Tuesday, August 1, 2023

FAQ for Eye of the Pharaoh novel...




FAQ for Eye of the Pharaoh by Michael J Costa Copyright ©1990-1995

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why is Eye of the Pharaoh Fictional?

A: The content up to Chapter 18 (The Present Time) already happened.  Anything after that Chapter was Fictional at the time the book was done in March 1990.

Q: Does that mean you really are King Tutankhamon and Ptah?

A: Yes.  I am reincarnated.  The book has scenes representing this.  The part about flash backs of my past lives happens to this day whenever I am near something Ancient.

Q: Doesn’t this imply having a Mental Illness?

A: My Therapist who published the first edition initially thought that until she read the book, changed her mind, and then called it a True-Story despite the Fictional Label I added.  The CIA read the book and then classified the book and the Author “top secret” and its proceeds were confiscated by the USA Govt.  Had they not done so I would have more wealth than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates combined; Hollywood made films using my content without my permission.    One week after I told the Public about this, well, my doctors have their opinions which may contradict my Genetic Code.

Q: Who was the Therapist who published the book?

A: That was Karen Weill of CSUH, a then-Psychology Student earning her MA in Psychology (1990-1995).  She later married a Civil Rights Attorney and moved to Bellingham WA.  She died in March 2020 of Brain Cancer, and he died the following year.  I remember I had a babysitter of the same name when I was age 3.  So if this was the same person it may be a reason for the publication.

Q: What was the reaction to the book’s publication?

A: The Public reacted with mixed reviews.  Most people liked it.  Top Scientists mined it for “their” new theories in Quantum or Astrophysics and anything to do with Dimensions.  They claim I wrote about ideas that they have not yet discovered.   Some people claimed I am a ‘terrorist or the Antichrist’ based on passages from the storyline.   There is no evidence for either belief.  Some people cannot separate the book from the author.  I wrote it in First Person Narration. 



Q: I heard you write Egyptian Magic books now.  What inspired you to write about this genre?

A: In Eye, I was against Magic.  I believed it was nonsense.  This was until after people read my novel and real events started to take root in the outside world.  The real War on Islamic Terrorism from Chapter 20 started in 2001.  The current war with Russia was in Chapter 21, though it was Nuclear.  The idea the World ends in 100 years after this was in Chapter 22.  I haven’t resurrected any Mummies or anything, except the Akh of Queen Ankhesenamon.   I summoned her to me in 1992   (She wants a vessel.  Do you know of any volunteers?).

Q: You have a gift for writing.  How many books have you written?

A: I have written about 159 books and novels since 1990.   Over 100 are in print.  Incomplete books are on file.   I do have Writer’s Block in between projects.  

Q: What started your interest in writing or in Ancient Egypt?

A: My very first book was entitled “Our Trail West,” and it was a class assignment in Elementary School.  I was forced to write one page a day with a color image above it, in pencil and without a computer.   My hand writing wasn’t great in that time period.   The book was about exploration and travel from the Midwest to Gold Country in California’s Gold Rush.   Egypt was in my mind from age 3 after we visited a theme park in California that had Ancient Egyptian décor.  Then in 1979 on television was the initial visit of my past life/King Tutankhamon tour in San Francisco, CA at the De Young Museum.  The previous night I had a dream about Queen Ankhesenamon, well, “dream” or “astral visit.”  My step-grandmother who visited Egypt gave me a book “The Egyptian” for High School Graduation.  I had written Eye in the third year of High School and I completed it at age 17 before graduation in 1990.  I had 2 years of Private High School that enabled the religious information or inspiration for the book itself.  

Q: Do you believe in God?

A: Jesus is a character in my book, and in lots of other books.  Do you think he is a real person or just a character from a book?  There is no Archaeological evidence or artifacts for his existence.  There is just the religious information.  If he was a Carpenter, someone who made things from wood, there would be evidence.  A hammer, an Adze with his Mark or Name on it, some furniture would exist.  There is nothing.  Ancient Egyptian Gods, they had statues, or in some cases, were statues.  They had names.  In Magic, you call their names and their Spiritual form appears.   Jehovah in the Bible was the First Contact with an Alien species.  You just call it God.  And he was a jealous God, which is odd if he was the only one who exists.   The Creator Ptah pre-exists the Habiru God.  Later religions simply usurped the ones that came before them.  It’s the same information, the same Science.  

Q: Was King Tutankhamon a warrior as in your book?

A: There is modern evidence that supports this view.   My book was written decades before the evidence were found.  Weapons and armor show wear and Talatat or building fragments from his Mortuary Temple show that he conquered countries and exacted Tribute from them, like his ancestor Thutmose 3.  My book showcases memories supported by the evidence.  I visited a Clairvoyant Psychic months before writing the book and she told me I was “in many battles and wars, with much fighting.”  She could be describing other lives though.  

Q: Well that basically answers my questions, thank you for your time.

A: You’re welcome.  

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