Saturday, April 23, 2011

for the New Egypt post revolution - some ideas.

Nova Egypt:

The New Government of Nova Egypt: by M7C:

1. EXECUTIVE = Sultanate
(Sultan, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Aid, International Relations, UN, Knights of Justice, etc.)
2. LEGISLATIVE = Citizen Republic.
(President, Civilian made/voted laws, Knights of the People, Senate, etc.)
3. JUDICIAL = Court of Asar
(Pharaoh, Judges, Lower courts, etc.)
4. FINANCIAL = Central Bank of Egypt.
(Temple, Businesses, Technology, Agriculture, etc.)


1. Citizens have equal rights. IF Citizen abuses his rights (freedoms),
then the Citizen will become a Plebeian until those rights are corrected or
his office in life is restored.

2. Senate under Legislative is comprised of Nomarchs (governors), and are an elected office.

3. Knights of the People = Police. Knights of Justice = Military Police.

4. Money value may be based on Civil behavior level of the Citizen Republic;
good behavior increases strength of the currency. Currency may be printed by the Executive Branch.

5. Beliefs are NOT to influence the direction of Government, includes politics & religion & Sciences.
(we want a sober government)

6. Respect of Ancestors & Ancient Natives will prevent looting or vandalism.
Morality is basically laws embedded in religion.

7. Respect Fellow Citizens and citizens of foreign countries to prevent incitement of war.
(i.e. don't misuse Freedom of Speech to land insults somewhere else).


Copyright 2011 M7C.

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