Thursday, December 15, 2016

In Reading

In 1998 I learned that my stolen novel - Eye of the Pharaoh c.1990 - was selling illegally from existing copies by criminals who wanted to profit from it.  About 100 Million copies existed.  Each was found to be selling for $50,000 each, not autographed.  Why this was eludes me.  1M x $50,000 = $50 Billion USD.  So 100M copies x $50k would be $5 Trillion USD.  I wrote to POTUS about this many times.  He told his Secret Service "Don't pay him (Me) anything." POTUS has been spending $20 Billion a month from this amount for the Wars on Arabic Terrorism.  This is Money Laundering and Embezzlement -- IF POTUS was not retiring in January 2017, he would be Impeached should the Public know this.  So I am telling you, the Public, this in an effort to be compensated by non-American Justice system.  I know people in Russia, China, and Kenya are reading my blogs.  You can go to the United Nations and place a trade sanction on the USA Government until this situation is resolved.  Thank you.

- The Author, MC/M7.

M7 2016.

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