Sunday, September 8, 2024

Predictions for Sept 11 2001...




Not the Last Prophet: the Prediction for September 11 2001 © M7C 2024


There were 3 elements for the predicted September 11, 2001 attacks in NY and Washington DC.  All were ignored. 

The first was in Chapter 20 of my first novel, Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990, 1995.  In A Pharaoh’s Dream (Chapter 20) my character visits Egypt from either NY or Washington DC on Egypt-air (airlines).   Since this book was fictional it didn’t matter where.  Both cities were attacked on 9-11-2001.  This chapter had a fictional war against Arab-terrorist States whereby the solution was to resurrect all the Egyptian Mummies and conquer the terrorists to form the Kingdom of God/Osiris in the region. 

The second was the title of my second novel, Tears for Isis ©1991, 1994.  The Tear of Isis is Egyptian New Year’s Day when the Nile River floods.  In the Egyptian Coptic Christian Calendar, New Year’s Day is September 11.   The year of the next Age is 2001 (The Age of Aquarius in New Age books, or the Age of Horus in Aleister Crowley’s books).  Isis is the Egyptian Fertility Goddess.  Isis later became the name for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which is Trademark Infringement.  My novel was about an Egyptian Pharaoh who conquered Mesopotamia (Iraq and Syria).   The Caliphate of ISIS was formed in 2014, or 20 years after my Copyright was registered in ©1994.  Al Qaeda attacked USA in 2001, 10 years after the book was written. 

The third element was in the 1996 Plebeian Law Code of post-USA Annexation by the Egyptian Empire of the first novel.  In it there was a brief law about “Japanese Kamikaze, Arab Suicide-Bombers, and American Hero types” being illegal.  The law code was temporary.  It was replaced by the Code Caesar of 1999.  Al Qaeda was interested in “Secret Societies” and probably researched the country online.  They used the Kamikaze tactic (airplanes as weapons) on September 11 to attack USA.  Kamikaze was in World War 2 on Pearl Harbor by Japanese jets loaded with explosives.  Americans made the mistake of constantly calling themselves “Heroes” as a marketing pitch.  The Greek word Hero may be derived from the Egyptian word for Horus (Horu), the Sky God.  Horus was a Hero against the vile Seth whom he conquered when uniting the Two Lands. 

The expression 9-11 also means the Emergency Telephone Number in USA. 

©M7C 2024.




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