Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Black Stone of Islam is an Idol

If all the world's so-called terrorist groups are all really Islamic, they have a weakness:  The Black Stone in the Kaaba, which they worship.  It is their version of an Idol of worship. These groups do not care about other religions, even though Islam "worships the same God" as the previous Jewish and Christian God -- which is actually OSIRIS of Egypt.  The Jewish Book of Exodus was inspired (as a story) by the Exodus of the Hyksos (from Canaan) who had briefly ruled Egypt as evil Pharaohs.  Prince (Ah)Moses of Upper Egypt kicked them out of the country, and overthrew them.  He first prayed to Amon-Ra for assistance, saying if Amon-Ra helped Ahmoses remove the Hyksos from Egypt that he would elevate Amon-Ra as a National God.  So, Amon-Ra is the God of the later Israelites.  The Israelites living in Egypt did not read Egyptian language, but the Hyksos did.  The Hyksos became the Israelites (Pharaoh Merenptah conquered the Israelites in the 19th Dynasty).  Amon-Ra is the Wind and Sunlight personified.  Now the Christian God is Amon-Ra and the Christ is Osiris.  Osiris was a King of Egypt who died and resurrected and became King of Heaven.  Christ was a King (of the Jews) who died and resurrected to become King of Heaven.  Both are Son of God in Christianity.  So... The God of Islam has to be Amon-Ra if it is the Same God.  Muslim scholars did not read Ancient Egyptian.  So they do not know -- they just assume this is so.

The Jewish religion was against Egyptian culture because it was written by an Exiled Egyptian King named Akhenaton, not the character Moses.  Akhenaton destroyed idols, damaged temples, and worshiped the Sun.  He was exiled from Egypt and so he penned the Old Testament and founded Israel in Canaan with the help of the exiled Hyksos remnant.

If Tutankhamon is the "son of Akhenaton" then you have reason to fear S7.

Osiris can also be Allah because of similar attributes: Osiris is the Judge of the Living, his sacred color is Green, he has a beard, he has Sacred Laws of Ma'at, he is the Supreme God (19th Dynasty and during Roman Empire), and those who believe in Him have Everlasting Life.  

The Black Stone of Islam found in Mecca City is worshiped by MuslimsIt is their version of an idol.  Although it was already destroyed in fragments over time.  All these terrorist groups are now allied with Al Qaeda's product of the so-called and false, "Islamic" State in Iraq.  Do they want a war about religion? If so they already lost.  

- A Message from the Supreme, Eternal Pharaoh of Netherworld and Living.
Lord S7, UEIR 2015.
Copyright 2015 UEIR, All rights reserved.

Note: Lord S7 = Osiris-Ra in Heaven.  Submit to Lord S7 now or you are not Muslims!


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