Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Executive Order..

The Executive Order
Copyright © 2020 MJC, All rights reserved
A long time from now, in a place not too far away, dwelt Pharaoh M7.  He once penned a novel.  This novel was partly biographical and partly real.  He tried to publish the novel, but failed.  Then along came a photographer named Karen. She took an interest in the book and borrowed it for 2 weeks and returned it.  Two years later the book was published, but Pharaoh M7 did not know this.  Pharaoh M7 was busy in College working on his degree.  When he discovered this crime he was furious, but Karen had disappeared.  So Pharaoh M7 asked the USA Govt. to intervene.  
The USA Govt. took the book out of circulation and then read it.  They asked Pharaoh M7 about it.  They were especially curious how the author knew of their plans for a Global Govt.?  So they classified the book top secret to prevent others from noticing this.  
Pharaoh M7 demanded to be paid for his best-selling novel that the corrupt FBI and NSA had acquired.  They refused to pay or even acknowledge Pharaoh M7 as the author.  The book generated hundreds of billions of Dollars in secret.  Pharaoh M7 resorted to using his Effective Egyptian Magic to coerce the corrupt USA Govt. to compensate him for his novel. 
Pharaoh M7 told POTUS “Pay me for the novel you stole or the sky will rain down blood onto your lands!”  POTUS said “Ha ha ha! If only that would happen. No! I shall not pay you anything.  Go back to your home and sleep.”
The next day the sky opened up and blood rained upon the Earth.  
Pharaoh M7 told POTUS “Pay me for the novel or Elephants will run away from Mice!”  POTUS said, “I fear not you or your Magic.  I will not do as you say.”
The next day Republicans conducted an experiment using Laboratory Mice with COVID19 Virus, which accidentally spread to the Senate.  The Senators saw this and ran away. 
Pharaoh M7 told POTUS “Pay me for the novel or there will be riots in the streets, and the sky will open up and rain down gold coins into the houses of the Poor!”
POTUS refused to comply. The next day a Bank Airline exploded in the air traffic, causing its cargo to rain down onto a poor neighborhood in the City.  
Pharaoh M7 told POTUS “All these events I willed and still you do not listen or obey!  What shall I do now?”
POTUS Said “Well since you are well versed in Magic, tell me the Magic Word and I shall pay you everything you ask.”
Pharaoh M7 pondered this for 10 minutes.  Then he smiled.  “Will you PLEASE send me my money you owe and all real estate connected to it?”
POTUS agreed and signed the Executive Order giving Pharaoh M7 all the owed proceeds and property he wanted. 
The Plagues against the USA ceased and the people returned to normal.  
© MC 2020

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