Friday, October 26, 2018

Who owns which Niihau?

So... Who owns Niihau? Is it the Niihau on Earth (publicly owned by the Robinson Family) or the one in the Netherworld owned by Pharaoh M7 of the United Egyptian Imperial-Republic?

Fictional Characters

Any character other than Historical People mentioned in my novels are Fictional (not real people).

Do not make the error of associating characters from my novels with the Author.

Thank you.

MC 2018.

(This Blog has a disclaimer stating that)


This website includes works of Fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents, are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Copyright Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

works better than water boarding

Drinking alcohol works more effectively than using water boarding to obtain information.

M7 2018.

Fantasy Micronation

Niihau, A Fantasy Micronation Kindle Edition 

 Niihau, A Fantasy Micronation is about the Hawaiian Island of Niihau as a Micronation. It was founded on July 5, 2000 at 11:00pm Pacific Time. This book includes various Micronational Government effects, laws, culture, and the Niihau Conspiracy. Copyright (c) 2015 MC, All rights reserved.


 June 1, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase ***

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Megamillions Lottery jackpot explained...

On the inside back cover of my Egyptian Magic books is the location of a printer from the Publisher (, in "SC" or South Carolina, USA.  When I have papers touching the spells this activates the spells --- Money Attraction + Success (+ location); if location is not specified it will occur on my Area of Effect (near me).  It touched the SC location so the winner was in SC.  SC was also a target location for Weather Magic previously for same reason; all papers touching SC have been removed.  Attract Money spell does that -- it attracts money -- not "Acquire Money."  Lottery spells also win but you need a target / location touching it.  Luck = Energy.  Venerating the book sends energy into the book's ink where the written part is. 

M7 2018.

Monday, October 22, 2018


  Castle Marcaesar - Copyright 2018 M7 All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Who is M7?

Archangel M7 / Michael - "He who is as God."

Who is M7?

He is the Prince of Light, the Guardian of the Nile River in Egypt, the Warrior Angel - Conqueror of Nations, the Scourge of Heaven, The Reader of the Sacred Books (Kheri-Heb Priest), He controls the Weather, He is from the 7th Heaven (EM-7) and holds the keys to the Kingdom of God in Heaven (UEIR).  He lives on the Border of the Seas (Costa) with an Army of Angels. He is the Weigher of Souls.  Etc.

M7 2018.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Heir to the Throne?

World War 3: Saudi Arabia?
Copyright 2018 M7

1. If the Saudi Arabian Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, ordered the execution of a reporter, as indicated on the reporter's computer watch, this is a crime.
2. If POTUS Trump "punishes" Saudi Arabia and Saudia Arabia "retaliates" this is an Act of War.
3. Israel would join USA and nuke Saudi Arabia. Other allies may also join USA (Egypt, as owned by UEIR).
4. Or Saudi Arabia can arrest Mohammed Bin Salman and revoke his inheritance to the throne: Problem Solved.
5. Do remember who financed Sept. 11 2001?

M7 2018.

M7 2018.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Being Cheap vs. SOTA (State of the Art) in US Gov. Spending

Being Cheap vs. SOTA (State of the Art) in US Gov. Spending:

If you give a local city in California: $1 Million Dollars, what is it spent on?

City A: sees all that money and spends it on electronic billboards ($100,000); a new City Library ($400,000); Robot Police officers ($200,000); and the rest on City Employee salaries including City Council Members' recent raises in pay ($300,000).  Then when asked about paying for Infrastructure for the next year, they spend it via Credit, adding to the City's rising debt (because they can't seem to manage money). 

City B: spends it on Education and Roads ($100,000); Health and Environment with programs for the Elderly, the Homeless, Veterans, low-income families, after-school programs to prevent crime, solar panels for Electricity, wind mills for local energy (during storms), and sanitation ($200,000); a new Police Force and improved traffic signs and signals, Internet Crime programs (prevention), free Medical samples, and Drones that monitor Traffic and local crime spots ($150,000); Voter registration and education ($50,000); low-income Housing and a tax rebate system for new home sales ($200,000); City Employees, teachers, Union workers, Postal workers, Internet systems, computer security systems (hidden cameras with a database on all residents with drones, privately owned) ($200,000); and the rest in Savings ($100,000). 

It is not always bad to be Cheap, especially if you live constantly in debt because you like everything State of the Art, because "We're Americans!" 

M7 2018.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Genius is not about absorbing and repeating information.  It is about thinking and questioning what others tell you.  - Mike Costa (M7), 2018.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

You are not being Cursed - When Spells Invert...

Magical Inversion:
Whenever the operator of a Magic System is not in equal status with Ma'at
(i.e. when the person casting the spell is being called a "liar" when not)
all of the spells written by the caster will Invert (do the opposite or not work correctly).
YOU ARE NOT BEING CURSED.  Maat = Truth / Order / Laws / Justice / Honesty / Stability.
Just because one is a KheriHeb Priest does not mean we curse people.

M7 2018.

If you were cursed it would look like Indonesia during the 2004 Tsunami.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

King Seti's conquests...

Seti came from a family of military generals, and after he became pharaoh, he launched military campaigns to conquer Libya, Canaan, Syria and Nubia. According to this article, General Horemhab was listed by Seti (Horemhab succeeded Tutankhamon (/King Ay) as his heir). 

(Seti was Ramses 2 "The Great's" father)

R2 = M7

R2 and Seti wrote the Abydos Records tablet that honors previous Pharaohs, omitting some to prevent people from finding them.  

M7 2018.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Origins of the Bible: Stolen Ancient Egyptian History?

The Origins of the Bible: Stolen Ancient Egyptian History?
(New Book: Egyptian Pre-Christianity by Horus Michael I):

The Origins of the Hebrew Bible may actually be from Ancient Egyptian Sources.
Stories from Ancient Egypt became Biblical Stories, rewritten with Hebrew Names. 

1. The Great Flood, Noah's Ark, and the Book of the Heavenly Cow (AE):

In the Book of the Heavenly Cow (AKA: The Destruction of Mankind):
the people rebelled against Ra (Sun God), so Ra sent forth his Eye (Sakhmet) to destroy them. Sakhmet caused Floods, Hurricanes, and other Natural Disasters.

Later, Ra was satisfied with the destruction BUT Sakhmet wasn't, so he sent Horus to Earth to Save Mankind.  Horus mixed Mandrakes with Red Wine (or Red Beer) and mixed it with the Flood Waters so Sakhmet would drink it and become Intoxicated, thinking it was blood.  Sakhmet changed into Hathor and the people celebrated.  (Mandrakes are a poisonous fruit with Narcotic properties, usually prepared in vinegar). 

When Ra descended to Earth he was in his Solar Boat (the Ark), and when Horus mixed the Red Wine (Red Beer) on Earth this is the changing of Water into Wine at the Last Supper; because this was the last time Ra would punish the Earth.  So both the Book of Genesis and the New Testament are referenced here.

2.  Jonah and the Whale (Eclipse):

The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale is taken from the Sun God Ra being swallowed by the Demon Apophis, which occurs during an Eclipse of the Sun. 

3.  Jesus Christ and the Trinity:

There is one person I found in my research that matches Jesus Christ and the Trinity:  His name is: Djed-Ka-Ra Iesesi, a 5th Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh.  In Latin, Jesus is Iesus because the J becomes an I. Djed is the Pillar of Osiris in which he was buried in or attached to.  Ra is the Divine Father. Ka is the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is: The Father, The Son/Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  The Egyptian word QRST (Christ) meant Burial.

The Star of Christ's Birth is an Egyptian Pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt.  It is where Djed-Ka-Ra was buried or "reborn in the Kingdom of Heaven."  Egyptian burials in the Pyramid Age were in "fetal position" for rebirth into a new body.  For one cannot "see the Kingdom of Heaven unless they are reborn" (Reincarnated).  Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh are found in Egyptian Tombs. 

Bethlehem in Hebrew meant "House of Bread."  In Egyptian this is a building or "House of Bread," like a hospital.  The "Manger" is a Mastaba tomb seen from a distance. 

4. Jesus Christ and Set (Egyptian Deity):
Set was the antagonist against his brother Osiris, whom he murdered and usurped the throne. Set controlled the Weather and Earthquakes, had red hair, and had Donkeys as one of his sacred animals.  People or animals under his influence were sacrificed in Egypt.   The Battles of Horus vs. Set included a Court Trial as the decisive victory of Good over Evil.  Horus won this battle.  Jesus didn't and was crucified or sacrificed.  (Set lost). 

5. The Book of the Destruction of Mankind in Egyptian History:

Ra may refer to Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra, who had a vision of "7 fat cows eaten by 7 skinny cows."  He had a Dream Interpreter tell him what this meant:  "7 years of prosperity followed by 7 years of Plague." The Dream Interpreter was Amonhotep the Son of Hapu (Joseph in the Bible), who lived to be 110 years old.  Nebmaatra built Sakhmet statues to offset the Plague, as Sakhmet could be worshiped to heal illness.   

Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

Egyptian PreChristianity

Monday, October 1, 2018

King Ramses 1 of Egypt

Menpehtyre Ramesses I (or Ramses) was the founding pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 19th dynasty. The dates for his short reign are not completely known but the time-line of late 1292–1290 BC is frequently cited[2] as well as 1295–1294 BC.[3] While Ramesses I was the founder of the 19th dynasty, in reality his brief reign marked the transition between the reign of Horemheb who had stabilized Egypt in the late 18th dynasty and the rule of the powerful pharaohs of this dynasty, in particular his son Seti I and grandson Ramesses II, who would bring Egypt up to new heights of imperial power. 

As Pharaoh R1 is currently reincarnated, whomever he is can be a UEIR Citizen and a UEIR Government Official with a current seat on the Imperial Senate that meets bi-annually in Duat.

M7 2018.