Friday, July 26, 2024

Light Drizzle..




I wanted Rain but… ©M7C 2024

Using Be your own Chronokinetic Superhero book:

I cast a rain spell yesterday (7/25/2024) and today there was Light Drizzle in the region.  I cast it by placing my business card touching the spell and closed the book on it.  This touching is like pressing a button on a keyboard, after I read it. 

Most of my Fiction or Science Fiction stories are still Fictional.  My first one (as you know) influenced future events because it was a best-seller and many people read it.  The book was done in March 14, 1990.  In 1991 to the End Times, anything in there was Fictional at the time of writing.  Real events after 1991 include the real War on Islamic (Arabic) Terrorism which no one else predicted, the war with Russia and Iran (currently by Proxy, using American-made weapons in Ukraine vs. Russia, Iran and North Korea), and the Apocalypse in Chapter 22.  The Apocalypse is the keyword for the book of Revelation prophecy.  The 4 Horsemen (War, Famine, Pestilence, Death), the Antichrist (DJT), the book on the lap of the Angel (Eye), the Kingdom of God/Osiris (Akua-Niihau), and the return of Christ (Horus) are all relevant.  Other books have some events but they were not best-sellers.

©M7C 2024




Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Be Responsible...




The Responsible Reader ©M7C 2024

When reading any Egyptian Magic Book, be careful about Magic Spells.  Books of this nature are not “normal books” that one simply reads for pleasure or knowledge.  A line from The MummyNo harm ever came from reading a book” is referenced in my works. 

The Responsible Reader doesn’t read an entire Magic Book in one day and expects nothing will happen.   Look on the News on Television / Internet that week.  Look up all the actions you influenced by reading the book!  While the ignorant will scoff or laugh it up at this, the Responsible Reader knows better than to feign stupidity when a former USA President is shot, another gets Covid19, Russia arrests American Journalists for Espionage, a heat wave hits the Mid-West USA, flash floods strike Ethiopia, a computer glitch from Crowd-strike affects every Microsoft computer and causes the cancellation of flights, a new strain of Covid19 infects my family, or other disasters all in the same week following the reading of one Magic book by the Author, sold the previous week.  

Be a Responsible Reader.

©M7C 2024.



Thursday, July 18, 2024

On Hypnosis...




Hypnosis in Magic ©M7C 2024


When Human people go to school, they are educated with information.  Humans think by association of words with information.  The keyword will associate all the information programmed into the individual.  When the keyword is written or spoken, it acts like a Hypnotic Agent and the information that was programmed into the person is instantly remembered and acted upon. 

If you know what a Frog is, and the behavior of a Frog, you will behave like a Frog when the keyword is spoken following indoctrination of the information (in passive form).  The Stage Magician takes over the person by accessing their core programming.  The Stage Magician will control the person briefly and return them to normal without any memory of the event.  The Keyword is the Magic Word.  The programmed information is the religious book, and the keyword is the Magic Spell that acts upon that lore.  The USA Army and the Islamic State both use Hypnosis to control their soldiers.  The USA Army first breaks the will of their soldiers with “Boot Camp” so they will not resist instruction.  The Islamic State uses the Quran as information programming, with Keywords associated with their training to activate a sequence of actions.  The Keywords could be coded religious words found in Islam. 

The information usually is repeated prior to the keyword’s utterance.  A line from the Bible linked to a mass shooting or bombing or other action.   The religious priest just quotes the Bible or other book to activate the “soldiers” or “lone actors.” 

Spirit Possession is not Hypnosis.  This is when a person’s consciousness is distracted and an outside being enters their body and takes over.  People who are Mass-hypnotized will behave like they’re possessed but this can end by turning off all surrounding social media or televisions or radios.  Actual Possession doesn’t care about words.  Doors do not open themselves.  A wandering Ka Spirit is common for Spirit Possession since most people stopped the belief in Spirits when they negated religion.  If a person’s Ka is displaced (no funeral for example) it will haunt the last place of residence.  It can talk and be heard; however Medical people do not accept the reality of this, so they will medicate whoever talks about it.  Most wandering Ka Spirits can enter into people and behave like their original body; this is not actual Reincarnation of the Soul, rather it is partial Reincarnation.  Many people believe they are King Tutankhamon reborn as his Ka wandered about since 1922.  Only one is the real reincarnate (M7) of his Soul/Akh.  The same is with other notable historical personalities.  

©M7C 2024.  




Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Protection Spell worked on July 13, 2024..



In one of my books, a Protection Spell was Active.   As to why Donald Trump is in my Magical Radius is probably related to my AI Images of him, not because I have any personal non-political attachment to him.  Protection Spells protect anyone in my Area of Effect/Magical Radius or "Inner Circle."  Trump mentioned that "God protected him on July 13th."  Also a Success Spell was active this week.  Trump's trial for Classified Documents was declared a Mistrial by the Trump-appointed Judge Cannon, saying the trial was not in line with the Constitution.  If the Constitution is that difficult to interpret, why don't we simplify it?  Revision by an independent Govt. entity, not Trump's.  Success Spells use the Ancient Egyptian word True-of-voice, which has multiple definitions like with most Hieroglyphs.  It can be "Justified" or "Innocent" or "Manifests by the word," etc.  

MC 2024.

I hope Donald Trump realizes his vulnerability and changes his political tenets.  

MC 2024.  


Revelation 13:3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

July 13, 3pm (Pacific Time)


Monday, July 15, 2024

Injustice in America?

 The American Judge deciding to oversee the Classified Documents case against the ex-Potus 45 is an example of Injustice in America.  As a Classified Person myself, this Trump-appointed "Judge" has no clue what happens to Classified information once in the public and especially in the possession of current non-employees of the Federal Govt.   My Classified Top Secret information was leaked to the Public by Neighbors who have No Clearance to do so, and this is a Felony / Major Crime in USA, a violation of the Espionage Act.  To allow the former President access to said information is illegal unless he is President, which he is not.  People who know my information have made credible threats to my safety.  I counter that with my Classified abilities.  Judge Cannon must be disbarred from the practice of Law since she was unlawfully appointed.  I will ask Anubis this in the Court of Ma'at in Duat.  People calling me "crazy" are exposed to information they do not comprehend, as with anything Classified Top Secret by the CIA/NSA and Secret Service.   People calling me a "secret agent" are also illegal.  This is not about Politics,  this is National Security.  Mahalo.  Copyright M7C 2024.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Spying on me...



  So some Arabs are reading page 18 of my recently purchased book, I am a Kheriheb - High Priest of Ancient Egypt, according to the details in their gossip.  July 14, 2024.  Mahalo for your interest in my work.  

M7C 2024.


No Belching Data...




No Belching Data Plz ©M7C 2024


It is a fact that Humans have an intellectual capacity.  Once full of information and misinformation, they start to belch it back up and negate everything until empty.