Friday, March 10, 2023

A Russian Caliphate?




The Russian Caliphate

© M7C 2023

As USA is helping Ukraine vanquish Russian Invaders, they are also weakening Russia with sanctions and losses on the battlefield.  Russia’s weapons are on the decline, with support by neighboring allies (China, Iran, North Korea, etc.) and so their nuclear arsenal is the only ones left.  This happened to Iraq and Syria after repeated USA invasions that toppled Saddam Hussein.  Then Islamic groups invaded with little resistance to form the Caliphate.  The Taliban also met little resistance when Afghanistan was overrun, claiming USA Weapons. 

IF (this is hypothetical) a new set of Islamic terrorists invade Russia via Afghanistan, they could make a new Caliphate there.  All they need is to acquire Covid19 strains, disguise as Afghans and enter the border with Russia, infecting Russians as they march in.  Then they arm themselves with weapons or bombs (as suicide-bombers) and attack the remaining Russian forces set with the task of guarding the Capital.  They then wait for the Pestilence to spread, and when they take over Moscow, Russia they take vaccines for the disease and arm themselves with the arsenal at the perimeter.  Russian President Putin would be captured and his Nuclear Codes seized.  Then the new Russian Caliphate would form.  They could blackmail other countries with Nuclear weapons for revenue as they did in Iraq and Syria.  Or launch terrorist-expansion missions to conquer the rest of Earth. 

So to prevent this scenario, USA should stop supporting Ukraine, despite the situation with Russia.   The Russian war is costing USA to default on its debts out of lack of revenue.  USA is outspending its economy.  Russia cannot hold Ukraine as is.  The Russian Economy is also depleted.  Do not make the same mistake as Iraq after 2002.  Saddam was a bad actor, true, but so was the Caliph (even worse). 

©M7C 2023




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