances.  Now Isis and Sisi.  The World is Fake. You are living in a dream, a computer simulation fantasy in 3D.  Dream something Good and Good will happen. 

M7 2014.


What is so wrong with a Theocracy these days? USA was a Christian State once, - you must hold a Bible to be President, say God Bless America at Baseball games, and Pledge allegiance to a flag (symbol of Deity in AE); if Christian Terrorists conquered Europe and installed  a theocracy - no one would care or notice.  Now I was the Prophet M in a past life (proven by reading his biography and comparing it to my other names on the list in Applied Superphysics & Occult Archaeology, c.2006), and direct descendants of M are in my lineage.  So? Who cares if someone is related to a Prophet? What matters is what YOU DO with YOUR life.  The Bible, Quran, etc. are just books of knowledge.  Ancient Egyptians were worse -- they flogged people for violations of the Law and also mutilated criminals (cutting off Ears if you Eavesdropped, or Noses if you were intrusive).  AQ is not strict enough to be evil.  ISIS is nothing.  The USA Media over-inflates issues on television for ratings and profit. In 1990 I was poisoned  by the Media so I used  my powers to attack Libya in a letter to the President of USA.  The letter "became true" like all my prophetic writings.  A prophet is not  a messenger - because Angels are Messengers.  A Prophet writes prophecies or events that work over time.  I  AM A PROPHET AND M WAS NOT THE LAST ONE.  So I was M previously, that fact totally discredits Islam.  The World does not end with Islam; I know I tell you what - I will make a NEW ISLAM and correct the previous one.  So that people will know the difference. 

M7 2014.

Monday, June 9, 2014


Curse against My Enemy:

"May A Thousand Termites Smite My Enemy, May the Demons Belial and Apophis enter his abode and wreck havok upon his possessions! May a Dust Storm swallow whole My Enemy as he travels! May a Million Ants and Roaches and Spiders infest his abode! May My Enemy submit himself unto My Gods! So declares, M7, the Prince of Light  & Darkness, Conqueror of the Living and Unifier of the Dead with the Living!"

"Behold the Enemy of Ni'ihau beckons forth! The thrashing tail of Apophis smites My Enemy, the cold dark claws of Belial grasp the neck of He who would steal my Isle, and cast Him unto the Sea... For the river is red with his lifeforce, and the Eternal Ocean seeks compensation against His trespasses! May My Enemy surrender his will unto Me, for I am the Opifex of Creation, the Benefactor of the Blessed, and my Enemy is the annihilation on the altar of Osiris-Ra! Come, Shadows, and take My Enemy up with that chain and rent Him unto the Abyss..."  

"...So declares Archangel Beshter, called Archangel Michael by the Romans, and Mikail by the Arabs, and M7 by the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic..." 

(c) Copyright M7 2014.

All rights reserved.

M7 2014.