Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Republic of Kings

The UEIR is a Republic of Kings
Copyright © 2019 M7

Originally the Nine Sovereign Princes ruled Ancient Atlantis, whom became the Ennead in the Ancient Egyptian religion.  The Prince of Peace, the Prince of Light, the Prince of War, the Prince of Darkness, and other Sovereign-Princes governed as a Republic in the City Forum, and met once or twice a year to discuss world affairs.

The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic is comprised of many Independent Kingdoms, Sultanates, Emirates, and other governments, including the Empire. It also has a Temple-Feudalism for the economy, including the Technocracy, or government ruled by Technology (AI).  For application to Government one has to undergo a Government Simulation (VR) of various possible events to be qualified as a candidate for any high office.   The UEIR is based in Duat, the Egyptian Netherworld (where Lord S7 hails from as an Osiris-King).  

© M7 2019.