Pope John Paul 2 as Saint JP2:
Why is he being honored for the “miracle of prayer” when it is clear the prayer answered itself, had the person prayed to herself with the same amount of faith it would have happened anyway; Belief Forces will – First Law of Applied Superphysics ©1998 MJC. Pray to a door knob and see if this works; don’t go worshipping it if it does though because you would be missing the point of the experiment. I can pray to myself and it will still work; Pharaoh Amonhotep 3 did that, and guess what happened? He was venerated as a living god by the Egyptians. Prayer is a mental ability, religion tells you to focus on an external element to concentrate on; do not make the mistake of believing it was caused by that object of focus. This is a natural fact. © MC 2011.
ROME – Thousands of young people flooded an ancient Roman field Saturday for an all-night prayer vigil honoring Pope John Paul II on the eve of his beatification, remembering his teachings, travels and his own suffering.
Pilgrims waving flags from Poland, Spain Germany and Brazil filled the Circus Maximus, which twinkled with the light of thousands of candles as choirs from John Paul's native Poland, the Philippines and Italy sang. They listened as a French nun who suffered from Parkinson's recounted how she was cured after praying to John Paul, who also battled the same disease.
The Vatican has decreed that Sister Marie Simone-Pierre's inexplicable healing was the miracle needed to beatify John Paul, a process that will reach its culmination Sunday during a Mass in St. Peter's Square celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI.
Benedict put John Paul on the fast-track for possible sainthood when he dispensed with the traditional five-year waiting period and allowed the beatification process to begin weeks after his April 2, 2005 death. Benedict was responding to chants of "Santo Subito" or "Sainthood Immediately" which erupted during John Paul's funeral.
On Saturday night, a "Santo Subito" banner was emblazoned on the side of the Circus Maximus field, and film of John Paul's final moments and his funeral reminded those gathered of the tearful days many had witnessed six years earlier, when St. Peter's overflowed with some 3 million people paying their last respects to the pope.
"He died a saint," Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, John Paul's longtime secretary, told the crowd.
The vigil was to last all night, a so-called "white night" of prayer to be continued in eight churches kept open in the city center before barricades around St. Peter's Square open to pilgrims at 5:30 a.m. (0330GMT) for the 10 a.m. (0800GMT) beatification Mass.
The beatification is taking place despite a steady drumbeat of criticism about the record-fast speed with which John Paul is being honored, and continued outrage about the clerical abuse scandal: Many of the crimes and cover-ups of priests who raped children occurred on John Paul's 27-year watch.
"I hope he didn't know about the pedophiles," said Sister Maria Luisa Garcia, a Spanish nun attending the vigil. "If he did, it was an error. But no one is perfect, only God."
At the very least, she said, the church had learned as a result of the scandal, "that a person's dignity, especially a child's, is more important than the church's image."
Video montages shown during the vigil showed various scenes of John Paul's lengthy pontificate, his teachings about marriage and justice. One of the first shown was of his final Easter, when he was unable to speak from his studio window, too hobbled by Parkinson's, and only managed a weak blessing of the crowd.
Sister Marie, the French nun, said that at the time she couldn't bear to watch John Paul's condition worsen because she knew his slow decline would be her fate.
"In him, I was reminded of what I was living through," she told the crowd. "But I always admired his humility, his strength, his courage."
Wearing her simple white habit and a black cardigan, she recounted to the crowd her now well-known tale: She said that on June 2, 2005 she told her superior she felt she could no longer continue her work helping new mothers because her Parkinson's symptoms had worsened and she had little strength left.
Her superior, she said, told her that "John Paul II hasn't had the last word" and that she should pray.
She said she woke up the following morning "feeling something had changed in me." She said she went to the chapel and prayed. "I wasn't the same. I knew I had been cured."
The Vatican's complicated saint-making procedures require that a miracle attributed to the candidate's intercession be confirmed before beatification, the first step to possible sainthood.
The crowd on the Circus Maximus had the feel of a World Youth Day, the once-ever-three-year event John Paul launched to energize young Catholics that became a hallmark of his pontificate. Groups of young people danced and sang, many carrying backpacks and sleeping bags in preparation for a night to be spent outdoors.
"It's true that nowadays most of the young don't care about religion, but John Paul showed us love, and love is all we need," said Matea Sarlija, a 21-year-old Croat who spent 10 hours on a bus to arrive in Rome for the vigil.
Rome itself seemed invaded by Poles overjoyed that their native son was being honored. Special trains, planes and buses were shuttling Poles in for the beatification, which is drawing some 16 heads of state and five members of European royal houses.
"I'm here because I think it's my duty, a duty for all the society of my country, to show what a big big man John Paul was," said Stanislaw Roguski, a pilgrim from Warsaw who arrived in Rome by bus on Saturday afternoon.
In Krakow, where John Paul was archbishop, two TV screens at two different sites are to broadcast the beatification ceremony Sunday from Rome. Houses were decorated with Poland's white-and-red flags and the Vatican's white-and-yellow colors.
The vigil featured televised hookups from five Marian shrines in Krakow, Mexico, Tanzania, Portugal and Lebanon, where the faithful were also celebrating.
"He was a person who elevated the faith," said Jorge Lopez Baracenas, a 70-year-old who was attending the vigil in Mexico City's Virgen of Guadalupe Basilica.
Some 3,000 people gathered at the God's Mercy Sanctuary in the Lagiewniki district of Krakow, watching the Roman ceremony on large TV screens and at one point holding a joint rosary prayer.
Vatican officials have insisted that John Paul deserves beatification despite the fallout from the abuse scandal, saying the saint-making process isn't a judgment of how he administered the church but rather whether he lived a life of Christian virtue.
But victims' groups such as the U.S. Survivors Network for Those Abused by Priests have said the speedy beatification was just "rubbing more salt in these wounds" of victims.
And Le Soir, the main French-speaking newspaper in Belgium, charged Saturday that the pace of the beatification contrasted sharply with the "lengthy wait" victims of abuse had to endure for justice. Belgium's Catholic Church has been rocked by new reports of hundreds of victims as well as the resignation of its longest-serving bishop who admitted to abusing two nephews.
"This is the (beatification) of a man obsessed by the rights of unborn children (and the rejection of condoms) but who allowed those same children to be without protection by not addressing ... the question of pedophile priests during his reign," the editorial said.
Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, retired head of the Vatican's saint-making office, said Saturday the investigation into John Paul's life had taken the clerical abuse scandal into account but that John Paul can't be held responsible for something he didn't know about.
"If I'm not informed of something, what guilt do I have?" he asked rhetorically. "This didn't touch at all the holiness of John Paul."
Saturday, April 30, 2011
On the Angelic Nature of Sympathy
On the Angelic Nature of Sympathy
© Copyright 2011 M7C
Whenever someone is deeply depressed, their life is under duress, or life seems hopeless, something happens that ends that state of emotion and turns it into happiness, if not briefly.
1. Jim Carry (Comedian, Actor) was once depressed or had a mid-life crisis, and he appealed to a higher power, then his life was back to normal and gained financial freedom.
2. Author J.K. Rowling was struggling to make ends meet when she wrote the first Harry Potter book, and was discovered as a new talent in an otherwise saturated field of magic and fantasy. She is now a multi-billionaire.
3. Whenever I am playing the online game, World of Warcraft, or am at an Indian Casino, my mind tends to drift, and I become slightly depressed if I am not winning anything; minutes later I win something, or an item on the in-game auction (in WOW) sells and I earn virtual currency.
4. People who are poor but have industrial ambition tend to be depressed at first, then succeed.
5. People who are at the top of the financial spectrum become upset or angry when life doesn’t get better, but not depressed.
6. There may be a Scientific reason for the above, but further study is required.
7. Do not stop treatment for Depression just because the illness may save your life.
©Copyright M7C 2011.
© Copyright 2011 M7C
Whenever someone is deeply depressed, their life is under duress, or life seems hopeless, something happens that ends that state of emotion and turns it into happiness, if not briefly.
1. Jim Carry (Comedian, Actor) was once depressed or had a mid-life crisis, and he appealed to a higher power, then his life was back to normal and gained financial freedom.
2. Author J.K. Rowling was struggling to make ends meet when she wrote the first Harry Potter book, and was discovered as a new talent in an otherwise saturated field of magic and fantasy. She is now a multi-billionaire.
3. Whenever I am playing the online game, World of Warcraft, or am at an Indian Casino, my mind tends to drift, and I become slightly depressed if I am not winning anything; minutes later I win something, or an item on the in-game auction (in WOW) sells and I earn virtual currency.
4. People who are poor but have industrial ambition tend to be depressed at first, then succeed.
5. People who are at the top of the financial spectrum become upset or angry when life doesn’t get better, but not depressed.
6. There may be a Scientific reason for the above, but further study is required.
7. Do not stop treatment for Depression just because the illness may save your life.
©Copyright M7C 2011.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Horu the Guardian of Kemet
Horu, the Guardian of Kemet,
is a new epic Fantasy novel I wrote in 2010. It predates the new movie, "Thor - god of lightning" and perhaps is similar to it and of course Iron-Man 2 and X-Men, like most comic book type genre. My book focuses on the Egyptian gods as super heroes.
MC 2011.
is a new epic Fantasy novel I wrote in 2010. It predates the new movie, "Thor - god of lightning" and perhaps is similar to it and of course Iron-Man 2 and X-Men, like most comic book type genre. My book focuses on the Egyptian gods as super heroes.
MC 2011.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Haplogroup g2 p15
National Geographic Genographics Haplogroup G2 P15
In 2008 I had a genetic test done by the National Geographic Genographic Project, a study of chromosome DNA that could trace genetic ancestry. I chose to test my Y-Chromosome (Father’s line). I found that it was mostly from North Africa and the Middle East. Also my surname “Costa” has Hebrew connections in Portugal and Spain. This assisted my study, proving that I am descended from Ancient Hebrews and Sumerians (the people who founded Ancient Egypt were from the Northern Middle East). As you know, the Hebrews were once in Egypt. They were in royalty before they were “slaves,” probably during the 18th Dynasty when Pharaoh Horemhab destroyed the city of Akhetaton and “enslaved” the inhabitants who worshiped Aton, the Solar Disk of Egyptian Monotheism. So I could be related to the Egyptian Pharaohs of that Dynasty, or better still, a direct descendant of Ramses II the Great, who had hundreds of children. I always had the notion that I was “Egyptian”, sort of like a psychic feeling; I also correctly stated my blood type before I had a blood test to confirm it (AB+; Egyptians have this blood type too). My father’s family is from Madeira Islands in Portugal, but the P-15 is Hebrew, suggesting emigration from Israel or Judea a few centuries ago. My DNA also is found among Polynesians (Hawaii).
© Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.
In 2008 I had a genetic test done by the National Geographic Genographic Project, a study of chromosome DNA that could trace genetic ancestry. I chose to test my Y-Chromosome (Father’s line). I found that it was mostly from North Africa and the Middle East. Also my surname “Costa” has Hebrew connections in Portugal and Spain. This assisted my study, proving that I am descended from Ancient Hebrews and Sumerians (the people who founded Ancient Egypt were from the Northern Middle East). As you know, the Hebrews were once in Egypt. They were in royalty before they were “slaves,” probably during the 18th Dynasty when Pharaoh Horemhab destroyed the city of Akhetaton and “enslaved” the inhabitants who worshiped Aton, the Solar Disk of Egyptian Monotheism. So I could be related to the Egyptian Pharaohs of that Dynasty, or better still, a direct descendant of Ramses II the Great, who had hundreds of children. I always had the notion that I was “Egyptian”, sort of like a psychic feeling; I also correctly stated my blood type before I had a blood test to confirm it (AB+; Egyptians have this blood type too). My father’s family is from Madeira Islands in Portugal, but the P-15 is Hebrew, suggesting emigration from Israel or Judea a few centuries ago. My DNA also is found among Polynesians (Hawaii).
© Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The popular religious expression: "Jesus Christ died for your sins..."
If he died for the sins of everyone, then it's done.
You're Saved!
(Why then must we continue to go to Church? Isn't it pointless by now?
We are saved.) :)
M7 2011.
Note: 99% of Niihau Island is Christian (before 2002 CE).
M7 :)
If he died for the sins of everyone, then it's done.
You're Saved!
(Why then must we continue to go to Church? Isn't it pointless by now?
We are saved.) :)
M7 2011.
Note: 99% of Niihau Island is Christian (before 2002 CE).
M7 :)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
render unto Caesar...
The Financial status of Christ
Copyright 2011 MC
By analyzing the Bible, Christ was not exactly a poor prophet as the Bible alludes to. For one, after his death
by crucifixion, he was buried in a tomb, not a common grave. Another, at the Last Supper he drank Wine, not the more
common beer. People paid him for the sermons he gave, much like a modern political speech. He attracted people far and wide, and this supplied him with coin; including the entire wealth of one Widow who gave him her last coins (Widow mites).
Likewise the Poor Knights of Christ - the Templar Knights - may have started out 'poor' but soon amassed riches from protection of the poor pilgrims that visited holy sites.
MC, 2011.
Copyright 2011 MC
By analyzing the Bible, Christ was not exactly a poor prophet as the Bible alludes to. For one, after his death
by crucifixion, he was buried in a tomb, not a common grave. Another, at the Last Supper he drank Wine, not the more
common beer. People paid him for the sermons he gave, much like a modern political speech. He attracted people far and wide, and this supplied him with coin; including the entire wealth of one Widow who gave him her last coins (Widow mites).
Likewise the Poor Knights of Christ - the Templar Knights - may have started out 'poor' but soon amassed riches from protection of the poor pilgrims that visited holy sites.
MC, 2011.
replace failing US Currency...
Abandon the Dollar to solve America's debts
There are 2 factors to consider:
1. It is just paper. The United Nations chose to 'forgive the debts' of developing countries in
Africa, wiping out their debt. Why borrow someone else's paper to pay for USA's paper money Debt?
2. Stop using the Old Dollar and make a New Dollar. Mexico did this with the Peso and New Peso.
And Stop "borrowing" against an idea.
M7C 2011
Social Security - solution
1. Legalize Gambling in all 50 states and create Casinos in non-profit hotels,
a large % of profits to go to Social Security.
2. This is instead of using the Stock Market to pay for SS; as Stocks are a form of gambling and is legal in all 50 States anyway.
3. End Taxes to SS in income tax forms.
MC 2011
There are 2 factors to consider:
1. It is just paper. The United Nations chose to 'forgive the debts' of developing countries in
Africa, wiping out their debt. Why borrow someone else's paper to pay for USA's paper money Debt?
2. Stop using the Old Dollar and make a New Dollar. Mexico did this with the Peso and New Peso.
And Stop "borrowing" against an idea.
M7C 2011
Social Security - solution
1. Legalize Gambling in all 50 states and create Casinos in non-profit hotels,
a large % of profits to go to Social Security.
2. This is instead of using the Stock Market to pay for SS; as Stocks are a form of gambling and is legal in all 50 States anyway.
3. End Taxes to SS in income tax forms.
MC 2011
Select Videos
Alexander the Great / Caesar:
M7 2011
M7 2011
The Michael and Nebkhperura Comparison
The Michael and Nebkhperura Comparison
© Copyright 2011 MJC, All rights reserved.
1. Tut’s father was a King (from the Restoration Stele); My biological father’s name means “King,” (Roy).
2. Both had step-fathers (Akhenaton was his).
3. I had chest surgery in 1985 and prayed to Anubis for a “heart Scarab”; His mummy is missing both his chest and original Heart Scarab (probably stolen during embalming).
4. He had a “clubbed foot”; I wear Arch-supports for a foot disorder.
5. He had a “cleft palate” mouth and overbite; I have receding gums, slight under-bite, and other tooth related problems.
6. He disliked Monotheism (Atonism); I dislike Christianity, Judaism, and Islam because they are anti-Egyptian.
7. He built temples to Amon-Ra; I built Temples to Amon-Ra (websites and home shrines).
8. He has a negative Ka spirit that is supernatural; I am Elemental-Chronokinetic and can connect with his Ka when angry (1979, 2005, 2009). Also I connected with his Ka in 2009 in the De young Museum in San Francisco, CA exhibit (Golden Age of the Pharaohs tour).
9. The miniscule spirits that reside in the tomb items from KV62 recognized me in 2005 tour.
10. He was discovered by Howard Carter on November 4, 1922 and his tomb was opened 3 weeks later; I was born on Howard Carter’s Birthday and was 3 weeks premature (May 9).
11. I was born with the attributes of Seth: born after midnight, born from unnatural sex (intercourse that could not result in conception; according to my Father), ability to create storms and earthquakes, etc.; he was born from incestuous relationship of his parents.
12. We both collect and never throw away old junk (i.e. his tomb’s junk).
13. I had a vision of his sister Baketaton playing with the golden mirror case from KV62 tomb; the mirror was never in his tomb nor stolen; I have papyrus painting of mirror case in bedroom.
14. His wife’s Akh is my Guardian Akh (Ankhesnamon) since 1979.
15. I am “allergic to silver metal.”
16. He had black hair; I once died my hair black in College years.
17. We both conquer countries with Magic.
18. I remember being asleep in KV62 before 1917 (in between lives).
19. We both can recount past lives (his preceded 18th Dynasty when he gave a tour of Egypt to a priestess months before his suicide via poison).
20. We both wrote laws (UEIR; Restoration Stele).
MC 2011.
© Copyright 2011 MJC, All rights reserved.
1. Tut’s father was a King (from the Restoration Stele); My biological father’s name means “King,” (Roy).
2. Both had step-fathers (Akhenaton was his).
3. I had chest surgery in 1985 and prayed to Anubis for a “heart Scarab”; His mummy is missing both his chest and original Heart Scarab (probably stolen during embalming).
4. He had a “clubbed foot”; I wear Arch-supports for a foot disorder.
5. He had a “cleft palate” mouth and overbite; I have receding gums, slight under-bite, and other tooth related problems.
6. He disliked Monotheism (Atonism); I dislike Christianity, Judaism, and Islam because they are anti-Egyptian.
7. He built temples to Amon-Ra; I built Temples to Amon-Ra (websites and home shrines).
8. He has a negative Ka spirit that is supernatural; I am Elemental-Chronokinetic and can connect with his Ka when angry (1979, 2005, 2009). Also I connected with his Ka in 2009 in the De young Museum in San Francisco, CA exhibit (Golden Age of the Pharaohs tour).
9. The miniscule spirits that reside in the tomb items from KV62 recognized me in 2005 tour.
10. He was discovered by Howard Carter on November 4, 1922 and his tomb was opened 3 weeks later; I was born on Howard Carter’s Birthday and was 3 weeks premature (May 9).
11. I was born with the attributes of Seth: born after midnight, born from unnatural sex (intercourse that could not result in conception; according to my Father), ability to create storms and earthquakes, etc.; he was born from incestuous relationship of his parents.
12. We both collect and never throw away old junk (i.e. his tomb’s junk).
13. I had a vision of his sister Baketaton playing with the golden mirror case from KV62 tomb; the mirror was never in his tomb nor stolen; I have papyrus painting of mirror case in bedroom.
14. His wife’s Akh is my Guardian Akh (Ankhesnamon) since 1979.
15. I am “allergic to silver metal.”
16. He had black hair; I once died my hair black in College years.
17. We both conquer countries with Magic.
18. I remember being asleep in KV62 before 1917 (in between lives).
19. We both can recount past lives (his preceded 18th Dynasty when he gave a tour of Egypt to a priestess months before his suicide via poison).
20. We both wrote laws (UEIR; Restoration Stele).
MC 2011.
for the New Egypt post revolution - some ideas.
Nova Egypt:
The New Government of Nova Egypt: by M7C:
1. EXECUTIVE = Sultanate
(Sultan, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Aid, International Relations, UN, Knights of Justice, etc.)
2. LEGISLATIVE = Citizen Republic.
(President, Civilian made/voted laws, Knights of the People, Senate, etc.)
3. JUDICIAL = Court of Asar
(Pharaoh, Judges, Lower courts, etc.)
4. FINANCIAL = Central Bank of Egypt.
(Temple, Businesses, Technology, Agriculture, etc.)
1. Citizens have equal rights. IF Citizen abuses his rights (freedoms),
then the Citizen will become a Plebeian until those rights are corrected or
his office in life is restored.
2. Senate under Legislative is comprised of Nomarchs (governors), and are an elected office.
3. Knights of the People = Police. Knights of Justice = Military Police.
4. Money value may be based on Civil behavior level of the Citizen Republic;
good behavior increases strength of the currency. Currency may be printed by the Executive Branch.
5. Beliefs are NOT to influence the direction of Government, includes politics & religion & Sciences.
(we want a sober government)
6. Respect of Ancestors & Ancient Natives will prevent looting or vandalism.
Morality is basically laws embedded in religion.
7. Respect Fellow Citizens and citizens of foreign countries to prevent incitement of war.
(i.e. don't misuse Freedom of Speech to land insults somewhere else).
Copyright 2011 M7C.
The New Government of Nova Egypt: by M7C:
1. EXECUTIVE = Sultanate
(Sultan, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Aid, International Relations, UN, Knights of Justice, etc.)
2. LEGISLATIVE = Citizen Republic.
(President, Civilian made/voted laws, Knights of the People, Senate, etc.)
3. JUDICIAL = Court of Asar
(Pharaoh, Judges, Lower courts, etc.)
4. FINANCIAL = Central Bank of Egypt.
(Temple, Businesses, Technology, Agriculture, etc.)
1. Citizens have equal rights. IF Citizen abuses his rights (freedoms),
then the Citizen will become a Plebeian until those rights are corrected or
his office in life is restored.
2. Senate under Legislative is comprised of Nomarchs (governors), and are an elected office.
3. Knights of the People = Police. Knights of Justice = Military Police.
4. Money value may be based on Civil behavior level of the Citizen Republic;
good behavior increases strength of the currency. Currency may be printed by the Executive Branch.
5. Beliefs are NOT to influence the direction of Government, includes politics & religion & Sciences.
(we want a sober government)
6. Respect of Ancestors & Ancient Natives will prevent looting or vandalism.
Morality is basically laws embedded in religion.
7. Respect Fellow Citizens and citizens of foreign countries to prevent incitement of war.
(i.e. don't misuse Freedom of Speech to land insults somewhere else).
Copyright 2011 M7C.
Aram from Babylon
The People of Abraham (Israelites) are from Mitanni (Babylon).
The Egyptian word for Babylonians was Aram. Abraham said his name was changed once.
The Mitanni Empire, as shown in the letters sent from Pharaoh to Mitanni, fell during the reign of Akhenaton, during which time Monotheism was introduced to Egypt.
The Israelites/Tribe of Abraham addressed their one god as Lord God, which has the same meaning as "Bel" in Babylonian; as in Bel Marduk (Lord God Marduk).
The people of Babylon acquired a law code from Bel Marduk, written by Hammurapi the conqueror of Babylon, the world's first complete written law code. Moses acquired his laws from his Lord God. The Garden of Eden was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
The Great Flood is in the Babylonian legend of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
People often migrate when their home land is destroyed; so too did the "outcasts of Babylon land in Egypt." The word Hebrew comes from the Egyptian word Habiru, meaning "outcast or wanderer or refugee."
Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, Archaeologist.
The Egyptian word for Babylonians was Aram. Abraham said his name was changed once.
The Mitanni Empire, as shown in the letters sent from Pharaoh to Mitanni, fell during the reign of Akhenaton, during which time Monotheism was introduced to Egypt.
The Israelites/Tribe of Abraham addressed their one god as Lord God, which has the same meaning as "Bel" in Babylonian; as in Bel Marduk (Lord God Marduk).
The people of Babylon acquired a law code from Bel Marduk, written by Hammurapi the conqueror of Babylon, the world's first complete written law code. Moses acquired his laws from his Lord God. The Garden of Eden was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
The Great Flood is in the Babylonian legend of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
People often migrate when their home land is destroyed; so too did the "outcasts of Babylon land in Egypt." The word Hebrew comes from the Egyptian word Habiru, meaning "outcast or wanderer or refugee."
Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa, Archaeologist.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
what Fruitful meant
Have you heard the expression, "Be fruitful and multiply?"
People long ago and today thought this means, "Fruitful as in fruit-bearing or child bearing, and increase the population."
My theory is that it means: "Be prosperous and expand your business."
Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All Rights Reserved.
People long ago and today thought this means, "Fruitful as in fruit-bearing or child bearing, and increase the population."
My theory is that it means: "Be prosperous and expand your business."
Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All Rights Reserved.
Monday, April 18, 2011
It's not the Apocalypse...
You may be noticing the world is undergoing mass destruction and weather anomalies, chaos, or earthquakes and other events. Some people saw UFO ships over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, believing Christ is returning. This is not the End of the World or a New Beginning. This is the wrath of the gods of Egypt & Hawaii, who are mistreated by the American Government and other human nations since 1990s. And it is the "vengeance of the Lamb" (1993) who opens the 7-sealed book of Revelation, NT.
The current Chapter of Eye of the Pharaoh is chapter 20, where the Arab States are conquered by Pharaoh and become Democratic. Chapter 21 is nuclear war, chapter 22 is Apocalypse...
you have some time left.
M7 2011.
The current Chapter of Eye of the Pharaoh is chapter 20, where the Arab States are conquered by Pharaoh and become Democratic. Chapter 21 is nuclear war, chapter 22 is Apocalypse...
you have some time left.
M7 2011.
UEIR Taxes
It is interesting to note that the USA owes the UEIR in Taxes the same amount it is in debt, since 1993 CE ($14,000,000,000,000) according to the CIA/Secret Service. The taxes are held by the Central Government as this will not "fit" in banks. Our lands [Niihau] were purchased not with taxes owed the UEIR by USA, but with private funds, also held by the Central Government due to classification by them. Their excuse is "an abundance of red tape" (Bureaucracy regulations).
M7 2011.
M7 2011.
UEIR Code Caesar 4.0
The Provincial Laws of the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic, or Code Caesar Edition 4.0, is now available on Amazon.com.
This Code contains Laws of UEIR by then-Consul Premier M-7, for all lands annexed to the UEIR since the 1980s CE (via Divine Conquest, Plagues, and Kahuna Magic/Psychic warfare, etc.). The UEIR is under classification by the CIA and Federal Government, which helps "advertise" for the UEIR in mass media and commercials, company logos, television and films, hotel designs, and other public notification since 1993 CE.
M7 2011.
Copyright 2010 M7, All rights reserved.
This Code contains Laws of UEIR by then-Consul Premier M-7, for all lands annexed to the UEIR since the 1980s CE (via Divine Conquest, Plagues, and Kahuna Magic/Psychic warfare, etc.). The UEIR is under classification by the CIA and Federal Government, which helps "advertise" for the UEIR in mass media and commercials, company logos, television and films, hotel designs, and other public notification since 1993 CE.
M7 2011.
Copyright 2010 M7, All rights reserved.
Our Constitution
Welcome to the Pharaocracy of Niihau
© Copyright 2011 M7C, MJ Costa, All rights reserved
The Pharaocracy of Niihau is a Constitutional Divine Monarchy in the Pacific Ocean. Though it was founded officially in 2011, the idea’s origin occurred in summer 2002 CE. The Pharaocracy was founded by His Divine Majesty, Pharaoh (Horus) Michael Ptahmeses I M-7, on April 14, 2011 Common Era.
About the Government:
The Executive Branch is the Pharaoh (i.e. the Court of the King, similar to the American “White House”). The Pharaoh technically is the owner of the Island, its production and distribution network(s), and all corporations whose principle profits are taxed as Industrial Taxes (no Citizen Income Tax).
The Legislative Branch is granted authorization from Pharaoh and the Elder Council. It is controlled by the Pharaoh or the Vizierate.
The Judicial Branch is the Elder Council. This is comprised of all Elder Natives of Niihau and those with enough intellect to be called Judges. Otherwise we “borrow magistrates from other islands.”
The Financial Branch is the Treasury, which collects Fines, Taxes, and import fees or Island Entrance Visa funds.
The Religious Branch is the Akua or Pharaoh, whichever is available. This branch oversees religious activities such as ceremonies, festivals, parties, holidays, Lu’au feasts, prayers, building temples, etc.
The Vizierate is the Inner Circle of the Vizier, a form of Prime Minister who controls the State when Pharaoh is not available to govern. There are 2 openings for this position (Two Viziers). Viziers also serve as Ambassadors to Foreign States.
The Security Branch of the Government (Police/Military/Protection) is inclusive of the US Military base on Niihau, and all Sentries who protect the island from intrusion or vandals, etc. It is also the Intelligence Branch, National Security, and Investigation Council. Other services included are Firemen, utilities, Energy, and EMT Doctors.
National Language:
Native Hawaiian [Natives mostly], English [spoken]; Egyptian Hieroglyphs [written].
National Flag:
Red for the Red Dirt of Kauai, White for the White Sands of Niihau, with the Crook/Flail symbols of Pharaoh for Control & Discipline/Provision of Grain (of Osiris, Egyptian Deity of Farming).
National Symbol:
The Pupu Shell of Niihau.
National Currency:
Pupu Paper Money (value is based on the value of Niihau Shells, but can be paid in shells if available), Fame-based Barter-notes (paper money devised by M-7 in 1990s CE); USA Dollars are a local currency as are Trade Dollars. Pupu Paper Money is valued over 10X One US$D minimum value. Fame-based Barter-notes may be worth up to $10k when autographed. Pupu Shells leis may be traded as currency; most strands of leis are valued over $4k each.
National Anthem(s):
1. California Girls by the Beach Boys.
2. Aloha / Blue Hawaii
3. Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys.
4. Walk like an Egyptian
National Animals:
1. Monk Seal
2. Ahi fish
3. Sea Gull
4. Wild Goat
National Flower:
1. Plumeria or White Lotus flower
National or Patron Deity:
1. Akua, Ku (Hawaiian)
2. Amon-Ra (Egyptian)
Official Religions:
1. Native Hawaiian
2. Christian
3. Pharaonic Egyptian, Polytheism
4. Ancestor Worship (Akua, Akhu)
Head of Religion:
1. Kahuna Priest
2. Pharaoh or Chief Lector / Kheri-Heb Priest
3. Akua
The Constitution of the Pharaocracy of Niihau:
“I, Pharaoh (Horus) Michael Ptahmeses I M-7, do declare according to my divine right from Heaven, to all people foreign or domestic, this Constitution of the Pharaocracy of Niihau. May our people shine under the stars of night, protected by the solar light of day, and by the light of Ma’at, victorious and just; forever.”
Article One: Investment of Powers
Pharaoh in invested with the powers of Kingship and of Divine Right from Heaven and its temples.
These include but are not limited to the following:
1. Ability to set and collect funds, such as Taxes, Fines, Lawsuit awards, royalties, gifts, stock, annuities, bonds, sale of product value, real estate, etc.
2. Ability to intervene in political affairs in domestic or foreign capacity.
3. Ability to intervene in a situation involving an ally or friend of the State.
4. Ability to design currency, letterhead, symbols or insignia, tombs, monuments, etc.
5. Ability to influence Security forces, declare war or peace or truce/cease fire, etc.
6. Ability to write laws, enforce laws as seen fit by standards of law, or judge.
7. Ability to regulate an Army when needed, or intervene in global matters, like terrorism prevention, repairs, foreign aid, or charities for Acts of God.
8. Ability to liberate souls from oppression, or intervene in the Otherworld on behalf of a citizen.
9. Appoint a successor, adopt the practice of Entitlement or rank, or other aspect of ruling.
Article Two: Maintenance
The Government is responsible for Maintenance of the Island or other provinces of the State, as with Infrastructure (roads, energy, canals, aqueducts, water storage tanks, sanitation, airports, etc.), Security (from tourists, vandals, revolutionaries, protestors, thieves, or brigands), Cleanliness (recycling, landscape, dusting, & sanitation), Citizen Welfare, and upgrades to building codes.
Article Three: Titles Given for Noble or Expression of Status:
All Titles of Nobility or Expression of Status are granted by either the Vizierate or the Pharaoh.
Titles may be granted to Citizens or Honorary Citizens. They are not to be used in USA or where prohibited by foreign powers. Titles do NOT come with Land as with Feudalism in Europe. Titles are similar to “Master of the House” (Mr.) except in Egyptian or Hawaiian wordage (e.g. “Horus” for male Pharaoh, “Isis” for female Pharaoh, “Osiris” for dead Pharaoh, etc.). European titles like “Illustrious”, “Sir”, “Madame (My lady)”, or “Majesty” are valid.
Article Four: Finances
Island Finances may come from “UEIR Taxes” & “royalties” from M-7. Industry taxes are 5% per month or 15% of profit per year, per business or industry. No taxes are paid with no profit made.
Article Five: Budget
State Budgets are to be initially drawn up at the beginning of the Fiscal Year, and not at the end of it or at the beginning of Tax Collection.
Each category is to be balanced; in increments of 10% if there are 10 groups of items to be paid or addressed, totaling 100%. 15% is automatically stored in the Treasury per year as Savings.
Government is to be fined $1+ for every day the Budget is late; amount is given to the people as incentive or motivation (from $1 to $1k).
Government shall NOT overspend using Credit or other form of borrowing, which creates Debt.
Foreign Aid can be used to “forgive debts” if debts are too large to be repaid (this may include foreign debts of developing countries).
Article Six: Property Rights
All land on the island is property of Pharaoh initially who may lease acreage to Citizens, and set taxes on land held by Honorary Citizens (if inherited). Citizens may own whatever they build on top of the land.
Article Seven: Honorary Citizens
An Honorary Citizen is someone granted partial or virtual Citizenship, as from or by a friend of a Citizen or relative thereby. They may follow our laws and customs. Non-Citizens may not claim anything from the Pharaocracy of Niihau; such as Tourists.
Article Eight: Taxes
Taxes may Not be excessive (over 70% per Fiscal year) or be oppressive in any way.
Industry Taxes are found under Article Four: Finances.
Citizens are not to be taxed for income, marriage tax, property tax; Taxes pay for Maintenance and Civil Services; only 20% of said amount in profit goes to Pharaoh / Owner of Pharaocracy of Niihau (M-7).
Taxes may be imposed on foreigners, as with Entry Visas or imported items of Trade. There is also No Luxury Tax, or taxes that single out any specific social group or organization.
Article Nine: Free Assembly
Citizens and Honorary Citizens only may assemble peacefully for discussion of any topic in a room, like a Forum. This includes the Elder Council (No Riots!).
Article Ten: Citizens Right of Privacy
Each Citizen has the right of privacy on Niihau or in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This includes a “personal space of 10 meters” to prevent any foreign Media from intrusion onto Citizen Territories.
Article Eleven: Free Religion of Citizens
Citizens have the right to worship any deity, person, or idea unless the focus of worship (deity, or person) is attacked in the act of worship, thereby voiding this right.
No one is to either physically or Super-physically touch or harass a deity or person of worship if the act is aggressive, violent, harassing, fearful, etc. (Example: Don’t touch the feet of a living god if it bothers him/her).
No foreign religion (Radical Islam for instance) may be practiced on Niihau if it is deceptive of intention (calling a religion peaceful then kill people for disagreeing with them) or incurs negative or hostile actions by the Citizens; sacrifice of animals for food consumption only is exempt.
Article Twelve: Free Expression and the Press
No Citizen may abuse its Freedoms for the purpose of expressing them, while in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This prevents a Free Press from becoming “Paparazzi” or “tabloid journalism.”
Each Press, though Government owned, may print local news, paid advertising & coupons, events, opinions, etc.
Citizens may speak openly about topics in the Forum or at their home, but respect must be maintained in public at all other times. This prevents general hostility of visitors and reduces crime.
Article Thirteen: Fair Trials
All Citizens have the right to a Fair and Impartial Trial in a Court of Ma’at in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. Foreigners must be deported to Kauai for any violation on their part, and be judged in an American or Hawaiian Court of Law.
Courts may be administered via Volunteer based attendants if they feel money is influential in the Court. Courts may appointed Lawyers to Citizens if they cannot afford one (presuming this is necessary).
Evidence is not to be tampered with or falsely created so as to coerce a wrong decision.
Pharaoh or Vizier may intervene as Supreme Judge of the Courts. Courts are assigned a Recorder or Court Scribe, 2+ Lawyers, a Judge, and the Elder Council who replaces a Jury.
Trials are protected from foreign influence of the Media, Politics, or Religion.
Evidence must be recent and not invented (no “ex post facto”). There is no “law of limitation.”
Article Fourteen: Recreational use of Medical substances
Alcohol in Small Quantities made for consumption is legal, but this is not to be abused or cause Intoxication or any violent hostility which results from consumption. This also should prevent addiction.
Narcotics are only allowed if signed by a Physician, and are not to leave the possession of its user, and not given to youth or criminals. If the Narcotic is in smoked form, the smoke must be filtered or directed away from the winds outside where people are. Narcotics are Not to be grown on the Island, to prevent becoming a “drug capital.”
Caffeine is legal as a recreational drug, as found in Coffee or Cocoa.
Inhaled substances that could be used for drugs coming from products in America (Air freshener, glue, oils, etc.) are restricted to the base use only.
Perfume may be manufactured on Niihau. Other drugs not requiring a prescription may have an age limit of 16+ years minimum, such as Alcohol, Anti-depressants, certain Sleep medicines, Tobacco, or Narcotics.
Article Fifteen: Gambling or Gaming rights
Gambling involving American money would exist in a Casino, but we have no plans to build one except on a Cruise ship at Sea. Gambling or Gaming that use fictional money, plastic chips with no trading value, coupons, shells, fruit, etc. is legal except for youth. This prevents addiction to gaming in young people, which can affect their education.
Gaming in Video or Arcade Games is legal, as with computer games or other toys.
Article Sixteen: Weapons, Right of Protection
Citizens and Government have the right to possess certain weapons in their homes and buildings, or on their person, while in Niihau & the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This is for Self-Defense mostly from wild animals, vandals, brigands, pirates, terrorists or other hostile people or person.
Weapons exclude firearms on person except during invasions or general hostilities.
Bladed weapons may be legal in small amounts, such as spears, small knives, hunting equipment, Archery (bladed arrows), or swords. These are to be safely away from youth or the mentally disabled to prevent accidents. Training is required of all Citizens who possess weapons.
Psychic Weapons (Chronokinesis, Magic, Sorcery, etc.) is legal if conducted by the Government or Kahuna Priests.
Canons are legal in defense of the Pharaocracy, as are rockets from the USA Military Base.
Citizens have the right of protection by the Government and US Military.
Article Seventeen: Economy
Citizens and Honorary Citizens may use Agriculture (Farming, Ranching, Fisheries) for food procurement, production and distribution. Imported food or other goods may be taxed if competition is heavy.
Citizen Recycling Centers may acquire materials for recycling from other islands. This is for creation of new materials to be either exported as profitable raw materials, or used by Island economy for light industry.
Other light industry include: honey cultivation, charcoal, perfume, clothing or textiles, cloth-based paper, food byproducts, incense resin, books (personal economies), computer technology, etc.
Tourism is only allowed for short visits to the coastal region, or hunting. Tourists must ‘maintain their respect of the land and its cleanliness’ when visiting. Tourists must respect the people / Citizens too.
Article Eighteen: Self Defense of Citizens
All Citizens have the right of self-defense, and may seek training for this in Hawaii.
This includes Asian Martial Arts, and weaponless defensive movements. Citizens are not to engage in fighting unless provoked or endangered.
Article Nineteen: Education
Education is required for Children from age 6 to 17, in an Elementary School, Junior or High School, or College. Basic education may include: Language (Hawaiian, English, & Japanese), Mathematics, Hawaiian History, Physical Sciences or Nature Sciences, Art, Technology, and Home Economics. Moderate education (High School) may include: Astronomy, Hawaiian or Egyptian Religion, Basic Laws, World History, Sports, Psychology, Chemistry, Foreign Languages (Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.), Government, Philosophy, Fishing, Music, Crafts (shell Leis, flower Leis, ceramics), & Agriculture. Advanced education (College) may include: Advanced Mathematics, Sciences, Literature, Business, Economics, Welding or Glass making, Self-Defense, Film, Computer Science, Archaeology, Medicine, etc.
Teaching may exist in Distance-Learning schools or rooms via satellite (solar powered).
Education after age 17 is optional. Prodigies may attend College.
Age limit is for integration into American or Hawaiian Schools during storms or other events requiring evacuation.
Article Twenty: Territory or Annexation of Real Estate to Pharaocracy of Niihau.
The Government (Pharaoh, M-7) may annex land to the country without needing approval of the Elder Council or Vizierate. This may be from Imperial Lands or purchased land.
Article Twenty-One: Amendment to Constitution
This document is a work-in-process and may be amended or added to by the Pharaoh, Vizierate, or Elder Council when in agreement with all said parties.
Article Twenty-Two: Line of Succession
If no heir is found for the Pharaoh, Vizierate, or Senior Elder Council, a lottery of Citizens may be established for finding an heir. Each Lottery contains one note with name and title of Citizen on it, placed into a basket or container, mixed for several minutes then selected by hand, one at a time for each office.
Qualifications for Pharaoh: Each Citizen must be Intelligent, non-political, Righteous in conduct, and sensitive to the aims of the Citizenry.
Qualifications for Vizier: Each Citizen must be intelligent or have a College Degree, and be non-political.
Qualifications for Elder Council: Each Citizen must be intelligent, impartial, Righteous in conduct, respectful, and over 25 years of age. College Degree is recommended (in Law, Government, or Philosophy).
This concluded the Constitution for the Pharaocracy of Niihau,
© Copyright 2011 M7C, All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2011 M7C, MJ Costa, All rights reserved
The Pharaocracy of Niihau is a Constitutional Divine Monarchy in the Pacific Ocean. Though it was founded officially in 2011, the idea’s origin occurred in summer 2002 CE. The Pharaocracy was founded by His Divine Majesty, Pharaoh (Horus) Michael Ptahmeses I M-7, on April 14, 2011 Common Era.
About the Government:
The Executive Branch is the Pharaoh (i.e. the Court of the King, similar to the American “White House”). The Pharaoh technically is the owner of the Island, its production and distribution network(s), and all corporations whose principle profits are taxed as Industrial Taxes (no Citizen Income Tax).
The Legislative Branch is granted authorization from Pharaoh and the Elder Council. It is controlled by the Pharaoh or the Vizierate.
The Judicial Branch is the Elder Council. This is comprised of all Elder Natives of Niihau and those with enough intellect to be called Judges. Otherwise we “borrow magistrates from other islands.”
The Financial Branch is the Treasury, which collects Fines, Taxes, and import fees or Island Entrance Visa funds.
The Religious Branch is the Akua or Pharaoh, whichever is available. This branch oversees religious activities such as ceremonies, festivals, parties, holidays, Lu’au feasts, prayers, building temples, etc.
The Vizierate is the Inner Circle of the Vizier, a form of Prime Minister who controls the State when Pharaoh is not available to govern. There are 2 openings for this position (Two Viziers). Viziers also serve as Ambassadors to Foreign States.
The Security Branch of the Government (Police/Military/Protection) is inclusive of the US Military base on Niihau, and all Sentries who protect the island from intrusion or vandals, etc. It is also the Intelligence Branch, National Security, and Investigation Council. Other services included are Firemen, utilities, Energy, and EMT Doctors.
National Language:
Native Hawaiian [Natives mostly], English [spoken]; Egyptian Hieroglyphs [written].
National Flag:
Red for the Red Dirt of Kauai, White for the White Sands of Niihau, with the Crook/Flail symbols of Pharaoh for Control & Discipline/Provision of Grain (of Osiris, Egyptian Deity of Farming).
National Symbol:
The Pupu Shell of Niihau.
National Currency:
Pupu Paper Money (value is based on the value of Niihau Shells, but can be paid in shells if available), Fame-based Barter-notes (paper money devised by M-7 in 1990s CE); USA Dollars are a local currency as are Trade Dollars. Pupu Paper Money is valued over 10X One US$D minimum value. Fame-based Barter-notes may be worth up to $10k when autographed. Pupu Shells leis may be traded as currency; most strands of leis are valued over $4k each.
National Anthem(s):
1. California Girls by the Beach Boys.
2. Aloha / Blue Hawaii
3. Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys.
4. Walk like an Egyptian
National Animals:
1. Monk Seal
2. Ahi fish
3. Sea Gull
4. Wild Goat
National Flower:
1. Plumeria or White Lotus flower
National or Patron Deity:
1. Akua, Ku (Hawaiian)
2. Amon-Ra (Egyptian)
Official Religions:
1. Native Hawaiian
2. Christian
3. Pharaonic Egyptian, Polytheism
4. Ancestor Worship (Akua, Akhu)
Head of Religion:
1. Kahuna Priest
2. Pharaoh or Chief Lector / Kheri-Heb Priest
3. Akua
The Constitution of the Pharaocracy of Niihau:
“I, Pharaoh (Horus) Michael Ptahmeses I M-7, do declare according to my divine right from Heaven, to all people foreign or domestic, this Constitution of the Pharaocracy of Niihau. May our people shine under the stars of night, protected by the solar light of day, and by the light of Ma’at, victorious and just; forever.”
Article One: Investment of Powers
Pharaoh in invested with the powers of Kingship and of Divine Right from Heaven and its temples.
These include but are not limited to the following:
1. Ability to set and collect funds, such as Taxes, Fines, Lawsuit awards, royalties, gifts, stock, annuities, bonds, sale of product value, real estate, etc.
2. Ability to intervene in political affairs in domestic or foreign capacity.
3. Ability to intervene in a situation involving an ally or friend of the State.
4. Ability to design currency, letterhead, symbols or insignia, tombs, monuments, etc.
5. Ability to influence Security forces, declare war or peace or truce/cease fire, etc.
6. Ability to write laws, enforce laws as seen fit by standards of law, or judge.
7. Ability to regulate an Army when needed, or intervene in global matters, like terrorism prevention, repairs, foreign aid, or charities for Acts of God.
8. Ability to liberate souls from oppression, or intervene in the Otherworld on behalf of a citizen.
9. Appoint a successor, adopt the practice of Entitlement or rank, or other aspect of ruling.
Article Two: Maintenance
The Government is responsible for Maintenance of the Island or other provinces of the State, as with Infrastructure (roads, energy, canals, aqueducts, water storage tanks, sanitation, airports, etc.), Security (from tourists, vandals, revolutionaries, protestors, thieves, or brigands), Cleanliness (recycling, landscape, dusting, & sanitation), Citizen Welfare, and upgrades to building codes.
Article Three: Titles Given for Noble or Expression of Status:
All Titles of Nobility or Expression of Status are granted by either the Vizierate or the Pharaoh.
Titles may be granted to Citizens or Honorary Citizens. They are not to be used in USA or where prohibited by foreign powers. Titles do NOT come with Land as with Feudalism in Europe. Titles are similar to “Master of the House” (Mr.) except in Egyptian or Hawaiian wordage (e.g. “Horus” for male Pharaoh, “Isis” for female Pharaoh, “Osiris” for dead Pharaoh, etc.). European titles like “Illustrious”, “Sir”, “Madame (My lady)”, or “Majesty” are valid.
Article Four: Finances
Island Finances may come from “UEIR Taxes” & “royalties” from M-7. Industry taxes are 5% per month or 15% of profit per year, per business or industry. No taxes are paid with no profit made.
Article Five: Budget
State Budgets are to be initially drawn up at the beginning of the Fiscal Year, and not at the end of it or at the beginning of Tax Collection.
Each category is to be balanced; in increments of 10% if there are 10 groups of items to be paid or addressed, totaling 100%. 15% is automatically stored in the Treasury per year as Savings.
Government is to be fined $1+ for every day the Budget is late; amount is given to the people as incentive or motivation (from $1 to $1k).
Government shall NOT overspend using Credit or other form of borrowing, which creates Debt.
Foreign Aid can be used to “forgive debts” if debts are too large to be repaid (this may include foreign debts of developing countries).
Article Six: Property Rights
All land on the island is property of Pharaoh initially who may lease acreage to Citizens, and set taxes on land held by Honorary Citizens (if inherited). Citizens may own whatever they build on top of the land.
Article Seven: Honorary Citizens
An Honorary Citizen is someone granted partial or virtual Citizenship, as from or by a friend of a Citizen or relative thereby. They may follow our laws and customs. Non-Citizens may not claim anything from the Pharaocracy of Niihau; such as Tourists.
Article Eight: Taxes
Taxes may Not be excessive (over 70% per Fiscal year) or be oppressive in any way.
Industry Taxes are found under Article Four: Finances.
Citizens are not to be taxed for income, marriage tax, property tax; Taxes pay for Maintenance and Civil Services; only 20% of said amount in profit goes to Pharaoh / Owner of Pharaocracy of Niihau (M-7).
Taxes may be imposed on foreigners, as with Entry Visas or imported items of Trade. There is also No Luxury Tax, or taxes that single out any specific social group or organization.
Article Nine: Free Assembly
Citizens and Honorary Citizens only may assemble peacefully for discussion of any topic in a room, like a Forum. This includes the Elder Council (No Riots!).
Article Ten: Citizens Right of Privacy
Each Citizen has the right of privacy on Niihau or in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This includes a “personal space of 10 meters” to prevent any foreign Media from intrusion onto Citizen Territories.
Article Eleven: Free Religion of Citizens
Citizens have the right to worship any deity, person, or idea unless the focus of worship (deity, or person) is attacked in the act of worship, thereby voiding this right.
No one is to either physically or Super-physically touch or harass a deity or person of worship if the act is aggressive, violent, harassing, fearful, etc. (Example: Don’t touch the feet of a living god if it bothers him/her).
No foreign religion (Radical Islam for instance) may be practiced on Niihau if it is deceptive of intention (calling a religion peaceful then kill people for disagreeing with them) or incurs negative or hostile actions by the Citizens; sacrifice of animals for food consumption only is exempt.
Article Twelve: Free Expression and the Press
No Citizen may abuse its Freedoms for the purpose of expressing them, while in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This prevents a Free Press from becoming “Paparazzi” or “tabloid journalism.”
Each Press, though Government owned, may print local news, paid advertising & coupons, events, opinions, etc.
Citizens may speak openly about topics in the Forum or at their home, but respect must be maintained in public at all other times. This prevents general hostility of visitors and reduces crime.
Article Thirteen: Fair Trials
All Citizens have the right to a Fair and Impartial Trial in a Court of Ma’at in the Pharaocracy of Niihau. Foreigners must be deported to Kauai for any violation on their part, and be judged in an American or Hawaiian Court of Law.
Courts may be administered via Volunteer based attendants if they feel money is influential in the Court. Courts may appointed Lawyers to Citizens if they cannot afford one (presuming this is necessary).
Evidence is not to be tampered with or falsely created so as to coerce a wrong decision.
Pharaoh or Vizier may intervene as Supreme Judge of the Courts. Courts are assigned a Recorder or Court Scribe, 2+ Lawyers, a Judge, and the Elder Council who replaces a Jury.
Trials are protected from foreign influence of the Media, Politics, or Religion.
Evidence must be recent and not invented (no “ex post facto”). There is no “law of limitation.”
Article Fourteen: Recreational use of Medical substances
Alcohol in Small Quantities made for consumption is legal, but this is not to be abused or cause Intoxication or any violent hostility which results from consumption. This also should prevent addiction.
Narcotics are only allowed if signed by a Physician, and are not to leave the possession of its user, and not given to youth or criminals. If the Narcotic is in smoked form, the smoke must be filtered or directed away from the winds outside where people are. Narcotics are Not to be grown on the Island, to prevent becoming a “drug capital.”
Caffeine is legal as a recreational drug, as found in Coffee or Cocoa.
Inhaled substances that could be used for drugs coming from products in America (Air freshener, glue, oils, etc.) are restricted to the base use only.
Perfume may be manufactured on Niihau. Other drugs not requiring a prescription may have an age limit of 16+ years minimum, such as Alcohol, Anti-depressants, certain Sleep medicines, Tobacco, or Narcotics.
Article Fifteen: Gambling or Gaming rights
Gambling involving American money would exist in a Casino, but we have no plans to build one except on a Cruise ship at Sea. Gambling or Gaming that use fictional money, plastic chips with no trading value, coupons, shells, fruit, etc. is legal except for youth. This prevents addiction to gaming in young people, which can affect their education.
Gaming in Video or Arcade Games is legal, as with computer games or other toys.
Article Sixteen: Weapons, Right of Protection
Citizens and Government have the right to possess certain weapons in their homes and buildings, or on their person, while in Niihau & the Pharaocracy of Niihau. This is for Self-Defense mostly from wild animals, vandals, brigands, pirates, terrorists or other hostile people or person.
Weapons exclude firearms on person except during invasions or general hostilities.
Bladed weapons may be legal in small amounts, such as spears, small knives, hunting equipment, Archery (bladed arrows), or swords. These are to be safely away from youth or the mentally disabled to prevent accidents. Training is required of all Citizens who possess weapons.
Psychic Weapons (Chronokinesis, Magic, Sorcery, etc.) is legal if conducted by the Government or Kahuna Priests.
Canons are legal in defense of the Pharaocracy, as are rockets from the USA Military Base.
Citizens have the right of protection by the Government and US Military.
Article Seventeen: Economy
Citizens and Honorary Citizens may use Agriculture (Farming, Ranching, Fisheries) for food procurement, production and distribution. Imported food or other goods may be taxed if competition is heavy.
Citizen Recycling Centers may acquire materials for recycling from other islands. This is for creation of new materials to be either exported as profitable raw materials, or used by Island economy for light industry.
Other light industry include: honey cultivation, charcoal, perfume, clothing or textiles, cloth-based paper, food byproducts, incense resin, books (personal economies), computer technology, etc.
Tourism is only allowed for short visits to the coastal region, or hunting. Tourists must ‘maintain their respect of the land and its cleanliness’ when visiting. Tourists must respect the people / Citizens too.
Article Eighteen: Self Defense of Citizens
All Citizens have the right of self-defense, and may seek training for this in Hawaii.
This includes Asian Martial Arts, and weaponless defensive movements. Citizens are not to engage in fighting unless provoked or endangered.
Article Nineteen: Education
Education is required for Children from age 6 to 17, in an Elementary School, Junior or High School, or College. Basic education may include: Language (Hawaiian, English, & Japanese), Mathematics, Hawaiian History, Physical Sciences or Nature Sciences, Art, Technology, and Home Economics. Moderate education (High School) may include: Astronomy, Hawaiian or Egyptian Religion, Basic Laws, World History, Sports, Psychology, Chemistry, Foreign Languages (Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.), Government, Philosophy, Fishing, Music, Crafts (shell Leis, flower Leis, ceramics), & Agriculture. Advanced education (College) may include: Advanced Mathematics, Sciences, Literature, Business, Economics, Welding or Glass making, Self-Defense, Film, Computer Science, Archaeology, Medicine, etc.
Teaching may exist in Distance-Learning schools or rooms via satellite (solar powered).
Education after age 17 is optional. Prodigies may attend College.
Age limit is for integration into American or Hawaiian Schools during storms or other events requiring evacuation.
Article Twenty: Territory or Annexation of Real Estate to Pharaocracy of Niihau.
The Government (Pharaoh, M-7) may annex land to the country without needing approval of the Elder Council or Vizierate. This may be from Imperial Lands or purchased land.
Article Twenty-One: Amendment to Constitution
This document is a work-in-process and may be amended or added to by the Pharaoh, Vizierate, or Elder Council when in agreement with all said parties.
Article Twenty-Two: Line of Succession
If no heir is found for the Pharaoh, Vizierate, or Senior Elder Council, a lottery of Citizens may be established for finding an heir. Each Lottery contains one note with name and title of Citizen on it, placed into a basket or container, mixed for several minutes then selected by hand, one at a time for each office.
Qualifications for Pharaoh: Each Citizen must be Intelligent, non-political, Righteous in conduct, and sensitive to the aims of the Citizenry.
Qualifications for Vizier: Each Citizen must be intelligent or have a College Degree, and be non-political.
Qualifications for Elder Council: Each Citizen must be intelligent, impartial, Righteous in conduct, respectful, and over 25 years of age. College Degree is recommended (in Law, Government, or Philosophy).
This concluded the Constitution for the Pharaocracy of Niihau,
© Copyright 2011 M7C, All rights reserved.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
YHWH in Hieroglyphs
Free Thinking
Free Thinking:
Why do normal people allow certain groups of people (the Media, the Church, News people, or Psychologists) tell them what to think or believe? Can we think for ourselves at least?
I often see groups like the Media or Mainstream Psychology tell people false information about certain topics that cause “religious Cults” or groups that offer alternative education away from mainstream or “accepted” education. Accepted Education ranges from Evolution beliefs to Astronomy, which tends to harm the significance of former doctrines, which still need better interpretation.
Some so-called “Cults” that the media is against usually revolves around a “charismatic intellectual who believes s/he is Christ or God,” then “absorbs the individual into the group, so that their finances and personal safety is enslaved.” The most likeable claim is that “all cults commit mass suicide” usually to prevent being arrested by an information-poisoned State/Government.
Psychology has successfully integrated itself into the minds of Police, Government, and Military; so they become its “slaves.” Formerly this was the domain of the Christian Church, who enslaved Europe for centuries. Psychology distanced itself from the Church, because it is not “a religion;” it is a “medical religion that does not accept the existence of a God or personality to control it.”
The Media / News people are just as guilty. They brainwash (ahem, Educate) the masses daily with their opinionated “news,” ( News = a modern form of gossip). They said “only insane people practice Magic, the Occult, or “demon-worship” (ABC7News). If by “demon” they mean “non-Hebrew-based Monotheism” because the Jewish “Faith” converted polytheist Deities of all the world religions into “angels or demons.” The Media supplant their ideology of how to live with “Scientific Studies,” that dictate what to eat, drink, be wary of, etc.
Governments often leak information to the Free Presses, via the Intelligence Community (the one group that hogs all the known information out there). This may be used via Psy Ops to give false information to “target enemies living in the country” (Psychological Operations). Psy Ops are often found in certain television shows, repetitively to shows its obviousness to the trained eye. Also it is found in radio broadcasts, news reports, and news papers or commercials (using symbolism for subliminal messages). Psychologists will tell the people that discover this [Psy ops] that “they are Delusional” to prevent being exposed to the public. This is where logic meets “conspiracy theories.” I have seen these since the mid 1990s in USA.
© Copyright M7 2011
Why do normal people allow certain groups of people (the Media, the Church, News people, or Psychologists) tell them what to think or believe? Can we think for ourselves at least?
I often see groups like the Media or Mainstream Psychology tell people false information about certain topics that cause “religious Cults” or groups that offer alternative education away from mainstream or “accepted” education. Accepted Education ranges from Evolution beliefs to Astronomy, which tends to harm the significance of former doctrines, which still need better interpretation.
Some so-called “Cults” that the media is against usually revolves around a “charismatic intellectual who believes s/he is Christ or God,” then “absorbs the individual into the group, so that their finances and personal safety is enslaved.” The most likeable claim is that “all cults commit mass suicide” usually to prevent being arrested by an information-poisoned State/Government.
Psychology has successfully integrated itself into the minds of Police, Government, and Military; so they become its “slaves.” Formerly this was the domain of the Christian Church, who enslaved Europe for centuries. Psychology distanced itself from the Church, because it is not “a religion;” it is a “medical religion that does not accept the existence of a God or personality to control it.”
The Media / News people are just as guilty. They brainwash (ahem, Educate) the masses daily with their opinionated “news,” ( News = a modern form of gossip). They said “only insane people practice Magic, the Occult, or “demon-worship” (ABC7News). If by “demon” they mean “non-Hebrew-based Monotheism” because the Jewish “Faith” converted polytheist Deities of all the world religions into “angels or demons.” The Media supplant their ideology of how to live with “Scientific Studies,” that dictate what to eat, drink, be wary of, etc.
Governments often leak information to the Free Presses, via the Intelligence Community (the one group that hogs all the known information out there). This may be used via Psy Ops to give false information to “target enemies living in the country” (Psychological Operations). Psy Ops are often found in certain television shows, repetitively to shows its obviousness to the trained eye. Also it is found in radio broadcasts, news reports, and news papers or commercials (using symbolism for subliminal messages). Psychologists will tell the people that discover this [Psy ops] that “they are Delusional” to prevent being exposed to the public. This is where logic meets “conspiracy theories.” I have seen these since the mid 1990s in USA.
© Copyright M7 2011
our flag
words of Maat
Confession of Ma’at:
M7 2010.
1. I have not done falsehood.
2. I have not robbed anyone.
3. I have not stolen items.
4. I have not killed except for a just cause.
5. I have not destroyed Temple offerings.
6. I have not stolen Temple offerings.
7. I have not lied in the God’s presence.
8. I have not stolen food from people.
9. I have not killed a sacred animal.
10. I have not trespassed.
11. I have not lied under oath in a Court of Ma’at.
12. I have not eavesdropped.
13. I have not gossiped.
14. I have not disputed against another’s property.
15. I have not stopped my ears to truth.
16. I have not committed sexual crimes.
17. I have not terrorized.
18. I have not committed violent acts.
19. I have not copulated with a child.
20. I have not been impatient.
21. I have not blotted out a holy image.
22. I have not disturbed the peace.
23. I have not transgressed against another’s lands.
24. I have not committed blasphemy against my God.
25. I have not desecrated a Temple.
26. I have not vandalized a Temple or Palace.
27. I have not set fire to any building.
28. I have not done iniquity.
29. I have not spoken in a loud voice.
30. I have not used magic against Pharaoh.
31. I have not angered my God.
32. I have not been ungenerous.
33. I have not gauged prices in the markets.
34. I have not neglected the elderly.
35. I have done no evil.
36. I have not spoken evil.
37. I have not stolen foodstuffs.
38. I have not misbehaved in the presence of children.
39. I have not been drunk without good reason.
40. I have not sworn / used profanity.
41. I have not embezzled funds.
42. I have not been hostile towards those who mean well in their intentions.
The 42 Confessions of Ma'at represent the 42 Nomes (Provinces)
of Ancient Egypt. Each Nomarch (Governor or Consul) supervised
each Law, and helped with the Spiritual Judgment
conducted by Anubis in the presence of Osiris.
M7 2011.
M7 2010.
1. I have not done falsehood.
2. I have not robbed anyone.
3. I have not stolen items.
4. I have not killed except for a just cause.
5. I have not destroyed Temple offerings.
6. I have not stolen Temple offerings.
7. I have not lied in the God’s presence.
8. I have not stolen food from people.
9. I have not killed a sacred animal.
10. I have not trespassed.
11. I have not lied under oath in a Court of Ma’at.
12. I have not eavesdropped.
13. I have not gossiped.
14. I have not disputed against another’s property.
15. I have not stopped my ears to truth.
16. I have not committed sexual crimes.
17. I have not terrorized.
18. I have not committed violent acts.
19. I have not copulated with a child.
20. I have not been impatient.
21. I have not blotted out a holy image.
22. I have not disturbed the peace.
23. I have not transgressed against another’s lands.
24. I have not committed blasphemy against my God.
25. I have not desecrated a Temple.
26. I have not vandalized a Temple or Palace.
27. I have not set fire to any building.
28. I have not done iniquity.
29. I have not spoken in a loud voice.
30. I have not used magic against Pharaoh.
31. I have not angered my God.
32. I have not been ungenerous.
33. I have not gauged prices in the markets.
34. I have not neglected the elderly.
35. I have done no evil.
36. I have not spoken evil.
37. I have not stolen foodstuffs.
38. I have not misbehaved in the presence of children.
39. I have not been drunk without good reason.
40. I have not sworn / used profanity.
41. I have not embezzled funds.
42. I have not been hostile towards those who mean well in their intentions.
The 42 Confessions of Ma'at represent the 42 Nomes (Provinces)
of Ancient Egypt. Each Nomarch (Governor or Consul) supervised
each Law, and helped with the Spiritual Judgment
conducted by Anubis in the presence of Osiris.
M7 2011.

"Hail the Neteru of the Otherworld!
"Hail Ra, Osiris, Nut, Isis, Anubis, Toth, Tauret, Mut, Khonsu, & Sobek!
"May the blessed and justified receive offerings from the altar of Osiris-Ra.
"May they be safe, welcomed, and rejuvenated.
"I ask of this in my name, Haroeris M-7, justified and eternal."
M7 2011.
The Anointed One was Pharaoh
The ancient Egyptians used scented anointing oils when crowning the Pharaohs.
Egyptian Priests used anointing oils for their Priests, including the "7 Sacred Oils" which included Lotus oil, Sandalwood oil, and other available oils.
Christ was said to be "anointed with power," not just oils. Egyptian priests started this trend with oils used for 'sun screen,' like Aloe Vera. M7 is anointed with power, such as Chronokinesis.
M7 2011.
Egyptian Priests used anointing oils for their Priests, including the "7 Sacred Oils" which included Lotus oil, Sandalwood oil, and other available oils.
Christ was said to be "anointed with power," not just oils. Egyptian priests started this trend with oils used for 'sun screen,' like Aloe Vera. M7 is anointed with power, such as Chronokinesis.
M7 2011.
Osiris Christ the Carpenter

Osiris is written in 2 ways, one with a throne (of Isis) and the other with some form of couch or sofa/bench. The Eye means "Creator". Translated: "Creator of Furniture." This means "Carpenter."
Christ is said to have been a Carpenter, one who "makes furniture or other wooden object."
Osiris was an Egyptian deity who resurrected (2x) and became the "Lord of Eternal Life." He also "rules Heaven."
Christ is identified with Osiris in this regard. This meant the shifting or conversion of so-called "heathens" into Christianity, by using elements of their religion rewritten as an official religion. Christianity replaced native beliefs with one global religion. It also simplified the complex Egyptian one.
M7C 2011, Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved.
Water walking glyph...

In the Bible, Christ is seen "walking on water" while approaching a boat carrying his students. In Egyptian hieroglyphs "a pair of legs above water glyph" means "to travel to." So this may be accidentally written differently than interpreted.
M7C, Copyright 2011 MC, All rights reserved.
Eye of Sacrifice is the Eucharist of Christ

In the ritual called the Opening of the Mouth, the Egyptian priest performed this for funerals of the mummies or dead Egyptians; they used the Sacrificial Eye of Horus as an offering to God/Osiris, in the form of Divine Food & Drink (mostly Bread of Eternity and Beer of Everlasting). The ritual transforms the Eye into this, and is consumed by the soul of the mummy/deity, then eaten by the Priests.
Christ had this ritual in his Last Supper. His body was as bread and his blood as wine, sacrificed for the world.
M7C Copyright 2011 MJC, all rights reserved.
An Egyptian ritual used by Christ

Christ is often seen in the New Testament "washing the feet of his students."
This is like a mini-Baptism on his part. But where did this come from?
The Egyptian hieroglyph for purity is a "bucket of water on top of a foot."
An initiation rite used by Egyptian Priests involves bathing prior to entering the Temple. So, Christ is "purifying" someone to make them holy before entering the Temple or holy ground.
M7C Copyright 2011 MJC, All rights reserved.
Holy Trinity and the Star
Holy Trinity and the Star
© Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved
The Holy Trinity of Christianity:
“The Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit.”
1. The Father = Divius [the Divine] Julius Caesar (God, the Father)
2. The Son = Ptolemy Caesar, son of Julius Caesar; King of Kings of Egypt
3. The Holy Spirit = Caesar’s post-mortem Ghost
(Same person reincarnated)
The Star of Christ’s Birth:
1. The Comet or “shooting star” that followed Caesar’s assassination on the Ides of March.
These memories appeared to Joshua the Messiah in his teachings.
The Last Supper was similar to the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth of Egypt,
Whereby the ritual blessing of the sacrifice became divine food & drink;
The Eye of Sacrifice of Horus = the Sacrificed Body of Christ.
© M7 2011
© Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved
The Holy Trinity of Christianity:
“The Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit.”
1. The Father = Divius [the Divine] Julius Caesar (God, the Father)
2. The Son = Ptolemy Caesar, son of Julius Caesar; King of Kings of Egypt
3. The Holy Spirit = Caesar’s post-mortem Ghost
(Same person reincarnated)
The Star of Christ’s Birth:
1. The Comet or “shooting star” that followed Caesar’s assassination on the Ides of March.
These memories appeared to Joshua the Messiah in his teachings.
The Last Supper was similar to the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth of Egypt,
Whereby the ritual blessing of the sacrifice became divine food & drink;
The Eye of Sacrifice of Horus = the Sacrificed Body of Christ.
© M7 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Hail Tutankhamon !
Tutankhamun Invocation
Hail unto thee O Pharaoh,
Golden mask found tomorrow,
With lapis eyes forged anew
Watching over the Egypt you once knew.
Who could say what they found
In that hole in the ground,
Was it gold or godly treasure
Or just a curse of thy measure?
Harken unto olden times
When words held such melodious rhymes,
The birds, the doves, the Ibis one
Worshipped in the temples done.
Hurried the plunderers took
Of God and Earth both were shook.
Gone are they whose stolen life,
Cannot yet find thy adoring wife.
How is thy golden lion?
Is he cursing over the fiends of Zion?
Those slaves that built up Pi-Ramses
And contained that famous, fabulous disease.
From rock and grain of sand they bare
Of ragged linen the commoners’ wear,
Do the excavators dig in relentless Sun,
Of conquests and cities thy spear hath won?
O Tutankhamun of Egypt’s glory
Has come amid the Pharaoh’s story,
For hence has arrived the enemy of Ra
In the form of a plunderer’s candelabra.
Lover of Life they say in the tavern
From Khafra’s lips to the smallest cavern.
No one knows what lies the people say
If in the end only they would pay.
Your death is a mystery to them
Of Brier and Budge and Zahi’s whim,
Only you know the asp you allowed
To bite through thy arm you shallowed.
Bob Brier says you were murdered!
Of Ay and Horemhab both conspired!
Does he know the truth you buried
In that tomb so quickly hurried?
From ducks and lions of thy hunting
People say you were bluffing,
Who can say a meager Pharaoh
Can conquer the jungles from that morrow?
Syrians, Nubians, and Hittites all
Who sang the praises from Pharaoh’s fall,
Did not win the battles of immortal hearts that be
Nor in the afterlife you promised me.
O sing the songs of the Neteru
From Narmer and Thutmose and old Khufu,
Who is the best king of late
Whom even Ankhesenamon could never hate?
Eternal life, golden couch, and offerings
Once laden with such finer things,
Given up on death’s steel floor
Never again will you deplore.
From Hatshepsut’s tomb we see
The Plan of Gods gone with thee,
Afterlife music channeled through air
Amid the songs sung in there.
Mummy’s Curse people say it was
That slew Carnarvon with Ammot’s jaws,
Or was it Fate in centuries told
Of Pharaoh’s wrath nine hundred fold?
O Pharaoh of the Golden Horus
Guardian of the Blue Lotus,
Eternity is yours to live
And the vengeance that the ancients they give.
We found but a small alabaster Chalice,
Not unlike one Cleopatra’s Palace,
And if the words spoke to your heart do shine
Mixed in magic and good wine.
Then you will conquer all your foes,
From rebirth unto next life’s woes,
And forever be the victory
Of Tutankhamon’s magical weaponry.
One more word must be said
So they never again could be dead,
Your fame, your words, your deeds do declare,
In eternity and immortality, in one newborn’s tear.
That you never died a mortal death,
For evermore you can saith,
Olden age once and reborn flower
Destroys all corruptible power.
Golden One of centuries’ dust
In one iron dagger’s rust,
When ceremony and pomp both do fail,
That thy reign always prevail.
© Copyright 2005 MJC.
Hail unto thee O Pharaoh,
Golden mask found tomorrow,
With lapis eyes forged anew
Watching over the Egypt you once knew.
Who could say what they found
In that hole in the ground,
Was it gold or godly treasure
Or just a curse of thy measure?
Harken unto olden times
When words held such melodious rhymes,
The birds, the doves, the Ibis one
Worshipped in the temples done.
Hurried the plunderers took
Of God and Earth both were shook.
Gone are they whose stolen life,
Cannot yet find thy adoring wife.
How is thy golden lion?
Is he cursing over the fiends of Zion?
Those slaves that built up Pi-Ramses
And contained that famous, fabulous disease.
From rock and grain of sand they bare
Of ragged linen the commoners’ wear,
Do the excavators dig in relentless Sun,
Of conquests and cities thy spear hath won?
O Tutankhamun of Egypt’s glory
Has come amid the Pharaoh’s story,
For hence has arrived the enemy of Ra
In the form of a plunderer’s candelabra.
Lover of Life they say in the tavern
From Khafra’s lips to the smallest cavern.
No one knows what lies the people say
If in the end only they would pay.
Your death is a mystery to them
Of Brier and Budge and Zahi’s whim,
Only you know the asp you allowed
To bite through thy arm you shallowed.
Bob Brier says you were murdered!
Of Ay and Horemhab both conspired!
Does he know the truth you buried
In that tomb so quickly hurried?
From ducks and lions of thy hunting
People say you were bluffing,
Who can say a meager Pharaoh
Can conquer the jungles from that morrow?
Syrians, Nubians, and Hittites all
Who sang the praises from Pharaoh’s fall,
Did not win the battles of immortal hearts that be
Nor in the afterlife you promised me.
O sing the songs of the Neteru
From Narmer and Thutmose and old Khufu,
Who is the best king of late
Whom even Ankhesenamon could never hate?
Eternal life, golden couch, and offerings
Once laden with such finer things,
Given up on death’s steel floor
Never again will you deplore.
From Hatshepsut’s tomb we see
The Plan of Gods gone with thee,
Afterlife music channeled through air
Amid the songs sung in there.
Mummy’s Curse people say it was
That slew Carnarvon with Ammot’s jaws,
Or was it Fate in centuries told
Of Pharaoh’s wrath nine hundred fold?
O Pharaoh of the Golden Horus
Guardian of the Blue Lotus,
Eternity is yours to live
And the vengeance that the ancients they give.
We found but a small alabaster Chalice,
Not unlike one Cleopatra’s Palace,
And if the words spoke to your heart do shine
Mixed in magic and good wine.
Then you will conquer all your foes,
From rebirth unto next life’s woes,
And forever be the victory
Of Tutankhamon’s magical weaponry.
One more word must be said
So they never again could be dead,
Your fame, your words, your deeds do declare,
In eternity and immortality, in one newborn’s tear.
That you never died a mortal death,
For evermore you can saith,
Olden age once and reborn flower
Destroys all corruptible power.
Golden One of centuries’ dust
In one iron dagger’s rust,
When ceremony and pomp both do fail,
That thy reign always prevail.
© Copyright 2005 MJC.
Two halves of a Person
Two Halves of a Person
© Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved
In Ancient Egyptian Philosophy, a Person has 2 parts: One is a Soul or Mind, the other is their Spirit or Essence. The Soul is the Ba, the Spirit is the Ka. A Soul can be detached as during Remote Viewing visions while the body is awake so long as the Spirit is inside. If both Spirit and Soul are not inside the body, the body will eventually die without something to guide it (like in a coma).
In 1975 my body died at age 3. It was at my babysitter’s apartment sleeping on her floor. I (Ka) awoke in the Otherworld (the Egyptian Duat), and then returned to my body. I found it still asleep; my babysitter was standing on its head, suffocating it to death, while watching television. I waited a while trying to decide what to do. I entered my body and resurrected it with an energy burst, which went up her spine. She immediately walked off. Then she went for her camera (she was a photographer), nervously. She took a few black & white photographs (my family still has one photograph) as evidence. Then my mother came by a few minutes later and I went home. The babysitter vanished since that day. Because my body died its original Soul (Mike Costa) entered Heaven, so I had to improvise, because you need both in order to live. So I took Tutankhamon’s Ba/Soul (from my home in Duat) and placed it in my body.
In early 1991 I found the babysitter again, at my University (CSUH/EB). She was a psychology counselor and was working on her Master’s degree with free sessions. I saw her for a few weeks; I had suffered from Depression (my best friend died from Leukemia in late 1990). She could tell something was amiss by her questions. Later on my mother told her about my childhood. The babysitter/counselor recognized something and laughed to herself. I let her “borrow” my book, which was semi-autobiographical (Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990), but she photocopied it WITHOUT ASKING FIRST; the book had a Copyright on the cover. In 1993 people were buying up this book, now published by her; she was calling my Science-Fiction novel a “True story” because well she believed it was real after my resurrection in 1975. It was about King Tutankhamon, for as a counselor that must have made sense to her. Anyway, the CIA (who believed her) intervened and I was never paid for the book, because I was now “classified top secret” by them… The money was only accessible via them or some secret group. In 2002 I asked them to buy some real estate [Niihau] with it. In 2003 my Arab neighbors discovered what I had been doing when they bribed the CIA or some rogue intelligence agent with $30,000+. Now my soul is not “Mike Costa” since 1975, so I don’t think like a modern person. I have this insatiable thirst for anything Ancient Egyptian, and create website “Temples” to the Gods of Egypt/Kemt. So my goal in buying up ‘secret real estate’ was to create a New Egyptian State based on Ancient Egyptian society. The fact my body was born on Howard Carter’s birthday 3 weeks premature, like the 3 weeks it took to open the tomb (from November 4 to November 26, 1922), indicates who my soul is. Howard Carter discovered “my” tomb in 1922. My Divine Ka (Pharaohs become divine at death) is in the tomb, guarding it while my just-as-destructive Divine Soul is in this one, causing weather anomalies with every thought. The babysitter has not been arrested for this crime or for the one in 1975. That’s the Government’s problem.
© Pharaocracy of Niihau 2011 M7.
© Copyright 2011 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved
In Ancient Egyptian Philosophy, a Person has 2 parts: One is a Soul or Mind, the other is their Spirit or Essence. The Soul is the Ba, the Spirit is the Ka. A Soul can be detached as during Remote Viewing visions while the body is awake so long as the Spirit is inside. If both Spirit and Soul are not inside the body, the body will eventually die without something to guide it (like in a coma).
In 1975 my body died at age 3. It was at my babysitter’s apartment sleeping on her floor. I (Ka) awoke in the Otherworld (the Egyptian Duat), and then returned to my body. I found it still asleep; my babysitter was standing on its head, suffocating it to death, while watching television. I waited a while trying to decide what to do. I entered my body and resurrected it with an energy burst, which went up her spine. She immediately walked off. Then she went for her camera (she was a photographer), nervously. She took a few black & white photographs (my family still has one photograph) as evidence. Then my mother came by a few minutes later and I went home. The babysitter vanished since that day. Because my body died its original Soul (Mike Costa) entered Heaven, so I had to improvise, because you need both in order to live. So I took Tutankhamon’s Ba/Soul (from my home in Duat) and placed it in my body.
In early 1991 I found the babysitter again, at my University (CSUH/EB). She was a psychology counselor and was working on her Master’s degree with free sessions. I saw her for a few weeks; I had suffered from Depression (my best friend died from Leukemia in late 1990). She could tell something was amiss by her questions. Later on my mother told her about my childhood. The babysitter/counselor recognized something and laughed to herself. I let her “borrow” my book, which was semi-autobiographical (Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990), but she photocopied it WITHOUT ASKING FIRST; the book had a Copyright on the cover. In 1993 people were buying up this book, now published by her; she was calling my Science-Fiction novel a “True story” because well she believed it was real after my resurrection in 1975. It was about King Tutankhamon, for as a counselor that must have made sense to her. Anyway, the CIA (who believed her) intervened and I was never paid for the book, because I was now “classified top secret” by them… The money was only accessible via them or some secret group. In 2002 I asked them to buy some real estate [Niihau] with it. In 2003 my Arab neighbors discovered what I had been doing when they bribed the CIA or some rogue intelligence agent with $30,000+. Now my soul is not “Mike Costa” since 1975, so I don’t think like a modern person. I have this insatiable thirst for anything Ancient Egyptian, and create website “Temples” to the Gods of Egypt/Kemt. So my goal in buying up ‘secret real estate’ was to create a New Egyptian State based on Ancient Egyptian society. The fact my body was born on Howard Carter’s birthday 3 weeks premature, like the 3 weeks it took to open the tomb (from November 4 to November 26, 1922), indicates who my soul is. Howard Carter discovered “my” tomb in 1922. My Divine Ka (Pharaohs become divine at death) is in the tomb, guarding it while my just-as-destructive Divine Soul is in this one, causing weather anomalies with every thought. The babysitter has not been arrested for this crime or for the one in 1975. That’s the Government’s problem.
© Pharaocracy of Niihau 2011 M7.
Friday, April 15, 2011
chapter 20 A Pharaoh's dream, from Eye of the Pharaoh c 1990
C H A P T E R T W E N T Y:
A P H A R A O H ' S D R E A M.
[Eye of the Pharaoh, Copyright 1990, 1995, by Michael J. Costa, all rights reserved.
With all of my power once regained, I exited the tomb carrying the scroll, which I will later give to an Egyptologist to decode. I thanked the Arab for his help and told him to inform the council about the discovery, so that I will at least acquire credit for something of the ancient world.
I walked in the breezy afternoon, glaring at my energized ring containing the infamous third-component. I held it to the sun and allowed the rays to reflect from its uncut surface. I decided that I should not bathe in this glory alone. My decision was to locate my wife's tomb and to give her the breath of life so that she may accompany me in both my afterlife and my current.
Walking in the hot sun allowed me to grow tired so I took a brief rest on top of a granite obelisk, which had fallen during some restoration work a year ago. I stared to the mountains of the Valley of the Queens where my search would commence. Some people started to walk towards me from the rest house ten meters away. One of them was an advanced Egyptologist who acquired knowledge of my discovery. Another was a director of antiquities at the Luxor museum. The remaining few were merely Arabs dressed in peasant garb carrying excavation equipment. They asked me where I would dig next.
I told them that I would begin searching for the tomb of Queen Ankhesenamon in the Valley of the Queens after I had rested. During the rest period, the baffled scientists wondered in amazement of my physic ability to locate my old tomb. They nearly bombarded me with simple questions to satisfy their quarrelsome worries.
It was four in the afternoon when I drew enough energy from my will to force myself upon another equally important discovery. I was now armed with a dark brimmed hat, a leather whip (for protection), a light weight jacket and a brass handled shovel.
We walked along a path where famous queens had their palaces of eternity decked in the mountainside. I raised my hand, which wore the ring and glanced to the north. The sun sent a bolt of light to the emerald, which then sent a light beam towards the valley. The light beam directed itself to a side in the mountains. I told the assistants to walk in that direction.
When we approached the designated location the emerald cast a light in the corner of the valley. We walked to the site and started digging.
After another three hours, the sun lowered itself to the clouded horizon and thus sending cool winds across the desert. Our shovels hit something. I cleared away the sand with a portable dust blower and brushed off excess dust with a five-inch brush. There was a step with the Cartouche of my wife's name inscribed upon it. I was delighted.
Without taking a break from our discovery, I ordered the workmen to start removing the enclosing rubble from the staircase. Stone by stone were removed and each minute increased my enduring excitement.
We worked until six that evening until the staircase and the first passage were cleared. The Egyptologist found some alabaster lamps and unguent containers with both the names of my wife and that of my former embodiment. I knew that she was buried here, though I did not know when.
At 6:30 PM the antechamber was uncovered and some gilt furniture came to light. The objects were similar in design to those, which were buried with Tutankhamon. At seven o'clock, we posted a guard and went to the local restaurant and ordered dinner. The curator of the Luxor museum met us there and we discussed our findings of the day. Although I did not have a valid permit to dig, they allowed me anyway since I single-handedly found my old tomb.
Two hours later I returned to my cruise ship and changed my clothes and took a relaxing shower. I returned to the site at 8:41 PM and assisted the men with their spotlight and camera equipment.
I opened the burial chamber with a crowbar and beamed my flashlight at the hole. The light bounced off a gold covered wall, probably a burial shrine containing the coffins. The men were amazed although the sight looked all too familiar to me. . . After clearing away the plastered door, we entered the sepulcher in silence.
The crewmen at the entrance directed the spotlight towards the stairwell and the cameras would record the findings. I inched along the side of the golden wall and discovered the entrance with the doors still sealed after 3,000 years. I allowed one of the workmen to photograph the clay seal with its nine jackals representing the nine chosen enemies of Kemti. The rope knot was carefully loosened with a slippery gel that caused the withered rope to be preserved upon its removal. I held the ancient bronze door handle in my right hand and I swiftly pulled back the door with ease of its fragile hinges. The door was at first stuck in place until some lubricant was added, and then the door was opened easily.
Upon the opening of the first set of doors, many artifacts came to light: first there was an ivory jewel box heaped with golden jewelry, next were ceremonial garments, and finally there was a shroud dotted with roses of gilt bronze covering the next shrine. I wasn't positive as to why there were shrines in this tomb, since usually shrines were meant for pharaohs and not their queens.
Two more golden shrines were uncovered and following the removal of more artifacts the stone sarcophagus appeared in the midst of our discovery. I told the others to clear a way along the walls of the inner sanctum and that of the antechamber for room to place the coffins. The workmen lifted the stone lid from its home and placed it on the side of the sarcophagus. Next, shovels were placed within the cracks between the coffins for their removal.
From the granite sarcophagus three gilt coffins of similar description were removed. I waited impatiently as the lid of the interior coffin was being removed. After the archaeologists took the lid from its place I directed a high powered flashlight onto its contents. There, laid before me in the form of the goddess Isis, was the mummy of my former loving wife, Ankhesenamon. Not knowing what to say, I knelt down beside her and glided my hand across her folded arms as newly formed tears blurred my vision. Although in reality she was my oldest niece, I regarded her not only as my wife but also as my purpose for living. . .
Finally, my eternal quest was at an end. I have both regained my ancient knowledge and the kindest, most caring creature I ever knew in my environment of the times. I intended to resurrect her using my combined ancient powers so that she may assist with my future progress that she would not have witnessed otherwise.
I did not discover her tomb for the fame and fortune that my predecessors Carter and Carnarvon had, but for the continuing presence of eternal perfection which inspired my past by knowing someone who accepted me, not only as a deity, but as a person-- something that never existed in any of my lifetimes beforehand. I regarded her as a perfect example of the potential ability that all dependent mutations can acquire, which is of course why I allowed them to exist on a planet made for life forms of greater value. I not only loved her as a person, but as a perfect being; probably the reason I created her. . .
For once in thirty-three centuries, we were finally together, even if it is in spirit for the time. I carefully lifted her from her bed of eternity and carried her past the Arab onlookers who displayed anything less than passion for my actions. I doubt they'll ever understand what I am performing, and I hope that they will never have to go through with what I am dealing with.
I transported her to a lion-headed couch and gently placed her wrapped corpse on the platform. Using a steel blade I cut the bandages from around her facial area, revealing to the world the third oldest daughter of the famous Nefertiti. I noticed some golden jewelry hanging from the surrounding linen strips so I placed them in my jacket pocket.
I removed the ring of Emerauldia from my pocket and placed it over her heart, assuming it was still there. Next, I held both of her tightly clasped hands and hung my head over her body, deeply concentrating on my creative powers which will cause her to live again, and this time in a new form. Within minutes, her entire body glowed in an erie Emerald bath of light. During this process a copy of her soul was being entered into the Emerald which in turn will enter her new embodiment.
Although I wasn't watching the entrance to the tomb, I did sense the presence of other humans entering the tomb. These people were from the government. One Arab was the Minister of Defense while another was the President himself,
accompanied by several bodyguards and assistants, each displaying heavenly awe upon their grief stricken faces. They probably never saw a true deity before, so I can understand what they were thinking at the time. I also wondered if I had committed an unusual crime by performing what they saw. Whatever they thought, it was of no concern to me.
Her body slowly floated from the platform and was suspended in air for several minutes. I rotated her body in circles, like a spoke between chariot wheels. As she spun in mid-air, parts of her were changed in form: her face became more fleshy and dark colored, her arms and legs looked almost new, and her abdomen was bare from the wrappings. As each new part flashed in color and became new, a jingling sound similar to the rattle of a sistrum, streamed through the still air. I concentrated even more, almost knocking myself unconscious as I squatted to the stone floor of the tomb.
Between spasms of power I glanced upward and watched her spin, noticing that her hair was once again a midnight black, and her complexion was a light tan. I suffered incredibly, as I never before attempted to resurrect something prior to the accumulation of my powers. My body hurt in several places as I forced the eternal powers of a god from the recesses of my cranium and of my heart. I suffered more than that of my opponent Jesus, who hung bolted to a cross. Now we were even. . . Know this: Horus was the true KRST.
Her body was now lowered onto the lion couch and I was relieved from my suffering. I slowly stood up and stared into the closed eyes of this new girl who I just brought from the Netherworld. The onlookers gathered around the platform and seemed amazed yet nervous about what happened. I turned around and eyed the President and his entourage calmly. The Egyptologist was speechless and so were the remaining excavators, who probably only expected to see ancient artifacts and not a godly resurrection.
I clothed her from some of the enclosed ceremonial garments and removed the numbered stickers, which the archaeologists had placed for identification. A bright camera flash nearly blinded me in the electric-torch lit room. I glanced behind me and heard a small apology from the cameraman who shot us.
Raising her head with my dust covered hands I opened her eyes and gave a blow of Emerauldian power over her. One eye opened and stared into the depths of the tomb behind me, which made me wonder if she knew that she was alive or still buried in the past. Next, her second eye opened which directed itself to me. She blinked and then stared at me with surprise. I doubted that she would be able to recognize me, considering my current embodiment resembles more of her father than that of my old self. I massaged her left cheek with my right hand and sent an age-old reserved kiss to her forehead. She attempted to sit up and perhaps to escape, but I forced her down until I informed her about who I am and of the current time in which she lived.
I lowered myself until I was parallel to her breast, and spoke softly to her. I told her, "Rise my dear Ankhesenamon, and look beyond the grave at your new life ahead. . . " I paused. "Do you remember who I am?"
In the English language that I entered into her vocabulary she asked, "Are you Ptah, God of Gods, or are you Ay?. . . I was told that I might see you one day by the priests of Amon. . ."
She still thought that she was dead, so I attempted to communicate to her in a slightly different way. "No, I am the afterlife of your husband who left you long ago. I am sorry that I left you without saying goodbye since you would have felt even more terrible if I had. I was Tutankhamon, though you may call me either ‘Tut’ or (Horus) Ptah-Amon-Re, as I am the creator god for which the name represents."
She replied, ". . . O Tutankhamon, you will never know how long I have waited to meet you again in the realm of the dead (no doubt she continued to think that she was in Heaven and not alive). I have thought about you day and night since you departed from my reach. . . Why have you returned and where. . where am I?"
I told her that she was in her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, and that I returned to her to ask her forgiveness in the matter of eliminating our former offspring. The idea still bothered me, even after thousands of Earth years. She didn't know what I was referring to so I dropped the subject rather than getting myself into trouble.
I helped to lift her from the lion couch and escorted her past the government agents and to the entrance. The other people in the tomb followed us out the subterranean passage and outside the tomb.
One of the government agents drew me aside. He asked me if I wanted this event to be kept secret, so I told him to classify anything regarding the resurrection and to publicly announce the discovery of the tomb and of its contents. The Egyptologist and his followers asked me whether I wished to keep any of the contents, so I told him to place the artifacts in a museum for now.
We walked to the ferryboat and went across the Nile, staring into each other's eyes like cats about to strike. I could not release my emotions for my situation was too intense and I would not know what to do anyway. At the other side of the river, we walked around the city of Luxor searching for a suitable hotel in which we would communicate our feelings in a relaxed state.
At the hotel we chose a suite in the corner of the seventh floor. There was a grandeur view of the river to the west, although the windows were too tinted to see much else. I sorted out some clothes I had bought from the hotel gift store and asked her to try them on. After that, we entered the enclosed Jacuzzi where we held each other in the rising steam. As I held her, my arms embracing her newly formed back and my head staring into the opposing wall, I thought that my life was once again perfect.
After the long bath in the circular hot tub, we ventured through the darkness and into the large bed located at the center of the room. I pulled up the polyester cover after we had entered. I stared at her in the darkness as former memories echoed to me from the grave. She seemed more beautiful now than when I was pharaoh, given the fact her body was now renewed. We exchanged kisses after the movements of our mouth parts silenced each smile, as if dessert wasn't enough. . .
Some time later, we discussed the future: the future of our relation and of my effect on the world. The tomb possessions from both of our tombs, those that won't decay in the years ahead, will be used since this is our afterlife regardless if the Netherworld is the more appropriate place to use them.
I had a different idea in mind. I had a plan which would unite all the "terrorist nations" and Arab countries into one empire. That way, the individual terrorists will not be able to ruin the world without consent of the emperor. The funds that would contribute to this plan will come from those countries in the past who had an illegal hold over Egypt as well as the ancient part of the country. One of those nations is, no doubt, Britain. When my tomb was discovered, Britain paid for the excavation and hoped to claim what is mine for their private usage. I will not allow future lands to perform this illegal action again.
The next day I returned to the cruise boat and informed my relatives that a friend will be accompanying us throughout the rest of our voyage. When I was asked who it was, I stated that the person was an assistant of my publisher and was also involved in the distribution of my book. I hoped that this ruse would be followed without question.
The government of Egypt daily monitored my whereabouts as well as Ankhesenamon's, and occasionally a representative was brave enough to ask a few questions. The ship stopped at the city of Aswan where the dam holds back the majority of the river. After staying there for one night, we flew over to Abu Simbel and photographed Ramses's temple. I considered Ankhesenamon to now be a mere girlfriend rather than inform everyone that she had at one time been my wife. It was easier on my conscious, too.
At the end of the cruise we flew to an area around the Red Sea and stayed at a resort stationed there. The government persisted in following us to whatever place we visited. Whether or not the government actually believed in afterlife it didn't matter, for what they observed in that dark tomb appeared as the act of a god and not of a grieving human who tried to have once again what he had lost. They clung to me in a similar way in which their ancestors clung to the idols they worshipped. But, who am I to complain?
Towards the end of my vacation in Egypt, I asked the President to take care of Ankhesenamon while I am gone for I have my American life to finish before I can return. Before I left her in the president's care, I told her goodbye. If only I had told her that before I died, then perhaps I would not feel so terrible about saying it now. This time, at least, she understood my intentions. Her gleaming smile waved back to me as I left in a silver-plated Mercedes, compliments of the Minister of Defense.
Back in the United States, I finished a partially incomplete course in college. At home I frequently looked at pictures from my trip and the souvenirs which reminded me of the pleasurable stay in my old country. The fabulous ring with its magical powers I kept hidden from view in a selected area in my closet marked "Egypt". Since I am the only person in my family who is interested in that subject, I decided that the ring was safe there.
The summer was almost beginning, so I called the President of Egypt on his private phone via satellite. I was not scheduled to go anywhere during the summer so I decided to once again visit my old land and perhaps discuss my future with the embassy of Egypt. I would not enter as a tourist but rather as an ambassador, from the Netherworld.
The president warned against my coming due to several suggestions of war among the Arab nations. I was not scared easily by the idea of war, so I told him to prepare the red carpet for his private jet, which I would ride.
When I arrived in a private airport in Cairo, the country appeared to have a persistent illness. That illness is war. Ever since I was pharaoh, there was a frequency of ill-fated treaties, which resulted in a minor battle. I was adjusted to understand those problems, so should I bring together all the nations with poor agreements then perhaps there will be no future ailments when peace treaties are called for.
A Limousine to the president’s office from the airstrip transported me. Ankhesenamon was waiting impatiently in the office when I arrived. The President had a worried look on his face when he turned to me from a row of windows. He briefly informed me that the nations of Syria and Libya were slowly amassing weapons of various character, some were chemical and some were traditional. He also received word that Libya had purchased ten nuclear rockets from a spy in the Soviet Union. This would be devastating information for the United States should Libya use the rockets and other combined arms against U.S. protectorates in the Middle East, such countries as Egypt itself. One aspect of good news is that the U.S. supplies weapons to Egypt, although there were not enough personnel to operate them. Even if Egypt were united with Israel in a war against these opponents, with the combined artillery of both countries, they still would not have enough manpower to use them.
For two weeks I stayed in Cairo, learning some political concepts and tactics from the president's officials. I watched the way he handled his occupation. I also attempted to smooth my already glossy relation with my former love, who seemed to be changing in the modern era.
During the middle of the third week, the president and some agents paraded down the main streets in Cairo in honor of a political holiday. The sight reminded me of the time former President Sadat paraded about the city in remembrance of the Yom Kippur War, during which renegade agents killed him.
Halfway through the parade I noticed a speeding black car in a collision course with the President's Limousine. I called out to him from inside the car to sit down and to stop waving to his fans. He told me not to worry. Moments later, the speeding car allowed a black draped arm holding a semi-automatic weapon to fire a series of slugs in the direction of his open window. I drew myself backwards, almost splashing my wife's margarita into the lap of a secret service agent armed with a silenced Uzi. The president was shot twice: once in his upper right shoulder, the other scraped his neck causing a semi-massive blood spill. Although he was wearing a bullet resistant vest, it didn't prevent the armor-piercing bullets from shattering his career. We dragged him inside, in care of his mortal wounds. I grabbed the agent's gun and sprayed the speeding car with enough missiles to destroy all its windows.
We drove to a local hospital and delivered him to an emergency room where doctors took care of him. I went back to the president's office and called the vice-president on line #2 over the radio. The vice-president was in Peru at the time, exploring archaeological findings, which he compared to Egyptology.
Since the vice-president could not be reached I decided, with the permission of the Minister of Defense, to temporarily control the land as acting-president. This decision made a few thousand sparks of interest to Ankhesenamon, who ached to see this happen. Finally, as it would seem, that something of this nature would again happen to me; that I would be a ruler under similar circumstances as when I first became pharaoh.
Instead of the traditional coronation procedures, which take months of planning, and that the nation needed an immediate ruler to supervise its health, I quickly armed myself with the rank of “Supreme President”. Should I remain in power after the wars, only then will I agree to the coronation procedures.
Without waiting for my enemies to attack, as if the assassination attempt wasn't a declaration of war, I decided to wage war against our immediate enemies. I sent an advisor to France for the accumulation of emergency tribute, which would pay for the wars. As France once sponsored Egypt as well as participated in some of its disputes, I could see no reason as to why it wouldn't help.
As my first act as president, I ordered that all the borders and boundary lines of Egypt be frozen until the dispute is stable. This would prevent the foreign agents from entering and thus prevent anymore problems such as the one that just occurred.
I ordered that all military artillery and soldiers be mobilized for attack on the western border, as Libya is the prime enemy in this war. I called the Prime Minister of Israel to accompany us, that is join forces, in this battle and all that follow as we would be working under the floor-plan established by Sadat. After all the American made and traditional military equipment was activated, I noticed that at least one-half were still in the harbors and hangers -- waiting for use.
I placed the ring of Emerauldia on my third finger as I thought about what I should do next. I decided that I would resurrect all the mummified, ancient Egyptians found in museums across the world to operate the vehicles of war still remaining. Since they were already dead, there won't be any casualties of war. . .
In order to make my idea possible, I needed to be in an area at the center of Egypt, this place was the pyramid of Khufu. I ordered that a couch from my wife's tomb be placed inside the crypt of Khufu on which I would sleep due to the power drain that occurs whenever I attempt to resurrect something from the past. Ankhesenamon was nervous about my decision, though I was confident this time.
The next day I laid down upon the ancient platform in the burial chamber of that great pharaoh, holding the ring with its magical powers. In my hands I held my original scepters of power, the crook and flail (taken from the museum under direct order). I concentrated on the ring as Ankhesenamon stood by me and watched curiously. Soon, the entire chamber was engulfed by green light. I concentrated upon my feelings of my past; I thought about all those people I knew and who served me. I probably didn't take much interest about them back then, but now I was upset that I didn't acquire a better relation with them. Nevertheless, I thought about everyone who I had met during my time as pharaoh (what I called "per-aa"), and all those who lived in Kemti.
The energy surrounding me pulsed with activity as I was now in deep thought. As I later discovered, all the mummies of the ancient world rose up from their glass cases and flew from their captivity as wings sprouted from their bandaged bodies. They looked like giant butterflies, storming in clusters and entering the war machines, which later charged through enemy lines. Their instructions came from me as I lay near the sarcophagus of a great ruler. I controlled their thoughts easily, and I also concentrated on falcons, which flew above them so that I could oversee their progress.
The next day, Libya surrendered at the hands of my "spirit brigade". I ordered my troops to collect all foreign vehicles for use on our side, against Syria.
Over the next month, the nations of Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Turkey (where Hittites used to be), Lebanon and Jordan succumbed to the power of the ancients under my declaration. The nations of Israel and Sudan were united with Egypt by their own accord. Saudi Arabia took no part in this activity, however.
I ordered that all conquered lands be united with Egypt to form an empire. This empire was labeled "The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic," and the national flag was composed of many smaller sections, each of which constituted the original nation's flag. Egypt's flag was once again green with a crescent moon and three stars, with the added insignia of ancient Egypt: the scepter of Ptah encircled by waves of fire and water. The scepter emerged from a blue Lotus flower, and above was seven four-pointed stars.
The manner of government is the following: ministers are over each section or city, Prime ministers over each ten ministers. Vice-presidents control each former country, while four "pharaohs" control four combined regions with a vice-emperor for every two pharaohs. At the apex is the Supreme Pharaoh or emperor of the entire realm. The emperor will be chosen by a two-thirds vote of a congress of ten representatives. The emperor will appoint each vice-emperor. Each pharaoh will be elected by a secret ballot by the Prime ministers who in turn are elected by the ministers. The ministers are thus chosen directly from the people, as are the ten selected representatives. Well, something like that.
After the war, I visited the president at the hospital. When I told him what happened, he was shocked and pleased as well. I asked him if I could be his co-regent rather than reigning alone with the permission of the president's subjects. A long pause followed. I knew that he wouldn't want a foreigner to rule, although Egypt was dominated by foreign rule long in between my two lives. Given his unfortunate situation and his inability to rule directly, he agreed upon a temporary contract, which proclaimed me as ruler of Egypt and of its empire. When he is better, only then will I have to leave office. Although the president would be the ruler of Egypt, he would not be the emperor of the territory, which I acquired, meaning that I would still be the emperor of the UEIR.
I decided that if I am destined to rule as emperor, then I must appear as such. I ordered a palace, large in size and functions, to be built in the territory bordering Egypt and Sudan. I also proclaimed that all of my tomb possessions that are usable in this life be brought to me. These objects will fill the palace combined with Ankhesenamon's artifacts so that the palace will look as if it were from ancient origin. After all, most people of the world have in the past already seen the tomb possessions so, in a sense, who will miss them?
The next week I returned to California and informed my relatives that I will live in the empire most of the time, and occasionally return to visit. They didn't realize that I caused the empire to form, and were concerned.
I later discovered that the only reason I was allowed to rule was in part due to my alleged powers, one of which is the power of resurrection. I performed what was necessary, though I did not intend to proclaim myself as a god as did someone else in the past. . . Besides, who will complain during my scheduled Apocalypse?
The organization of the empire was running smoothly. Soon enough will the empire appear as some of the past, such as the Roman Empire. I always wanted to have a large area to rule, without enemies disturbing the progress of my subjects. That was my wish even before I entered the embodiment of Tutankhamon. I seem to have the power to resurrect almost anyone from the past, all except my past embodiment. The reason is simple: should I bring back my past body, then the soul within me will have to leave and therefore send my current embodiment into oblivion. Besides, it wouldn't work anyway; the body is too destroyed to attempt a resurrection. Only those preserved, or who have recently died without the soul being erased, can relive in this world under my permission.
The next problem was the confusion of religion. With my presence here, many humans will start to worship me as their ancestors worshipped Jesus as a spiritual leader. I did not want this to happen. All I can do is to say that if they want to worship a god, then they must prove their worthiness to me and therefore worship anyone from the past whom they think has achieved "enlightenment." This will prevent them from worshipping false deities.
KV64 - Tomb of Queen Ankhesnamon?
Democracy in the Middle East -- Rebellion in all Arab States since Tunisia fell in January 2011:
M7 2011.
A P H A R A O H ' S D R E A M.
[Eye of the Pharaoh, Copyright 1990, 1995, by Michael J. Costa, all rights reserved.
With all of my power once regained, I exited the tomb carrying the scroll, which I will later give to an Egyptologist to decode. I thanked the Arab for his help and told him to inform the council about the discovery, so that I will at least acquire credit for something of the ancient world.
I walked in the breezy afternoon, glaring at my energized ring containing the infamous third-component. I held it to the sun and allowed the rays to reflect from its uncut surface. I decided that I should not bathe in this glory alone. My decision was to locate my wife's tomb and to give her the breath of life so that she may accompany me in both my afterlife and my current.
Walking in the hot sun allowed me to grow tired so I took a brief rest on top of a granite obelisk, which had fallen during some restoration work a year ago. I stared to the mountains of the Valley of the Queens where my search would commence. Some people started to walk towards me from the rest house ten meters away. One of them was an advanced Egyptologist who acquired knowledge of my discovery. Another was a director of antiquities at the Luxor museum. The remaining few were merely Arabs dressed in peasant garb carrying excavation equipment. They asked me where I would dig next.
I told them that I would begin searching for the tomb of Queen Ankhesenamon in the Valley of the Queens after I had rested. During the rest period, the baffled scientists wondered in amazement of my physic ability to locate my old tomb. They nearly bombarded me with simple questions to satisfy their quarrelsome worries.
It was four in the afternoon when I drew enough energy from my will to force myself upon another equally important discovery. I was now armed with a dark brimmed hat, a leather whip (for protection), a light weight jacket and a brass handled shovel.
We walked along a path where famous queens had their palaces of eternity decked in the mountainside. I raised my hand, which wore the ring and glanced to the north. The sun sent a bolt of light to the emerald, which then sent a light beam towards the valley. The light beam directed itself to a side in the mountains. I told the assistants to walk in that direction.
When we approached the designated location the emerald cast a light in the corner of the valley. We walked to the site and started digging.
After another three hours, the sun lowered itself to the clouded horizon and thus sending cool winds across the desert. Our shovels hit something. I cleared away the sand with a portable dust blower and brushed off excess dust with a five-inch brush. There was a step with the Cartouche of my wife's name inscribed upon it. I was delighted.
Without taking a break from our discovery, I ordered the workmen to start removing the enclosing rubble from the staircase. Stone by stone were removed and each minute increased my enduring excitement.
We worked until six that evening until the staircase and the first passage were cleared. The Egyptologist found some alabaster lamps and unguent containers with both the names of my wife and that of my former embodiment. I knew that she was buried here, though I did not know when.
At 6:30 PM the antechamber was uncovered and some gilt furniture came to light. The objects were similar in design to those, which were buried with Tutankhamon. At seven o'clock, we posted a guard and went to the local restaurant and ordered dinner. The curator of the Luxor museum met us there and we discussed our findings of the day. Although I did not have a valid permit to dig, they allowed me anyway since I single-handedly found my old tomb.
Two hours later I returned to my cruise ship and changed my clothes and took a relaxing shower. I returned to the site at 8:41 PM and assisted the men with their spotlight and camera equipment.
I opened the burial chamber with a crowbar and beamed my flashlight at the hole. The light bounced off a gold covered wall, probably a burial shrine containing the coffins. The men were amazed although the sight looked all too familiar to me. . . After clearing away the plastered door, we entered the sepulcher in silence.
The crewmen at the entrance directed the spotlight towards the stairwell and the cameras would record the findings. I inched along the side of the golden wall and discovered the entrance with the doors still sealed after 3,000 years. I allowed one of the workmen to photograph the clay seal with its nine jackals representing the nine chosen enemies of Kemti. The rope knot was carefully loosened with a slippery gel that caused the withered rope to be preserved upon its removal. I held the ancient bronze door handle in my right hand and I swiftly pulled back the door with ease of its fragile hinges. The door was at first stuck in place until some lubricant was added, and then the door was opened easily.
Upon the opening of the first set of doors, many artifacts came to light: first there was an ivory jewel box heaped with golden jewelry, next were ceremonial garments, and finally there was a shroud dotted with roses of gilt bronze covering the next shrine. I wasn't positive as to why there were shrines in this tomb, since usually shrines were meant for pharaohs and not their queens.
Two more golden shrines were uncovered and following the removal of more artifacts the stone sarcophagus appeared in the midst of our discovery. I told the others to clear a way along the walls of the inner sanctum and that of the antechamber for room to place the coffins. The workmen lifted the stone lid from its home and placed it on the side of the sarcophagus. Next, shovels were placed within the cracks between the coffins for their removal.
From the granite sarcophagus three gilt coffins of similar description were removed. I waited impatiently as the lid of the interior coffin was being removed. After the archaeologists took the lid from its place I directed a high powered flashlight onto its contents. There, laid before me in the form of the goddess Isis, was the mummy of my former loving wife, Ankhesenamon. Not knowing what to say, I knelt down beside her and glided my hand across her folded arms as newly formed tears blurred my vision. Although in reality she was my oldest niece, I regarded her not only as my wife but also as my purpose for living. . .
Finally, my eternal quest was at an end. I have both regained my ancient knowledge and the kindest, most caring creature I ever knew in my environment of the times. I intended to resurrect her using my combined ancient powers so that she may assist with my future progress that she would not have witnessed otherwise.
I did not discover her tomb for the fame and fortune that my predecessors Carter and Carnarvon had, but for the continuing presence of eternal perfection which inspired my past by knowing someone who accepted me, not only as a deity, but as a person-- something that never existed in any of my lifetimes beforehand. I regarded her as a perfect example of the potential ability that all dependent mutations can acquire, which is of course why I allowed them to exist on a planet made for life forms of greater value. I not only loved her as a person, but as a perfect being; probably the reason I created her. . .
For once in thirty-three centuries, we were finally together, even if it is in spirit for the time. I carefully lifted her from her bed of eternity and carried her past the Arab onlookers who displayed anything less than passion for my actions. I doubt they'll ever understand what I am performing, and I hope that they will never have to go through with what I am dealing with.
I transported her to a lion-headed couch and gently placed her wrapped corpse on the platform. Using a steel blade I cut the bandages from around her facial area, revealing to the world the third oldest daughter of the famous Nefertiti. I noticed some golden jewelry hanging from the surrounding linen strips so I placed them in my jacket pocket.
I removed the ring of Emerauldia from my pocket and placed it over her heart, assuming it was still there. Next, I held both of her tightly clasped hands and hung my head over her body, deeply concentrating on my creative powers which will cause her to live again, and this time in a new form. Within minutes, her entire body glowed in an erie Emerald bath of light. During this process a copy of her soul was being entered into the Emerald which in turn will enter her new embodiment.
Although I wasn't watching the entrance to the tomb, I did sense the presence of other humans entering the tomb. These people were from the government. One Arab was the Minister of Defense while another was the President himself,
accompanied by several bodyguards and assistants, each displaying heavenly awe upon their grief stricken faces. They probably never saw a true deity before, so I can understand what they were thinking at the time. I also wondered if I had committed an unusual crime by performing what they saw. Whatever they thought, it was of no concern to me.
Her body slowly floated from the platform and was suspended in air for several minutes. I rotated her body in circles, like a spoke between chariot wheels. As she spun in mid-air, parts of her were changed in form: her face became more fleshy and dark colored, her arms and legs looked almost new, and her abdomen was bare from the wrappings. As each new part flashed in color and became new, a jingling sound similar to the rattle of a sistrum, streamed through the still air. I concentrated even more, almost knocking myself unconscious as I squatted to the stone floor of the tomb.
Between spasms of power I glanced upward and watched her spin, noticing that her hair was once again a midnight black, and her complexion was a light tan. I suffered incredibly, as I never before attempted to resurrect something prior to the accumulation of my powers. My body hurt in several places as I forced the eternal powers of a god from the recesses of my cranium and of my heart. I suffered more than that of my opponent Jesus, who hung bolted to a cross. Now we were even. . . Know this: Horus was the true KRST.
Her body was now lowered onto the lion couch and I was relieved from my suffering. I slowly stood up and stared into the closed eyes of this new girl who I just brought from the Netherworld. The onlookers gathered around the platform and seemed amazed yet nervous about what happened. I turned around and eyed the President and his entourage calmly. The Egyptologist was speechless and so were the remaining excavators, who probably only expected to see ancient artifacts and not a godly resurrection.
I clothed her from some of the enclosed ceremonial garments and removed the numbered stickers, which the archaeologists had placed for identification. A bright camera flash nearly blinded me in the electric-torch lit room. I glanced behind me and heard a small apology from the cameraman who shot us.
Raising her head with my dust covered hands I opened her eyes and gave a blow of Emerauldian power over her. One eye opened and stared into the depths of the tomb behind me, which made me wonder if she knew that she was alive or still buried in the past. Next, her second eye opened which directed itself to me. She blinked and then stared at me with surprise. I doubted that she would be able to recognize me, considering my current embodiment resembles more of her father than that of my old self. I massaged her left cheek with my right hand and sent an age-old reserved kiss to her forehead. She attempted to sit up and perhaps to escape, but I forced her down until I informed her about who I am and of the current time in which she lived.
I lowered myself until I was parallel to her breast, and spoke softly to her. I told her, "Rise my dear Ankhesenamon, and look beyond the grave at your new life ahead. . . " I paused. "Do you remember who I am?"
In the English language that I entered into her vocabulary she asked, "Are you Ptah, God of Gods, or are you Ay?. . . I was told that I might see you one day by the priests of Amon. . ."
She still thought that she was dead, so I attempted to communicate to her in a slightly different way. "No, I am the afterlife of your husband who left you long ago. I am sorry that I left you without saying goodbye since you would have felt even more terrible if I had. I was Tutankhamon, though you may call me either ‘Tut’ or (Horus) Ptah-Amon-Re, as I am the creator god for which the name represents."
She replied, ". . . O Tutankhamon, you will never know how long I have waited to meet you again in the realm of the dead (no doubt she continued to think that she was in Heaven and not alive). I have thought about you day and night since you departed from my reach. . . Why have you returned and where. . where am I?"
I told her that she was in her tomb in the Valley of the Queens, and that I returned to her to ask her forgiveness in the matter of eliminating our former offspring. The idea still bothered me, even after thousands of Earth years. She didn't know what I was referring to so I dropped the subject rather than getting myself into trouble.
I helped to lift her from the lion couch and escorted her past the government agents and to the entrance. The other people in the tomb followed us out the subterranean passage and outside the tomb.
One of the government agents drew me aside. He asked me if I wanted this event to be kept secret, so I told him to classify anything regarding the resurrection and to publicly announce the discovery of the tomb and of its contents. The Egyptologist and his followers asked me whether I wished to keep any of the contents, so I told him to place the artifacts in a museum for now.
We walked to the ferryboat and went across the Nile, staring into each other's eyes like cats about to strike. I could not release my emotions for my situation was too intense and I would not know what to do anyway. At the other side of the river, we walked around the city of Luxor searching for a suitable hotel in which we would communicate our feelings in a relaxed state.
At the hotel we chose a suite in the corner of the seventh floor. There was a grandeur view of the river to the west, although the windows were too tinted to see much else. I sorted out some clothes I had bought from the hotel gift store and asked her to try them on. After that, we entered the enclosed Jacuzzi where we held each other in the rising steam. As I held her, my arms embracing her newly formed back and my head staring into the opposing wall, I thought that my life was once again perfect.
After the long bath in the circular hot tub, we ventured through the darkness and into the large bed located at the center of the room. I pulled up the polyester cover after we had entered. I stared at her in the darkness as former memories echoed to me from the grave. She seemed more beautiful now than when I was pharaoh, given the fact her body was now renewed. We exchanged kisses after the movements of our mouth parts silenced each smile, as if dessert wasn't enough. . .
Some time later, we discussed the future: the future of our relation and of my effect on the world. The tomb possessions from both of our tombs, those that won't decay in the years ahead, will be used since this is our afterlife regardless if the Netherworld is the more appropriate place to use them.
I had a different idea in mind. I had a plan which would unite all the "terrorist nations" and Arab countries into one empire. That way, the individual terrorists will not be able to ruin the world without consent of the emperor. The funds that would contribute to this plan will come from those countries in the past who had an illegal hold over Egypt as well as the ancient part of the country. One of those nations is, no doubt, Britain. When my tomb was discovered, Britain paid for the excavation and hoped to claim what is mine for their private usage. I will not allow future lands to perform this illegal action again.
The next day I returned to the cruise boat and informed my relatives that a friend will be accompanying us throughout the rest of our voyage. When I was asked who it was, I stated that the person was an assistant of my publisher and was also involved in the distribution of my book. I hoped that this ruse would be followed without question.
The government of Egypt daily monitored my whereabouts as well as Ankhesenamon's, and occasionally a representative was brave enough to ask a few questions. The ship stopped at the city of Aswan where the dam holds back the majority of the river. After staying there for one night, we flew over to Abu Simbel and photographed Ramses's temple. I considered Ankhesenamon to now be a mere girlfriend rather than inform everyone that she had at one time been my wife. It was easier on my conscious, too.
At the end of the cruise we flew to an area around the Red Sea and stayed at a resort stationed there. The government persisted in following us to whatever place we visited. Whether or not the government actually believed in afterlife it didn't matter, for what they observed in that dark tomb appeared as the act of a god and not of a grieving human who tried to have once again what he had lost. They clung to me in a similar way in which their ancestors clung to the idols they worshipped. But, who am I to complain?
Towards the end of my vacation in Egypt, I asked the President to take care of Ankhesenamon while I am gone for I have my American life to finish before I can return. Before I left her in the president's care, I told her goodbye. If only I had told her that before I died, then perhaps I would not feel so terrible about saying it now. This time, at least, she understood my intentions. Her gleaming smile waved back to me as I left in a silver-plated Mercedes, compliments of the Minister of Defense.
Back in the United States, I finished a partially incomplete course in college. At home I frequently looked at pictures from my trip and the souvenirs which reminded me of the pleasurable stay in my old country. The fabulous ring with its magical powers I kept hidden from view in a selected area in my closet marked "Egypt". Since I am the only person in my family who is interested in that subject, I decided that the ring was safe there.
The summer was almost beginning, so I called the President of Egypt on his private phone via satellite. I was not scheduled to go anywhere during the summer so I decided to once again visit my old land and perhaps discuss my future with the embassy of Egypt. I would not enter as a tourist but rather as an ambassador, from the Netherworld.
The president warned against my coming due to several suggestions of war among the Arab nations. I was not scared easily by the idea of war, so I told him to prepare the red carpet for his private jet, which I would ride.
When I arrived in a private airport in Cairo, the country appeared to have a persistent illness. That illness is war. Ever since I was pharaoh, there was a frequency of ill-fated treaties, which resulted in a minor battle. I was adjusted to understand those problems, so should I bring together all the nations with poor agreements then perhaps there will be no future ailments when peace treaties are called for.
A Limousine to the president’s office from the airstrip transported me. Ankhesenamon was waiting impatiently in the office when I arrived. The President had a worried look on his face when he turned to me from a row of windows. He briefly informed me that the nations of Syria and Libya were slowly amassing weapons of various character, some were chemical and some were traditional. He also received word that Libya had purchased ten nuclear rockets from a spy in the Soviet Union. This would be devastating information for the United States should Libya use the rockets and other combined arms against U.S. protectorates in the Middle East, such countries as Egypt itself. One aspect of good news is that the U.S. supplies weapons to Egypt, although there were not enough personnel to operate them. Even if Egypt were united with Israel in a war against these opponents, with the combined artillery of both countries, they still would not have enough manpower to use them.
For two weeks I stayed in Cairo, learning some political concepts and tactics from the president's officials. I watched the way he handled his occupation. I also attempted to smooth my already glossy relation with my former love, who seemed to be changing in the modern era.
During the middle of the third week, the president and some agents paraded down the main streets in Cairo in honor of a political holiday. The sight reminded me of the time former President Sadat paraded about the city in remembrance of the Yom Kippur War, during which renegade agents killed him.
Halfway through the parade I noticed a speeding black car in a collision course with the President's Limousine. I called out to him from inside the car to sit down and to stop waving to his fans. He told me not to worry. Moments later, the speeding car allowed a black draped arm holding a semi-automatic weapon to fire a series of slugs in the direction of his open window. I drew myself backwards, almost splashing my wife's margarita into the lap of a secret service agent armed with a silenced Uzi. The president was shot twice: once in his upper right shoulder, the other scraped his neck causing a semi-massive blood spill. Although he was wearing a bullet resistant vest, it didn't prevent the armor-piercing bullets from shattering his career. We dragged him inside, in care of his mortal wounds. I grabbed the agent's gun and sprayed the speeding car with enough missiles to destroy all its windows.
We drove to a local hospital and delivered him to an emergency room where doctors took care of him. I went back to the president's office and called the vice-president on line #2 over the radio. The vice-president was in Peru at the time, exploring archaeological findings, which he compared to Egyptology.
Since the vice-president could not be reached I decided, with the permission of the Minister of Defense, to temporarily control the land as acting-president. This decision made a few thousand sparks of interest to Ankhesenamon, who ached to see this happen. Finally, as it would seem, that something of this nature would again happen to me; that I would be a ruler under similar circumstances as when I first became pharaoh.
Instead of the traditional coronation procedures, which take months of planning, and that the nation needed an immediate ruler to supervise its health, I quickly armed myself with the rank of “Supreme President”. Should I remain in power after the wars, only then will I agree to the coronation procedures.
Without waiting for my enemies to attack, as if the assassination attempt wasn't a declaration of war, I decided to wage war against our immediate enemies. I sent an advisor to France for the accumulation of emergency tribute, which would pay for the wars. As France once sponsored Egypt as well as participated in some of its disputes, I could see no reason as to why it wouldn't help.
As my first act as president, I ordered that all the borders and boundary lines of Egypt be frozen until the dispute is stable. This would prevent the foreign agents from entering and thus prevent anymore problems such as the one that just occurred.
I ordered that all military artillery and soldiers be mobilized for attack on the western border, as Libya is the prime enemy in this war. I called the Prime Minister of Israel to accompany us, that is join forces, in this battle and all that follow as we would be working under the floor-plan established by Sadat. After all the American made and traditional military equipment was activated, I noticed that at least one-half were still in the harbors and hangers -- waiting for use.
I placed the ring of Emerauldia on my third finger as I thought about what I should do next. I decided that I would resurrect all the mummified, ancient Egyptians found in museums across the world to operate the vehicles of war still remaining. Since they were already dead, there won't be any casualties of war. . .
In order to make my idea possible, I needed to be in an area at the center of Egypt, this place was the pyramid of Khufu. I ordered that a couch from my wife's tomb be placed inside the crypt of Khufu on which I would sleep due to the power drain that occurs whenever I attempt to resurrect something from the past. Ankhesenamon was nervous about my decision, though I was confident this time.
The next day I laid down upon the ancient platform in the burial chamber of that great pharaoh, holding the ring with its magical powers. In my hands I held my original scepters of power, the crook and flail (taken from the museum under direct order). I concentrated on the ring as Ankhesenamon stood by me and watched curiously. Soon, the entire chamber was engulfed by green light. I concentrated upon my feelings of my past; I thought about all those people I knew and who served me. I probably didn't take much interest about them back then, but now I was upset that I didn't acquire a better relation with them. Nevertheless, I thought about everyone who I had met during my time as pharaoh (what I called "per-aa"), and all those who lived in Kemti.
The energy surrounding me pulsed with activity as I was now in deep thought. As I later discovered, all the mummies of the ancient world rose up from their glass cases and flew from their captivity as wings sprouted from their bandaged bodies. They looked like giant butterflies, storming in clusters and entering the war machines, which later charged through enemy lines. Their instructions came from me as I lay near the sarcophagus of a great ruler. I controlled their thoughts easily, and I also concentrated on falcons, which flew above them so that I could oversee their progress.
The next day, Libya surrendered at the hands of my "spirit brigade". I ordered my troops to collect all foreign vehicles for use on our side, against Syria.
Over the next month, the nations of Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Turkey (where Hittites used to be), Lebanon and Jordan succumbed to the power of the ancients under my declaration. The nations of Israel and Sudan were united with Egypt by their own accord. Saudi Arabia took no part in this activity, however.
I ordered that all conquered lands be united with Egypt to form an empire. This empire was labeled "The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic," and the national flag was composed of many smaller sections, each of which constituted the original nation's flag. Egypt's flag was once again green with a crescent moon and three stars, with the added insignia of ancient Egypt: the scepter of Ptah encircled by waves of fire and water. The scepter emerged from a blue Lotus flower, and above was seven four-pointed stars.
The manner of government is the following: ministers are over each section or city, Prime ministers over each ten ministers. Vice-presidents control each former country, while four "pharaohs" control four combined regions with a vice-emperor for every two pharaohs. At the apex is the Supreme Pharaoh or emperor of the entire realm. The emperor will be chosen by a two-thirds vote of a congress of ten representatives. The emperor will appoint each vice-emperor. Each pharaoh will be elected by a secret ballot by the Prime ministers who in turn are elected by the ministers. The ministers are thus chosen directly from the people, as are the ten selected representatives. Well, something like that.
After the war, I visited the president at the hospital. When I told him what happened, he was shocked and pleased as well. I asked him if I could be his co-regent rather than reigning alone with the permission of the president's subjects. A long pause followed. I knew that he wouldn't want a foreigner to rule, although Egypt was dominated by foreign rule long in between my two lives. Given his unfortunate situation and his inability to rule directly, he agreed upon a temporary contract, which proclaimed me as ruler of Egypt and of its empire. When he is better, only then will I have to leave office. Although the president would be the ruler of Egypt, he would not be the emperor of the territory, which I acquired, meaning that I would still be the emperor of the UEIR.
I decided that if I am destined to rule as emperor, then I must appear as such. I ordered a palace, large in size and functions, to be built in the territory bordering Egypt and Sudan. I also proclaimed that all of my tomb possessions that are usable in this life be brought to me. These objects will fill the palace combined with Ankhesenamon's artifacts so that the palace will look as if it were from ancient origin. After all, most people of the world have in the past already seen the tomb possessions so, in a sense, who will miss them?
The next week I returned to California and informed my relatives that I will live in the empire most of the time, and occasionally return to visit. They didn't realize that I caused the empire to form, and were concerned.
I later discovered that the only reason I was allowed to rule was in part due to my alleged powers, one of which is the power of resurrection. I performed what was necessary, though I did not intend to proclaim myself as a god as did someone else in the past. . . Besides, who will complain during my scheduled Apocalypse?
The organization of the empire was running smoothly. Soon enough will the empire appear as some of the past, such as the Roman Empire. I always wanted to have a large area to rule, without enemies disturbing the progress of my subjects. That was my wish even before I entered the embodiment of Tutankhamon. I seem to have the power to resurrect almost anyone from the past, all except my past embodiment. The reason is simple: should I bring back my past body, then the soul within me will have to leave and therefore send my current embodiment into oblivion. Besides, it wouldn't work anyway; the body is too destroyed to attempt a resurrection. Only those preserved, or who have recently died without the soul being erased, can relive in this world under my permission.
The next problem was the confusion of religion. With my presence here, many humans will start to worship me as their ancestors worshipped Jesus as a spiritual leader. I did not want this to happen. All I can do is to say that if they want to worship a god, then they must prove their worthiness to me and therefore worship anyone from the past whom they think has achieved "enlightenment." This will prevent them from worshipping false deities.
KV64 - Tomb of Queen Ankhesnamon?
Democracy in the Middle East -- Rebellion in all Arab States since Tunisia fell in January 2011:
M7 2011.
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