Tuesday, September 10, 2013

slang and scams


There are people in the world who do not like originality or individuality, such as special abilities or high intellect, and want to abuse them out of envy by inventing scams or using certain slang ideas.  For instance, saying someone is a "billionaire" may mean "he is neat" or "of high status" rather than being rich or having billions of currency.  Then there are those who take the slang concept and invent a scam around it to deceive people for money.  So if someone out there believes or hears that "M7 is a billionaire" (please do not read in the quotes by itself) they may try to invent reasons that he is a real billionaire by claiming he owns exotic real estate, then ask for money to give people false credentials or information in the scam, such as photographs or documents that are "classified top secret by a Government." 

Be wary of anything coming from the Internet.  Criminals and con artists abound. 
So do superheroes, but it seems it is unnecessary to go to the criminals in person when they come to us directly. 

M7 2013.

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