Thursday, September 15, 2016

Was Superman based on Moses?

Was Superman based on the Prophet Moses of the Bible?


1.  Arrived by space ship
2.  Alien / Foreign
3.  Was a Prince/Royalty
4.  Has Supernatural abilities
5.  Wants to save people


1.  Arrived in Egypt on a raft
2.  Foreigner
3.  Was a Prince/Royalty
4.  Had Supernatural abilities
5.  Messiah Complex

Copyright 2016 MJ Costa, All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Pharaocracy of Egypt

The Pharaocracy of Egypt

The Pharaocracy of Egypt: A Constitutional Democratic Monarchy
Ahmed Merenptah Marcaesar


The Pharaocracy of Egypt is a country where any Citizen can be elected to be Pharaoh via a Lottery system, leaving the office to the will of the Gods rather than voter-fraud in a corrupt electoral system. This Democratic Monarchy is an Osirian Government ruled by intellect in place of religion or the Military, an ideal alternative to Modern Politics. The Pharaocracy has 3 Main States: Lower Egypt, Central Egypt and Upper Egypt each governed by a Vizier; all other annexed lands are considered Provinces of the Empire, which is ruled by the Pharaoh.

M7, 2016.
UEIR/Kingdom of Niihau

Monday, September 12, 2016

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Why Egyptian Magic is Effective

Why Egyptian Magic is Effective
Copyright 2016 M7.

The reason: I venerate Ancient Egyptian Deities who have not been awake for at least 2000 years. Although some incarnate on Earth though mostly in the Entertainment field (because they like to impress fleshlings).  Egyptian Weather Deities caused or / are Climate Change in the present time.  Since Napoleon (M7) visited Egypt, the weather has changed.  So whether or not this is a naturally occurring pattern - Ice Ages have come and passed with Warming Periods, like the Red Spot on Jupiter - the Egyptian Deities influence the events on Earth and the Sun (Ra)'s solar storms.

Pharaoh M7, 
UEIR/Kingdom of Niihau.

Will the UEIR Conquer China?

China cannot claim Hawaii, because UEIR owns that after 1993 Conquest. UEIR can conquer China next, after we obliterate North Korea.  Does China like Natural Disasters not caused by their pollution?  (Tsunamis, Earthquakes, War, Chaos, Water turning into blood (See Russia rivers), etc.).

M7, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic,
Kingdom of Niihau, Province of Iapana, UEIR.

M7 2016.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fat Boy in NK is testing the waters

Why won't Un let up?
The UEIR - who by the way already conquered NK in 1994 online - owns the USA and most of the known World (classified top secret by US Gov).  What does the prick want?

M7-UEIR 2016.