Tuesday, October 16, 2012

nothing grows on Niihau

Before Pharaoh M7 acquired Niihau in July 2000, nothing from the previous owners would grow there.  The soil was dead.  The trees would not grow..  The Ranch closed.  etc.  So now the island is polluted from runoff from China and CA/Hawaii storm drains, no farming is available there, and the island is desolate.  

So the island - besides being a figurehead of  a nation - is a desert paradise, ideal for something like a Necropolis if we go in that direction.  Shell leis can be made there still.  M7 often wonders what to do with it given these circumstances, and ocean water levels increasing from climate change / polar ice melts. 

We could build a city there, transport Kauai red dirt and build greenhouses; or build solar energy stations for exporting electricity. This would help the  Hawaiian economy.  Niihau is a Kingdom now.  We should act like it, rather than just as a blog entry.  Who cares about the global opinion? 

Pharaoh M-7 2012.

Niihau, UEIR/USA. 

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