Saturday, May 28, 2016



The United States of North America:
Copyright © 2016 M7


To alleviate the status of illegal Immigration into the United States of America, in place of capturing, arresting and deporting Plebes back to their origins, the suggestion of removing all borders with Mexico and installing Mexico as an Imperial Province of the United States of America rests in the executive order of the Emperor, M7. 

In place of “building a wall” on the USA-Mexican Border as funded by Mexico under the tutelage of Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, or the removal of all borders as suggested by Presidential Candidate Hillary  R. Clinton, the idea of annexation of Mexico as a Province of USA prevents the incoming and outgoing Mexican immigrants to USA.  American jobs and benefits are being taken by Plebes (a Plebe is a non-citizen) every week.  Why is this occurring? America is allowing this to persist due to apathy of the multitudes in the country.  America is becoming politically “weak” – they allow issues to dominate the government when overwhelmed by the unknown population as with regards to riots, demonstrations, or civil strife.  They have allowed illegal drugs to be legalized (i.e. “Medical Marijuana”), Sexual Orientation, Religious or Customary legislation and acknowledgement (the “War on Islamic Terrorism”, “Science based Atheism”, “Christian Church Priest Child abuse”, “overcrowded prisons”), etc.  These weaknesses are public and suggest the Federal Government cannot enforce its own laws effectively.  


The Annexation of Mexico as a Province of the USA, known collectively as the United States of North America, will stop the illegal influx of Mexican Plebes into the USA and their return to Mexico.  USA businesses will influx into Mexico and harvest their mineral resources for the USA Economy.  The Mexican / USNA Government will be a Federal Republic using Mexican and USA legislation.  The borders around this conglomerate will be strengthened.  

© M7 2016.

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