Monday, August 29, 2022

The Prophet Moses in Egypt...




The Prophet Moses was an Egyptian Kheri-Heb Priest.  His Elemental Magic was Egyptian in origin, as replicated today. 

MC 2022.


Are there any requests?




Are there any Requests?

©M7C 2022

My Chronokinesis is peaking. First I told Pres. Biden about “Inflation is coming” in an email; then Inflation hit the USA (and the World).  I wrote “Rain is coming” and then Rain (Monsoon rain) hit Europe, Pakistan, and the USA.  So are there any Requests, perhaps? 


Prosperity is Coming. 

Peace is Coming.

Stability is Coming.

The Target Audience reads this in their personal location and the effect is in their Area of Effect (region).  No one in my location reads this, or not enough people to cause the desired actions.  This is not the same idea as Prayer.  I am not praying to anyone.  I am simply willing by written form.  I can interrupt an existing action so stopping it is not as feasible. 

© M7C 2022



Sunday, August 28, 2022

Ramses the Great and the War of Misinformation...




Why S7 won

© S7 2022

The USA Govt. likes to read other people’s mail and tell people what they discovered; in other words, they spy on people.  Any Postcard sent from Hawaii can be read by the NSA or CIA.  Now if you wanted to really mess with the Govt. you would fill such mail with false lore or misinformation as the Major Weakness of collecting intelligence is INFORMATION.  If someone suggested a major political figure: “died or lost a battle” when such a figure just conquered a large Nation and is far above anyone else, this would give the NSA or CIA bad data.  Such data would cause the Govt. to believe that the Military is stronger than it is, so if one adversary was “that easy to pick off” then the Taliban in Afghanistan would be a “cake walk.”  As everyone knows, the Taliban are still there, and USA “lost the war in that country” due to bad data.  S7 conquered USA.  S7 overthrew the USSR.  S7 conquered North Korea in 1994.  S7 is still conquering countries, as with Divine Will because, after all, S7 is a Deity.  Ask Pharaoh Ramses the Great about the Hittites in Kadesh.  He was misinformed by the traitors from the captured Hittite soldiers, and had to fight his way out of the situation or delay long enough for his Army to come to his rescue and defeat the Hittites.  It was the Hittites whom wanted Peace with Kemt/Tawy (Egypt).  So knowing that misinformation is a vital weapon during War helped S7 conquer the World (S7 is Ramses the Great incarnate previously).  Experience works. 

© S7 2022.


Megafloods coming to CA...




What I worry about is that my Egyptian Magic system works, of course, but the Egyptian Gods do not like Americans; in CA there is a prolonged Drought.  When the ground becomes solid from lack of rain, any incoming rain will not be absorbed quickly enough, causing Floods.  This happened in San Jose, CA one year.  I used a rain/storm spell for that.  The rain comes in quickly causing Flash Floods.  The Egyptian Gods do not like the American Govt. not paying me for my first novel that was stolen and published without my knowledge/ permission and the Govt. confiscated the proceeds from the thief, but declined to pay me; this has been going on for 30+ years now.  The Drought was caused by a Drought Spell.  The storms were caused by Storm Spells.  Climate Change is the vessel for Custom Weather.  

MC 2022.



Caligula Caesar...




Happy Birthday to Caligula Caesar on August 31, 2022! (Roman Emperor). 

 MC 2022. Dua Caligula Caesar Ankh di htpw nfrw pr-aa HH.  



Tuesday, August 23, 2022

King Ramses 2 and the Gold of the Pharaohs (2022-2023)...




Ramses 2 the Great Exhibit runs now through February 2023 at the De Young Museum in San Francisco, CA.  While there are some statues of Ramses, and those whom he acquired and stamped his name onto, the majority of the show is a collection of Other People's Stuff from different Dynasties (the Gold of the Pharaohs). Ramses was a "Master of Self-Promotion," which doesn't seem to change with the Age. 

MC 2022.

(Mike Costa)
(Dr. Zahi Hawass)

(Ramses 2)

MC 2022.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Being rational in an irrational World...




Rational vs. Irrational

© MC 2022

Our Motto: “When Science fails, Fantasy prevails.”

Science is rational. Fantasy and religion are irrational.

When trying to define advanced Psychic or supernatural abilities, I use rational Science first and irrational religion second to different audiences. 

Not everyone is a Scientist.  Elemental Chronokinesis is a Science term, and is not acceptable as an answer to the USA Govt.  They do accept conspiracy theories as plausible answers, however. 

Extra-terrestrials who visit Earth and incarnate as Human people are labeled in various terms.  Some are labeled “crazy” or “mentally ill” for their advanced knowledge or behavior.  Others are feared, mocked, or watched by the NSA.  Some are even worshiped as Deities.   Science has no effect on this, because Scientists have no reason to believe ETs are real.  ETs are in Science Fiction, unless they are visible, telepathic, or study Anthropology to learn about Earth residents.  So naturally an ET would want to write about his people in a Science Fiction novel, unknown to the resident population.   ETs are classified top secret by the CIA.  One can pass off such otherworldly knowledge as Science Fiction and be accepted by the Residents of Earth.  Some people who want to take away the glitter of such a celebrity as ETs form religious cults or groups based on Science Fiction ideas.  Most ETs don’t visit Earth because “Humans are too hostile.”  This is the sentiment of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Why then invite the Galaxy to your doorstep if all you want is War and Hostility towards ETs, by claiming to “want peace”?

© MC 2022



Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Plutocracy?




Plutocracy: Where the Wealthy and Affluent Govern

© M7C 2022

          A Plutocracy is a form of Government where the wealthy and affluent govern the people.  In this Govt. there are No Citizen Income Taxes, allowing the people to retain their earned money.  This prevents poverty and homelessness.   Industrial Taxes are 15% of all profits.  Sales Tax is 5% of all public sales.  Exports are taxed at 5% of value.  The Wealth Cap (Tax) is set at $10Billion; anything over that allows the businessmen to retire and work for the Government as an officer.  All Government officers work as Volunteers, so no money is influential (prevents bribes or corruption).  Surplus revenue is given to the Treasury, automatically.  Currency value is based either on prosperity or happiness of the citizens.  Govt. work is motivation for labor, and there is a Business Morality Code for workers that prevent crimes. 

Thutmose's Plutocracy: Micronation & Contact Magic, by Pharaoh Horus Michael Copyright © ® 2022, All rights reserved.

Modern Plutocracies:

Lanai Island in Hawaii is governed by the CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison. 

Farmland in USA purchased by Microsoft Founder, Bill Gates. 

If Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos, wanted to he could invest in real estate instead of Space Tourism, or build something on the Moon, like a Politically Neutral Moon Colony, or artificial islands in the Ocean as Civilization.  He could also buy the International Space Station rather than watch it fall into abandonment by the USA and Russia, making it into a Space Colony or Hotel for Space Tourism.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s latest purchase of Twitter can forge it into an online Civilization rather than a mere social media company.

Facebook/Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg could fashion the Metaverse into an online, Virtual Reality Civilization. 


          A Plutocracy is a solution to a decaying Democracy like USA.  By removal of Citizen Income Taxes, the people keep their earnings, causing them to increase their status.  The Wealth Cap of $10Billion USD prevents over-spending as anything exceeding the amount automatically goes to the Plutocracy Govt.  The Govt. is run by Volunteers who reached the threshold of Billionaire class, so are not influenced by money or greed or corruption.  Taxes go directly to the areas where funding is needed, not to Politicians.  There is no poverty or homelessness (except by choice).  The social classes are Middle Class and Wealthy.  The Wealth Cap also prevents reckless spending and funds the Govt.  Billionaires who reach the Wealth Cap level may retire from their work and become an officer of the Plutocracy Govt.  The Plutocracy has a moral code to guide the Govt., not as a religious oath.  It also has written laws, though probably less than a Democracy. 

© M7C 2022