Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Egyptian Theater was their religious ceremonies

The Greeks may have believed that they were the inventors of theater, but, depending on how one defines "theater" and interprets ancient records [5], it can be claimed that the Egyptians, while they did not construct special venues for their plays, preceded them in the public performance of shows, which were mostly pageant-like, religious in character, ritualistic and to a large extent devoid of drama.

As a Kheri-Heb Priest (Master of Ceremonies) I would normally use masks or props for people represented in the myths or ceremonies; I instead use Identities and Letterhead for this.  People in my audience believe I "am"  my characters, because I make it believable.  The effect is found in the weather reports as Egyptian Deities are mostly Weather-related gods or goddesses; this effect also influences the Economy (NYSE) as with prosperity gods like Amun. 

M7 2012.

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