Thursday, April 25, 2024

Gambling Addiction of POTUS?




The President’s Gamble ©M7C 2024

When I was President Kennedy in 1963, there was an issue with Russia and Nuclear Weapons.  Russia secretly placed ICBMs in Cuba, within range of hitting the USA after USA placed missiles in close range to USSR in Europe.  This could have led to World War 3, which is Nuclear War.   This has to be avoided.  Recently USA secretly sent Long-Range Missiles into Ukraine, which is why Russia was threatening their Nuclear Weapons again.  Whether it is Drones or ICBMs, USA is currently at war with Russia via Ukraine.  Iran gave weapons to Russia for support, as did North Korea.  China sent Russia technology that Russian companies can use to make weapons in the war in Ukraine (Province).  So USA is at war with Russia, Iran, North Korea and China, via the “war in Ukraine” according to President Joe Biden. 

President Biden is gambling with American Tax revenue.  He sends money to support Proxy Wars (Ukraine, Israel, Iraq/Syria, etc.).  He wants more money so he is overtaxing the American People for this Gambling Addiction – now he wants to Tax the Wealthy with an annual 25% Wealth Tax on assets over $100M.   He also wants to Tax the Mega-Churches that are multimillionaires. 

President Biden has a Gambling Addiction problem.  Ukraine keeps asking for more support because the tables are against them since other countries are supporting Russia now.  He turns a blind eye to my Imperial-Govt. that is trying to keep the peace after it conquered the World with Divine Intervention in 2020.  Have you noticed the Custom Weather lately?  It’s not just amplified by Climate Change.  It is willed when someone reads the appropriate Weather “buttons” in the Effective Egyptian Magic Spell books.  If someone in Russia reads any of my Custom Weather Spells the effect is in their back yard.  Dua Sakhmet!

Recently I activated a Peace Spell, the next week Pope Francis gave an interview on CBS News.  It’s like I activated the Pope.  I have Spells designed for use against any enemy or rogue States.  What does one say to a person in charge of a “superpower” country that has a Gambling Addiction related to Power?  He is also the only viable candidate for President left on the ballot that isn’t corrupt.  I cannot vote myself in because I am not a politician or registered as either Political Party.  I also would not want to, I wanted to be a writer not POTUS in 1960s.  I was coerced to become President because a sister of that life wanted me in that role.  “If your older brother doesn’t return from the War, you could be President, Jack!” 

Somehow Camelot is not a Democracy.  And King Arthur was killed, remember?  Then there is my top-secret Nuclear Submarine, Excalibur, parked near Russia that obeys my thought-broadcast frequency.   ©M7C 2024. 




Monday, April 22, 2024

Why Russia?

Why is it that when Russia is losing a battle against minor issues (Ukraine) they always threaten "Nuclear War" as a fear tactic?  So Russia loses Ukraine - Russia will still exist.  They are not being overrun or overthrown.  It is just a minor former Province.  Get over it.  If Vladimir Putin lost reelection he would still threaten "Nuclear War" to stay in power.  

M7C 2024.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Why Gold?

Why would people resort to Gold whenever the economy in foreign nations has nothing to do with current events?   Gold isn't a currency in USA.  There are laws against it.  You may own Gold, not use it as Money.  At the present time, in USA you cannot use Gold as a backup currency.  So buying Gold and Silver serves no logical purpose; this isn't Ancient Rome.  Even if the Dollar were to CTD, all countries that peg their currency value to it will also be worthless paper.  Crypto-currency isn't even real.  It is bits of data on a computer. You cannot run computers on non-solar power with Crypto in a modern economy that depends on electricity purchased by real currency.  You could buy my books and use them as currency, as only my books cause events by reading them, because I am super-physical in nature, and classified top secret by the CIA for expressing myself.  

M7C 2024.

KON proposed Abortion Law...




Proposed Abortion Law in the Kingdom of Akua-Niihau ©M7C 2024


In order to retain the rights of women in the populace, the suggestion that all Abortions will remain legal in the following context:

One, that all Human-to-Human Sexual Activity be restricted to Human Reproduction Only, and testing of Human Sexual Components under the observation of Medical Facilities or Fertility clinics.

Two, that all Human Abortions never become excessive, out of inconvenience or neglect. It is the responsibility of being a Parent not as a provider of genetic material, except as a donation to a Sperm or Egg Bank.

Three, Human-to-Spirit Sexual Activity is legal as it does not result in Human Reproduction. This includes Astral Projection Sexual contact. 

Four, Abortions are permitted when harm to the fetus or parent is likely, or certain Genetic illnesses or viruses are present that would impair the fetus to a life of hardship or disease.

Five, Abortion is not the same as Murder.  While connected to the Mother the fetus is part of the Mother and is not independent from her until it breathes the air on its own and is disconnected or outside of the Mother. 

Six, Life exists as Sperm cells.  The Moment of Conception is irrelevant. 

Seven, Male Ejaculation is the removal of Sperm cells from the Male participant, whether or not this is used in Human Reproduction.   Removal is not considered Murder either as this may occur by itself.  Sperm Banks may accept donations of Genetic Material for Scientific Testing or future reproduction purposes. 

Eight, the act of Sexual Contact is for the Purpose of Procreation and not as “entertainment” which promotes Abortion as its only solution.  The act is the result of Brain Chemical Release during Sexual contact, which can be remedied in other ways without becoming Pregnant out of carelessness.  Abuse of Sexual Contact causes Rape, Incest, harassment, assault and other real crimes.  

Nine, Consenting Adults may practice Sexual Contact once they are ready to form a Family unit.  This should pre-exist Marriage in case one is discovered to be Infertile after Marriage. 

Ten, Human cloning of embryos or genetic material will be considered for medical testing, Stem Cell research, reproduction of vital organs in the lab, or other Scientific experiments.  These may result from donation of Genetic Materials and paid to the donors if necessary.

Eleven, forms of Fertilization are still legal. Contraception is also legal but will be unnecessary once this proposed legislation is accepted. 

Twelve, the Human form of “spay/neutering” may be considered if Abortion Laws are not observed.  Human Cloning with AI will also be considered. 

Thirteen, should Oral copulation cause Oral Cancer it should be restricted to prevent Cancer. 

Fourteen, Latex Condoms and other products are still legal.

Fifteen, Endorphin release can be recreated in medical or recreational drugs without need for actual Human sexual contact. This may lead to Addiction. 

Sixteen, the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Robotic Technology can simulate artificial Sexual Activity that gathers Genetic materials without Human intervention.  

Seventeen, Sexual Education should be instructed by age 13 in schools or in private tutoring. 

Eighteen, a Parent or Legal Guardian must be present during any Abortion procedure when a teenager or young adult is considering this.  They must also sign all required paperwork to the Medical Facility.

Nineteen, burial / cremation / other disposal of the fetus may be decided by the Medical Facility in accordance with the Parent’s wishes or religious or cultural observations.  It may also be donated to Science. 

Twenty, Smoking cigarettes harms the fetus, as do most recreational drugs, which may prompt an Abortion.  Teach responsibility to lessen the need for Laws. 

Copyright © 2024 M7C Kingdom of Akua-Niihau.  



On repetition in events...



If I write about a Storm coming on a day with a clear sky, and someone reads the comment, and a storm does happen later that week even though the Weather is set to be clear, it would seem writing it would set the event in Time for someone to activate it however many times later.   So given that, how many times did the weather "rain" or cause "earthquakes" in the same Time period as when my readers found those comments?

M7C 2024.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Current events...



If Iran tests a Nuclear Weapon on Israel, and Israel uses its Nuclear Weapons in return, and USA comes to the defense of Israel, would Russia intervene and -- fulfill Chapter 21 of my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh?

MC 2024.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Proposed "wealth tax"

POTUS Biden recently proposed a "wealth tax of 25% on all Americans who have $100M+ in Wealth."  This apparently does not apply to M7 who is classified top secret and owns the Govt. after 1993, among other properties.  This proposition will probably fail unless it is an executive order.   If it is a one-time tax or annually this is not stated; if annually the tax will be 100% in 4 years.  This is a good idea to pledge allegiance to Pharaoh M7 of the Pharaocracy and apply for dual citizenship in case Biden loses reelection or this bill passes.  If he loses, Trump will repeal it, and place a 25% tax on all Democrat Politicians.  Greed is a Sin.  So is Coveting your Neighbor's Goat.  If USA cannot function with existing taxes because it pays its officials too much profit from the people, it should be reorganized.  M7C 2024.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The coming tide...




King Donald the Antichrist © S7 2024

On November 5, 2024 if former President Donald John Trump is elected President of the USA, the following may happen:

He will pardon all participants of his stated coup from January 6, and give them leadership positions in his new Govt.

Abortion will be illegal in USA.

The Political Party of Democrat will be illegal.  Only Republican Party will be legal.

Any threats to his leadership will be arrested or killed.

He will impose Martial Law if his plans are not fulfilled.

The USA Constitution will be burnt, and all Freedoms illegal.

He will close the Border with Mexico and shoot anyone crossing the borders into USA with artillery (run by Artificial Intelligence, not human people).

He will declare war on Iran and allow Israel to destroy Palestine.

He will order USA Military to leave Ukraine, and allow Russia to absorb it along with most of Europe.

He will order USA to leave NATO.

The USA Dollar will cease to have value.  People will resort to using Hard Currency (gold, silver, other commodities).  The New Currency will have his portrait on it.

Christianity will be the only authorized religion in USA. (As S7 is the Christ this won’t matter as Donald is Antichrist). 

Gender Rights will change back to pre-1970 legislation.

Hispanic immigrants from Southern America could be enslaved or human trafficking made legal.

USA will place a Trade Embargo on Chinese products if they invade Taiwan.

Anything Made in USA will sell for a premium. 

All progressive laws will be rescinded. 

Police who don’t follow his rules will be replaced by AI Police.  

Workers who are in unions that protest his rule will be replaced by AI.

Liberal Television networks (MSNBC, CNN) will go off the air.

Religious Televised Evangelists will be on every television station in place of commercials. 

Political biographies of King Donald will be posted in Public places and libraries.

Posters of King Donald will be on every wall, in every public place (like in China or Russia).

There will be an alliance between USA, Russia and China. 

The Islamic State will be hunted into extinction as Islam will be illegal in USA.

Saudi Arabia will be annexed and its oil revenue nationalized.

Climate Change will increase since King Donald doesn’t regard it as real.

AI soldiers will replace civilian police or Law Enforcement.

The IRS and Social Security will be abolished. 

All Taxes will serve the Dictatorship and King Donald’s personal businesses.  

Taiwan will be colonized.

North Korea will absorb South Korea or attempt to take advantage of USA’s plight to attack USA (Hawaii), and will be destroyed in the process of this coup.

South America may become Feudalism. 

Marijuana will be legalized in USA.  This is probably the only good part about it.

Mexico will be invaded and annexed to USA. This will end migrant pathways to USA.

NATO nations will be attacked by Russia without help from USA (see above).

The United Nations will be the new command center of the Dictatorship.

King Donald will declare himself God and order statues erected in his image in marble and granite.  All who desecrate his statues will be executed.

King Donald will write his own Constitution of the Dictatorship of USA and post it to Truth-Social website.

© S7 2024.  




Sunday, April 7, 2024

King Tut as warrior king?


  Does this prove the accuracy of my first novel, Eye of the Pharaoh? MC 2024.


Friday, April 5, 2024

More quakes in USA..

There was an unusual Earthquake in the New York and New Jersey region today.   Reading about Earthquakes may contribute to experiencing them in one's Area of Effect or Radius of the person who is reading it here.  If everyone who views my blogs would contribute to my book sales I would be a best-selling Author just by views alone.  Mahalo. 

MC 2024.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

There was an Earthquake in Taiwan on April 3, 2024.

Quake reveals day of Jesus' crucifixion, researchers believe
Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was most likely crucified on Friday, April 3 in the year 33 AD, geologists say. They base their conclusion on a review of seismic activity.


 Tuesday, September 12, 2023
The Taiwan-China issue...?

If China wants to go to "war with the USA over Taiwan" I could probably simply destroy Taiwan with an Earthquake or Tsunami or Hurricane, thus solving the problem, you know, until someone like Elon Musk buys Taiwan and gives it to China (unless Someone already bought one or the other).  Of course no one is going to buy it.  Or Buy Taiwan and annex it to China (M7) or USA (S7).

M7C 2023.

Taiwan's strongest earthquake in nearly 25 years damages buildings and causes a small tsunami  Updated Tue, April 2, 2024 at 8:01 PM PDT (7.4 r/s):

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan's strongest earthquake in a quarter century rocked the island during the morning rush Wednesday, damaging buildings and creating a tsunami that washed ashore on southern Japanese islands. There were no immediate reports of deaths or injuries, and the tsunami threat largely passed about two hours later.

Now if China doesn't know this the Quake was from 2023.  Whoever is reading my blogs caused it or activated it. 

M7C 2024.