Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Ptah of Egypt...




An Interview with an Ancient Egyptian Deity ©M7C 2024


Q: What Ancient Egyptian Deity are you?

A: I am Ptah, the Creator who creates via Divine Utterances.  This means whatever I say or write becomes fact through the element of Time.  You can call this Chronokinesis.  Horus is the Voice of Ptah on Earth. An Incarnation of Horus is the Pharaoh (M7).  Ptah is written with the “H” symbol representing the Double-Helix of DNA found in Genetics, indicating Creation. 

Q: Does anyone in the USA Govt. know you are here?

A: The CIA Classified my identity top-secret after I expressed myself using my abilities.  They then told this to the NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Homeland Security, etc. 

Q: How does one worship an Egyptian Deity?

A: One usually builds a Temple (Palace for the Divine) and gives daily offerings in it.  This was from the First Covenant with the people during the Dynastic Age of Ancient Egypt.  Burnt Incense is an offering that sends prayers to Heaven/PT/The Sky. 

Q: Are you aware of the Hebrew God in the Bible?

A: We are aware of their beliefs.   Most of the Bible is biased towards them, however lifted from our system.  The Character Jesus Christ was based mostly on Osiris religion.  

Q: Are you aware of Modern Cults in USA?

A: We are aware of them, but we take no part in their systems.  There are some Kemetic groups, mostly unofficial. 

Q: If you are famous, would you like to be on Television?

A: There is no reason to be on Television, it is not a venue for the Divine. 

Q: Are you aware of Psychology?

A: I am aware of the tenets of that Modern Belief System.    They negate the existence of the Gods and call people who do Mentally Ill without evidence.  They also over-medicate their victims when the people complain of Divinity, or ignore the fact of the existence of their own Soul or Spirit. 

Q: Are there other Deities on Earth now?

A: With the arrival of the Kingdom of Osiris (S7), the other Gods feel welcome to visit Earth, as the Prophecy of the Return of Osiris (In Ancient Egyptian Mythology) is fulfilled.   I am not going to give their names without their permission first.  This is because actions occur in Time when their names are uttered by Ptah.

Q: Did Slaves build the Pyramids?

A: By “Slaves” you mean “Humans?”  You have to understand that some of us incarnate into people and give our opinion when in human form.  Humans are the “Slaves” that built whatever we told them to build when we incarnated as Pharaohs.  Also “Aliens” are another word for Gods since we come from the Sky, and the Egyptian word for Heaven is the word for Sky.   Aliens come from the Sky. 

Q: Are you married?

A: In the Egyptian system or “religion” the Gods have families.  This means they are assigned wives and children.  Whether or not this is fact, is our business. Ptah is “married” to Sakhmet, Horus to Hathor, and Osiris to Isis.  These unions unite the individual religions into a larger framework. 

Q: Thank you for allowing me to interview you. 

A: You’re most welcome. 

©M7C 2024.




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