Saturday, April 18, 2015

S7 Recognized

The word SEPONAL is not  a recognized word in Duat. It is an acronym. 

Whenever someone talks about it, something happens to the next possible connection, this being, The White House in USA.  As the P in S7 is Pharaoh (Egyptian word for Palace), the White House is a Palace, and since S7 was reincarnated from 2 American Presidents already, the effect applies to the White House in Washington D.C.

So if S7 loses a battle or whatever, this applies to the President who lives in the White House, and  not to M7-UEIR or anyone else.

Also the expression "white & black" being advertised by the USA does not have anything to do with race or ethnicity (i.e. the "Black President in the White House", etc.).  Black & White colors from "Sultan Marcaesar/Seponal" letterhead (designed by M7) has other secret meanings, which range from the colors of the flags of the Templars, to Black & White Magic, or Polarity of Energy, good and evil united, or the Unification of Earth and Duat, etc.

M7 UEIR 2015.

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