Saturday, April 15, 2017

It's not Coptic... It's Christianity with a Q...

Kemetic Qristianity by Horus Michael, Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved.

Jesus was born in a Manger in Bethlehem and was witnessed by 3 (?) Kings. Bethlehem means House of Bread in Hebrew. In Egypt the 3 Kings are the 3 Pyramids at Giza, built by 3 Kings - Khafre, Khufu and Menkaura. (3 Kings of 4th Dynasty, followed the star or pyramid to the King of 5th Dynasty Egypt, Pharaoh Djed-ka-Ra Isesi). The arrangement resembles the Belt of Orion in the night sky. The line from Giza extends to Saqqara to the Mastaba of Shepseskaf, who was buried near the Pyramid of Djed-Ka-Ra Isesi. Isesi once raided Nubia for gold and Punt for Myrrh and Incense. Jesus was given 3 gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh by the 3 Kings. A Mastaba is a trapezoid shaped tomb, or a "Manger." An offerings chamber is a House of Bread & Beer, found in the Serdab Chamber part of the Mastaba. Jesus was named after Isesi. He was born in the tomb, so he is called Christ (QRST). Jesus = Iesus in Latin. In Astronomy, Draco pursues the Star from Virgo, as seen by the 3 Stars of Orion. Virgo was seen from March to July. The actual birth of Christ was near the Summer Solstice (June 20-21), not December 25. The Church moved it to after the Winter Solstice to avoid relating this to Sun worship.

A Djed Pillar is sacred to Osiris, the Ka is the spiritual double of a person, and Ra is the Sun God and the Creator (Djed-Ka-Ra). So the Trinity is "Father (Ra), Son (Djed/Osiris) and Holy Spirit (Ka)." The Soul is the Ba, a human-headed white dove. A white dove was seen entering Jesus during his Baptism. Baptism is immersion into water. In Egypt the symbol of purity is a Bucket of Water above a Foot; Jesus purified people by washing their feet.

Jesus drank vinegar and gave up the ghost on the cross. The Egyptian Mandrake is a narcotic, semi-poisonous plant. It is prepared in wine or vinegar. It is used as a pain killer. If Jesus overdosed on Mandrake, he looked dead, awoke in the tomb 3 days later, got up and ran to his friends to show he "resurrected." He told his friends to touch his wounds so as to prove he was real, and not a ghost. Then he lingered for 40 days and ascended to Heaven. Mummification takes 40 days, and the Night Boat ritual joins the soul with Heaven or ascends to Heaven. A Night Boat ritual occurs in an Egyptian Temple or Pyramid.

$14.99 USD

Publication Date:
Apr 07 2017
1545238111 / 9781545238110
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Religion / Ancient
 M7 2017. 


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