Friday, September 30, 2022

The Egyptian Empire formally annexes Russian Federation...

The Egyptian Empire of Lord S7 (whom overthrew the USSR in 1991) formally annexed the Russian Federation today to prevent further conflict in the area.  The official Currency is the Pero (Egyptian word for Palace/Pharaoh).  The official Legal Code is the Code Ma'at (with elements of the previous Code Caesar).  All Russian forces are to be protected from their detractors in Moscow and from invading countries that pose no threat to their homeland (such as Ukraine).  Nuclear weapons are to be inducted into a Treaty and disarmed.  That is today's News.  

Pharaoh M7, 2022: Kingdom of Akua-Niihau.



Thursday, September 29, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Obsolete WMDs...



Nuclear Weapons are Obsolete Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Dua Sakhmet -- More damaging is Climate Change in World Affairs.  

MC 2022.

History is written by the Survivors...




Are Historical Personalities equal to Contemporary Fiction?

Copyright © MC 2022

Ancient Legendary people – Alexander the Great, Lord Osiris, Jesus Christ, King David, King Arthur, etc. – Were they real or fiction based on actual persons?  Were they celebrated as Contemporary Fiction in their times?   Since no physical remains of these individuals have been found, their identities are comparable to discovered remnants. 

King Tutankhamen has been connected to two younger Legends: Alexander the Great (Russian Scholar J. Sadykov’s theory) and Jesus Christ (Ahmed Osman’s theory).  The battle injuries of Alexander and the physical remains of Tutankhamen appear similar to each other.  The artifacts from the tomb match the historical listed appearance of Alexander’s funerary trappings.  Tutankhamon however did not preach religion, but he did rebuild Temples and apparently conquered Border States for Tribute to pay for the renovations (as in his Mortuary Temple / Talatat fragments). 

King Arthur could be based on Alexander the Great.  Alexander cut the Gordian Knot with his sword because of the legend where “whoever unties this knot will rule Asia.”  King Arthur pulled out the Sword Excalibur from the Stone to “rule Britain” as “whoever removes the sword will rule Britain.”  The Stone of Scone has the legend “whoever sits on the stone will rule” the region; the Stone was imported from Ancient Egypt originally (part of an Egyptian Temple).  The Name of Arthur can be a corrupted form of Alexander.  If Alexander is Tutankhamon, well, there is the Legend. 

Jesus Christ’s parents were Joseph and Mary.  Mary had other children, but Jesus was the Firstborn Son.  Djoser-Kheperu Smenkhkara and Merit-Ra are the historical parents of Tutankhamon prior to DNA testing.  Abbreviated: Djos(er)-Khep(eru) becomes Jos-khep or “Joseph” and Meri(t-Ra) becomes “Mary.”  These may be his adopted parents, or names changed.  Tutankhamon had other siblings but he was the Firstborn Son.  Ahmed Osman said “Tutankhamon is the successor to Akhenaton, as Joshua succeeded Moses” and compared Moses to Akhenaton as the same person.  The name Joshua is Hebrew form of Jesus, which is Greek.  If separate, there are 2 Joshua names in the Bible, so to prevent confusion one was named Jesus.  Otherwise Jesus Christ is another name of Tutankhamon as successor to Moses/Akhenaton.  His religion was then discovered in Roman times, but written at the same time as the Bible/Torah.  Tutankhamon’s name meant “First image/God” (Image of the Living God), Amen.”  Amen is in Christian prayer formula, so people are sending prayers to Amen, not Jesus. 

Tutankhamon’s Ka Spirit is Amon-Ra (Amen-Ra), so he is the “Incarnation of Amen.”  Alexander was “Son of Amen” as differently from “Son of Ra” titles.  One title of Tutankhamon (according to J. Sadykov) was “Lord of the World” (Neb-Taw), usually this is “Lord of the Two Lands” (Neb—Tawy), or Egypt.  Alexander was “Lord of the World.”  The word “Prayer” or “Pray” comes from the Egyptian word for Pharaoh, as “Pr-AA” (pronounced “PRAY”).  Egyptians have their hands in front when venerating the statues of the Gods; Christians place their hands together when praying (as seen from a side view).  Tutankhamon had his 2 scepters crossed like an “X” on his chest in his tomb.  The “X” is a universal sign for death, as on Pirate flags.  The Cross is a form of “X.” 

If we are in the Future, and we visit Disneyland, what would we think about it? Is it a real Magical Kingdom that venerated a Mouse?  Or all of these films in theaters across the country, the Future would think of us as crazy if they think the way we do about Ancient Society. 

Legendary people are usually said to be based on real people to make them real, as they are probably not.  The Alexander Romance Legends even appear in the Quran.  If Alexander the Great was invented as Contemporary Fiction by the Greeks, will this rewrite History?  Alexander “never lost a battle.” Jesus Christ “never sinned.”  Both appear on coinage.  Was the Trojan War also fictional? The idea for the treasured Horse statue that carried soldiers was inspired by the army of Pharaoh Thutmose 3 who used food baskets to carry his soldiers into Enemy Camps secretly at night (Battle of Megiddo).  Thutmose’s mummy is in Egypt.  He is real.  The Iliad book “was a favorite story of Alexander the Great,” as is about the “Trojan War.”  Ancient Rome attributes its origins from the Trojan War, as part of its own Creation Myth. 

Remember: History is written by the Survivors.

© MC 2022



Sunday, September 25, 2022

Kaulakahi Channel Bridge - Extension...



 Proposed Kaulakahi Channel Bridge:

Add lava rock from Hawaii with land fill to extend the Bridge from Kauai to Niihau:

 M7C 2022.

Kaulakahi Channel Bridge ?




Kaulakahi Channel Bridge connecting Kauai to Niihau proposed:

A proposition for a Bridge linking the Hawaiian Islands of Niihau and Kauai was proposed to the Oval Office until the website CTD on Sept. 24, 2022 in the process of sending.  The Bridge would span the 17 Miles distance between the two islands, or shorter if possible, using pontoons or as a Subway Tunnel.  Attached would include pipes for Water and Sanitation for Niihau to empty into Kauai plumbing on return.  Electricity cables can also be attached to the Bridge/Subway to empower a Monorail cab.  Only local and official Govt. transportation would be allowed (non-Tourism) as for Residents and Kingdom of Niihau representatives.  The Bridge or Subway cost would be included in President Biden’s Infrastructure Legislation or another related source (KON). 

©M7C 2022


On Monotheism Prayer Formula (Amen...)...




Christians Pray to the Egyptian God Amen

© MC 2022

“… In Christ’s name, Amen.”

Christian Prayer Formula utilizes the Ancient Egyptian God Amen as part of its ritual, at the ending of each wish.  Amen is the God of Air, the Breath of Life given to newborns, Generation, with secondary attributes of Wealth or Prosperity, Fertility, and Conquest/War.  Pharaoh Tutankhamen is an “Incarnation of” Amen in his name “First Image/God” (Tut-Ankh) Amen; also his Ka Spirit is Amen-Ra.  As I am the reincarnation of that Pharaoh, who are YOU praying to? Amen is also spelled “Amon, Amun or AMN.” 

© MC 2022

The Jewish God “Yahweh” (YHWH) is said to be a “Wind God” originally.  The Muslims said they “worship the same God of the Jews and Christians.”  The Egyptian God Amen is a Wind God.  The Islamic word “Dua” is the same spelling in Ancient Egyptian for “Praise or Adore God” (I.e. Dua Amen).  The Egyptian word for Transfigured Spirit or Angel is Akh (Akhu plural); the Native Hawaiian word for Deity is Akua.  So coexistence is possible.

© MC 2022.



Mental Illness as from Society...




What are Mental Illnesses?

©M7C 2022

A Physical Illness is like a virus, bacteria, or condition with Physical or factual elements.  A Mental Illness is an opinion of a Physician.  The Doctor relies on similarities of the condition from other people who experience the same effects such as “hallucinations” (Visions), “Delusions” (unpopular beliefs), withdrawal from society (isolation), sadness or anger (emotions), anxiety, addiction, confusion, etc.  Thoughts lead to certain actions that if repeated becomes an illness.  The patient’s testimony or description of what they believe is transpiring to them is the only diagnosis of any condition or illness.  The Brain can be injured from traumatic events (terrorism, death, shock, or suffering), causing “an imbalance of brain chemistry” that seems to cause such effects.  Brain chemicals are like the “reward” of gratification or euphoria that occurs with actions like reproduction, eating certain foods like Chocolate, or winning a game.  If done too many times this causes an abundance of this chemical, which affects other brain functions. 

Now some of these effects can be explained.  Visions can be Psychic links to Time, or daydreaming while awake, and Psychic ability (Partial Astral Projection).  Hearing people talking about you is from sensitive hearing, Fame, gossip, or audible Telepathy whereby one hears another’s mental voice (inside other people, essentially hearing them think or process information).  Since most people who are audible in thought don’t actually say anything, this is considered a “hallucination” by society.  This is caused by mental actions involving Telepathy such as excessive Prayer by a religious group.  Most audible “Hallucinations” can also include discarnate entities, Ka Spirits or Ghosts, Gods, or invisible sources; as related to the religion that uses mental activity, as many “sufferers” are in fact religious.  Angels or Demons are a common “hallucination” reported by those with such a condition as found in many journals of Psychiatry.  “Hearing the Voice of God” is another common “Hallucination” found in Christianity or Islam.  Religious Thinking is a form of “Delusion” under Psychiatry.  Doctors are mostly Atheists as they do not share the beliefs of their patients.  Other “Hallucinations” are sensory, such as “feeling pressure on one’s body,” scents with no local origin, tasting something not present, panic attacks, or causes of emotions without physical attrition.  Religion (Monotheism) historically views Mental Illness as a religious experience and encourages their followers to become Mentally Ill.  As this is from Society they cause Sociopathic people.  Many Homeless are outcasts of that society. 

© M7C 2022.