Friday, January 26, 2018

Sultan Ahmed Marcaesar I, UEIR

Sultan Ahmed F. Marcaesar I, of the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic,
is the Foreign Affairs Division Official.  You may have heard of him during the 1993 Conquest when the USSR and USA were annexed to the UEIR (via influenced Hurricanes and Coup de Etats).  One of his CIA Marketed Advertisements has a Fez Cap with Handlebar Moustache similar to the outfit of the Trump Presidency's Lawyer Ty Cobb.  Marcaesar I does not look like this of course.  As the UEIR rules from Duat, its officials can enter Earth in any Dimensional Portal available.  Citizens can use technology to communicate with the living, such as cell phones, the Internet, or Telepsi.  When in elections someone says votes by dead people are invalid, actually are from Duat. The CIA classified the UEIR top secret since 1990s.   This means you probably do not know anything about it except when leaked to the public.  Political Cartoons in the 1990s or SNL skits may be leaks or advertising.  Ahmed Merenptah Marcaesar is not Sultan Marcaesar. 

M7 2018.


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