Saturday, August 11, 2018

UEIR Book in review

Book Review:

Bipolar Billionaire by Pharaoh M7 [Contemporary Fiction]:
Copyright © 2017 M7

Bipolar Billionaire is about a middle-aged Arab boy, named Osama, from Arabic Jerusalem whose family likes to file lawsuits against other people for profit.  He discovers a neighbor who appears different.  The neighbor suffers from Bipolar Mania and other illnesses, but this is ignored by Osama’s family.  Osama goes on a quest to find out why his neighbor is different.  This leads him to discover secrets known only to a few High Government employees who sell this information to Osama for tens of thousands of Dollars in bribes.  Osama earnestly believes in every ounce of information supplied by the Government, even though the evidence is tainted by his neighbor’s illnesses.

Osama discovers that his neighbor has a secret identity – a top secret Billionaire who owns massive amounts of real estate, forming a new Kingdom in the Pacific.  Osama basically wastes all his money to feed this addiction of secrets, eventually selling his house, and all his assets.  He files a meritless lawsuit against his neighbor’s assets.  His neighbor gives the lawsuit over to his Psychiatrist, who in turn sends it to the FBI for analysis.  The FBI said to Osama’s family that all of this information is baseless because of his neighbor’s illness, specifically because the information was created by his neighbor in a novel he wrote long ago.  The novel wasn’t published; rather it was dumped in a trash bin at a Psychiatry Ward when he was first institutionalized.  A Janitor found it and sent it to the FBI for safe keeping.  The novel is evidence for his Delusions of Grandeur.  Osama doesn’t understand Psychiatry, and has a major temper tantrum once his lawsuit is dismissed.  

I rate this novel 5 Stars for a well-written and intriguing dialogue. 

M7 2018.

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