Sunday, September 29, 2013

more space junk...

M7 2013.

What KheriHeb Priests do...

Ancient Egyptian Priests who read the ritual book and directed its ceremonies were called: KheriHeb Priests.  They were highly skilled and knowledgeable in Magic and Natural Physics.  As a result of this, they often controlled or manipulated Natural Forces by willing them into action.  One way of attaining Divine Energy was to "identify with the Gods" as by saying "I am (this God)" in the spell.  Each God was in charge of a different act of Nature: Nut for outer space, Horus for the sky, Amon or Shu for the winds, Geb or Seb for the Earth / Earthquakes, Tefnut for rain and storms, Seth for chaos and revolutions and thunder/lightning, Ptah for creation or Chronokinesis, Thoth or Imhotep for healing, etc.  It does not mean the KheriHeb Priest is the God in question, only for about 10 minutes at a time to absorb its energies for working Magical Effect.  I am a KheriHeb Master; I started this occupation in the late 1980s.  I started to control the wind in 1988, the rain in 1991, and earthquakes in 1989.  I was classified top secret by 1993.  LOL. 

M7 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Egypt as a nuclear free zone

Ha, someone must have reread my book and thought about Chapter 21 (WW3 - USA, USSR (Russia), and Iran).  Though sending copies to the government probably helped.  From Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990 / The Flawed Emerald c.1995.  The event may be delayed by 10 years, just as the Revolution of 2011 was delayed by ca.10 years after Sept. 11, 2001.  A delay of 10 years is in the book. 

MC 2013.

Just don't go digging up any Ancient Egyptian Nukes hidden in the Crypt of Khufu, or anything...



Friday, September 27, 2013

Foreign Conquests -- China (current)

My Hornet (Egyptian Bee) invasion.

Previously it was Frogs in China:

M7 2013.

Global Conquest of the Human Nations is underway (since 1980s). The UEIR (Kingdom or Empire of God) is victorious, as usual. 



There are at least 2 "M7s:"

1. one M7 is a Kheriheb Priest (Mike Costa); called Haroeris M7.
2. one M7 is Consul of Iapana, UEIR in the East Pacific Rim States.
3. another M7 is a catchphrase for a West African Dictator, not connected to the UEIR.
4. other M7s exist, as in CIA or NSA directives.
5. M7 is also the name for an assault rifle or tank.  
6. one M7 is a company of 7 people with a first name beginning with M.
7. M7 is also an abbreviation for other names that are 7 letters long & begin with M.

M7 2013.

Seponal is Not from Espanol.

M7 2013.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Marcaesar Bio

Biography of Sultan Marcaesar 1, UEIR.
Copyright 2013 UEIR

Ahmed Fuad 3 Marcaesar:

1951-2011 CE,

(Allegedly) Son of King Farouk of Egypt and one of his Harem girls (Unknown name).
Though not in line with the throne of Egypt, post-1952 following Farouk's abdication and exile to Italy, Ahmed moved to Europe in 1961 and then to America in 1991. He was College educated, majoring in Political Science.  He became Foreign Affairs Director for the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic in 1992.  This position was called the Sultanate of the UEIR.  He authored several temporary law codes for the Empire aspect of the UEIR, and had insignia designed for his use. In keeping with the Egypto-Roman UEIR, he selected the name "Marcaesar" as his nickname. 
He was married to Alicia Marcaesar, a noted lesbian, and has seven children, several grandchildren, and many adoring fans.  During the Revolution of 2011 Ahmed was working in an Ancient Egyptian tomb that had been recently excavated wherein he was biten by a scorpion and tripped on a pipe, causing the tomb ceiling to collapse onto him. He remained there for several hours as emergency assistance was not available due to the rioting in Cairo.  He died in the tomb.  His remains were cremated and his ashes were scattered in the Mediterranean Sea near Cyprus as indicated in his Will.

Marcaesar's heirs use his name on future publications from the UEIR, and his soul is assisting the UEIR in Duat.

M7 UEIR 2013.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Budget 2013

September 2013 - UEIR Provincial Budget:
Copyright 2013 M7-UEIR, All rights reserved.

$100 Billion USD Revenue To be spent as follows:

1.  $10 Billion for Health Care.  Includes disability, welfare (Niihau, Iapana), and emergencies.
2.  $10 Billion for Law Enforcement (Code Caesar 5.0); Imperial Guard, Military, Security, Technology upgrades.
3.  $100 Million for Entertainment, Diversion, Religious Activities or Festivals, etc.
4.  $100 Million for Water Purification (Niihau mostly, UEIR, Iapana), Water, etc.
5.  $200 Million for Agriculture (Farms, Ranches) and Technology related expenses, Granaries, etc.
6.  $100 Million for Medical Research.
7.  $100 Million for Community Colleges, High Schools, Text Books, Clubs, etc.
8.  $400 Million for Education (in General).
9.  $200 Million for UEIR Insignia Design, Currency, Royal Seals, Uniforms, etc.
10. $100 Million for Grants, University Scholarships, Patents, Copyrights, etc.
11. $700 Million for Defense, Technology, (Military bases, Niihau), etc.
12. $8 Billion for Employees, Annuities, Pensions, Securities, etc.
13. $300 Million for Firemen, Emergency units, Architects, etc.
14. $100 Million for Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind, Motion, etc.
15. $100 Million for Animal Shelters, Pet adoption, Population Control, etc.
16. $500 Million for Postal Revenue, emails, package delivery, etc.
17. $4 Billion for Environmental Preservation, Sanitation, Recycling, etc.
18. $5 Billion for Intelligence, Counter-Espionage, Counter-Terrorism, Government Propaganda, etc.
19. $10 Billion for Savings, Imperial Reserve, Banking system, etc.
20. $10 Billion for Pharaoh M7 salary.
21. $10 Billion for Monument Construction Reserves (Temples, Tombs, etc.).
22. $5 Billion for Deities Salary, Priesthood, Offerings, Vestments, etc.
23. $5 Billion for Textiles, clothing, Flax/Cotton/Silk/Synthetics (farms), etc.
24. $5 Billion for Computers, Software, hardware, gadgets, cellular phones, telephones, etc.
25. $5 Billion for Electricity, Satellites, (back-up) Generators, Energy, etc.
26. $5 Billion for Lawsuit Protection, Foreign Affairs (Sultanate), Foreign Aid, etc.
27. $3 Billion for Infrastructure (roads, bridges, cleanliness, gardens, Environment, etc.).
28. $1 Billion for Legislation, Courts, Judges, Bureaucracy, Scribes, Libraries, etc.
29. $1 Billion for Specific Charities, Donations, Tax exemptions, etc.
30. $2 Billion for Housing, Palaces, Apartments, etc.
31. $3 Billion for Other, non-specified.


M7 UEIR 2013.
(These amounts are included in the UEIR Empire.)

M7 2013.

Official UEIR Budgets:

Of 100%:

Core: First 40%: Cannot Cut These:

1.  10%: Water, Food, Sanitation, Medicine (Water Purification & Reserves; Agriculture; Basic Health Care).
2.  10%: Clothing, Housing, Energy, Temples (Textiles; Housing; Electricity from Solar, Wind, Motion, etc.).
3.  10%: Education, Courts, Intelligence, Law Creation & Enforcement, Firemen, EMC, Bureaucracy, Savings.
4.  10%: Defense, Security, Employee Salaries & Pensions, Technology, Communications & postal, Transportation.

Secondary: Next 40%: Can be Cut during Recessions:

5.  10%: Medical Research, Technology upgrades, College Text Book Funds, Grants, Scholarships, etc.
6.  10%: Entertainment, Arts & Sciences, Museums, Libraries, After school clubs, etc.
7.  10%: Military (Offensive), Military Technology, Counter-Terrorism or Espionage, Lawsuit protection, etc.
8.  10%: Major Health Care, Welfare, "Obama-care", Foreign Aid, Infrastructure, Tax Exemptions, Currency, etc.

Extras: Last 20%: Can be cut during Recessions:

9.  10%: Monument Construction, Conservation, Charities, Imperial Reserve, Insignia, Other, etc.
10. 10%: Civilian projects, Animal Shelters, Priesthood of Lesser Deities, additives, etc.

M7 2013.


Today, Sept. 20, 2013, marks to the date 20 years and 9 months since the UEIR acquired the Federal Government of the United States of America, via Divine Conquest.  This was since classified by the Government so no one would notice this. Since that time, the USA Government has racked up trillions in debt (mostly owed to the UEIR).  Events caused  by the UEIR continue to function.  (See Code Caesar 5.0)... 

M7 UEIR 2013.

This is not about Religion.   The fact that the original promise - or Prophecy - was that Lord Osiris of Duat (Netherworld Egypt) would return to establish his Empire on Earth predates the one in the Bible where the Christian God does this.  Christianity stole many aspects of our culture for their religion.  This Empire -- or "Kingdom of God on Earth" -- or the Mahdi Caliphate in the Quran -- is the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic as directed by Sovereign-Lord Ptah-Osiris-Ra (Seponal), and currently rules by Divine Power all those whom we conquered or annexed.  This power is through Emerauldium (the Philosopher's Stone element) via Telepsi-M7. 

The UEIR are not "terrorists" we are GODS.  If people have god-fearing tendencies they tend to believe this propaganda about us.  Gods are any supernatural entities that conquer or control lesser beings and the environment; one of our origins was on the Island of Atlantis (Madeira Islands is a remnant, as is the Bermuda Triangle region); the Ennead or 9-Gods of Ancient Egypt is the same
as the 9 Sovereign Princes of Atlantis, of whom M7 was one of them; (Prince of Light).  M7 is written in Atlantean as a "crowned M" or 3*.  This symbol is presently advertised by the USA. 

M7 2013.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

slang and scams

There are people in the world who do not like originality or individuality, such as special abilities or high intellect, and want to abuse them out of envy by inventing scams or using certain slang ideas.  For instance, saying someone is a "billionaire" may mean "he is neat" or "of high status" rather than being rich or having billions of currency.  Then there are those who take the slang concept and invent a scam around it to deceive people for money.  So if someone out there believes or hears that "M7 is a billionaire" (please do not read in the quotes by itself) they may try to invent reasons that he is a real billionaire by claiming he owns exotic real estate, then ask for money to give people false credentials or information in the scam, such as photographs or documents that are "classified top secret by a Government." 

Be wary of anything coming from the Internet.  Criminals and con artists abound. 
So do superheroes, but it seems it is unnecessary to go to the criminals in person when they come to us directly. 

M7 2013.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Ptah-Osiris S7 Allah

Osiris: is an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead. He is classically depicted as a green-skinned man with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive crown with two large ostrich feathers at either side, and holding a symbolic crook and flail. As ruler of the dead, Osiris is also sometimes called "king of the living", since the Ancient Egyptians considered the blessed dead "the living ones."

According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God,[27] and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith.[5] "He is the only God, creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind."

Ptah:  In some mythic accounts, he is described as the god who generated the cosmos by manifesting his imagined realities into words: "Through his heart and through his tongue."

Osiris as Judge of the Dead, King of the After-World:

Allah as Judge of the Dead:

Osiris as Lord of Life:

Allah as Supreme Ruler of Life:

M7 2013.
