Friday, October 8, 2021

The Debt Ceiling in USA...




The US Debt Ceiling

© M7C 2021

The US Debt Ceiling is the limit to borrowing on the US Dollar.  Once it is reached the USA cannot continue to borrow to pay its credit debt.  Paper Money is credit.  It is no longer supported by anything, including metals like gold or silver.  It is only supported by the State of the Economy (the Stock Market).  So once the USA Defaults on its Debts (i.e. cannot pay its debts) the USA Dollar will be rendered “useless or worthless.”  So it will not matter if people are “Multi-billionaires” who have lots of money because they will be equal to the poor in this respect.  You cannot use Gold or Silver in place of Dollars (coins have Dollar face value) until the Laws change to allow this.  Maybe the Govt. needs “emergency currency laws?”

Now although M7 is a classified top secret of the USA Govt. his money is in US Dollars.  So it doesn’t matter how much M7 has.  M7 created the Kingdom of Niihau based on the island.  Currency in the Kingdom is different than US Dollars, and some are based on the Niihau shells (Kahelelani) which are valuable.  Shells were once a currency in the Sumerian Civilization.  Other currencies created by M7 include “Caesars”, “Alii”, “Costas”, “Barternotes,” “Favors,” “Kahelelani”, “NSW”, etc. M7 owns real estate in the USA, which is presently classified by the USA Govt. so it is not available in the Public Records system.  The real estate is for his Country (an Absolute Monarchy).  M7 had a vision that would have worked in February 2021 about the “economic disaster of the debt ceiling” where US Dollars became useless or worthless had Pres. Trump been reelected.  People in the vision threw a handful of Hundred Dollar bills into the air.  The vision was in 2019.  The USA Govt. keeps extending the debt ceiling to prevent this action, but it has to address it sometime.  Paying the debt with paper money is like paying debt with debt, or borrowing to pay off debt.  It has to be paid with something else.  Other countries use “hyperinflation Notes” to pay debts, then reset their economy with a new currency, or have their debts “forgiven” by the United Nations.  If USA reaches its limit it can mortgage States temporarily to pay it.  The individual States can repay this with their separate economies.  The Debt is from the Federal Govt.  This is caused by the Democrat Political Party (the Republican Speaker of the House once said “America doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a Spending Problem.”), whom likes to spend revenue often on social programs ($3.5 Trillion Dollar Agenda bill currently stuck in the Senate).  Pres. Biden didn’t have monetary problems until after the Stimulus Money for COVID19 relief in 2021.  This reached the debt ceiling for the proposed Infrastructure Bill and the Spending Bill, separate from the USA Budget. 

© M7C 2021.  


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