Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Republic of Kings

The UEIR is a Republic of Kings
Copyright © 2019 M7

Originally the Nine Sovereign Princes ruled Ancient Atlantis, whom became the Ennead in the Ancient Egyptian religion.  The Prince of Peace, the Prince of Light, the Prince of War, the Prince of Darkness, and other Sovereign-Princes governed as a Republic in the City Forum, and met once or twice a year to discuss world affairs.

The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic is comprised of many Independent Kingdoms, Sultanates, Emirates, and other governments, including the Empire. It also has a Temple-Feudalism for the economy, including the Technocracy, or government ruled by Technology (AI).  For application to Government one has to undergo a Government Simulation (VR) of various possible events to be qualified as a candidate for any high office.   The UEIR is based in Duat, the Egyptian Netherworld (where Lord S7 hails from as an Osiris-King).  

© M7 2019.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

No Wealth Tax

The proposed "Wealth Tax" suggested by the Democratic Party in USA will not work out as expected.  Your American Dream becomes a nightmare.  America already taxes people to Death.  If you tax everything including Wealth it is only a short-fix.  Then you are left with Nothing.  You also cannot Tax UEIR (Foreign Country that owns the USA after 1993).  You owe Taxes to the UEIR in the Trillions but cannot pay it because of $23Trillion+ in USA Debts.  I suggest USA nationalizes profitable businesses for revenue in place of Taxes.  Saudi Arabia nationalized their Oil Business revenue in lieu of Taxes, as do other nations. Maybe a solar power company or recycling centers or nuclear energy?

M7 2019.

Note:  Any Currency that says: "This Note is Legal Tender for all DEBTS public and private," is a debt-based currency (Credit) and is useless, worthless in the UEIR as USA never pays its debts on time.  UEIR Taxes can be filled in other items besides this.  We accept "Gold, Silver, Precious Stones, Real Estate (i.e. Niihau, Lanai, Temples, Housing, Automobiles, etc.), Stocks, Company or Store Credit that never expires, unused Gift Cards, Labor, Barter, fresh Food & Drink, new Clothing, etc."  

M7 2019.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

King Tut's final days...

What did Tutankhamon die from?

Theories range from a Chariot Accident while hunting causing a leg injury (contaminated) or illness (Malaria); or simply a self-inflicted Asp Bite to unite with Ra.

It could be a crucifixion (in Roman crucifixions the victim had his leg broken to prevent escape) with his body later set on fire (He would be exposed to the elements to acquire Malaria Fever).  His corpse looks burnt, be it chemical burns or tomb robber type.  Or he took poison with an Asp Cobra as a last resort.  

If he died from crucifixion there are 3 possible candidates:
1. Military raid on Border States. Say Tut was captured. 
2. Encountering the Hittite Prince or Hittites entering Egypt.
3. Renegade Atonist religious factions (the ones who destroyed Temples of the Gods).

M7 2019.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Comparison of USA to Ancient Egypt

Modern Life vs. Ancient Egypt A Comparison
Copyright © 2019 M7C

Americans today like to tear down monuments of the Past because of social issues.  Why identify with Ancient Egypt?

1.    They worshiped Statues and Images
2.    They practiced Magic
3.    They were Slave-Owners
4.    They worshiped More Than One God (includes Akhenaton)
5.    Nubians were often Prisoners or Slaves
6.    They built Walls
7.    They spent most of their Economy on the Elites’ Monuments
8.    Priests owned most of the Land and were Exempt from Taxes
9.    The Priests were the Scientists, but kept the common people in the Dark to control them.
10.      Food was currency.  If you didn’t work, you didn’t eat.
11.      Obesity was regarded as Prosperity, yet Carbohydrate Diets most likely
12.      They used Drugs for amusement; especially Drunkenness
13.      They were wasteful (in copper mines and wood)
14.      Pets were as Gods; if you killed one, you were killed too
15.      Their Religion was based on their Science
16.      They kept their Scientific Discoveries a secret (includes language)
17.      The Best of their culture was reserved for the Afterlife only
18.      Material Objects came from Story Marketing
19.      Best-selling Books were buried with the dead
20.      Most of the people were poor, illiterate Farmers/Builders
21.      There were no Jewish Slaves in the Real Egypt; the Hyksos enslaved Egypt

© M7C 2019

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Magicracy - An Autobiography of a Modern Egyptian Pharaoh
by Horus Michael.  Copyright 2019 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

A Pharaoh is a King and Chief High Priest (of Ancient Egypt).  (S)He is the intermediary between the World of the Living and the Divine Natural Forces whom (S)He seeks to influence with Meditated Willpower, Temple Offerings, and the Virtues of Ma'at.  A Magicracy is a way of Governing using this method.  

Friday, October 25, 2019

Adorations of the Egyptian NTRW by Pharaoh M7...

 Adorations of the Egyptian NTRW ©M7 2019

Dua Shu htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Tefnut Nbt-Nu

Dua Imn htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Khonsu Mut Imnet

Dua Tefnut htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Shu Nb-Nefw

Dua Imn-Ra htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Khonsu Mut Per-aa

Dua Sakhmet htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Ptah

Dua WSir htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw  Maahru Mry Ast Hor Nephthys

Dua Ast htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Wsir Hor

Dua Per-aa Sa-Ra Nb-Pet Nb-Ta Horus Michael di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru

Dua Ntrw htp di ankh Htpw-Nfrw htp per-thrw per-Ankh Maahru Mry Duat

©M7 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

Visualization works...

Part of being a Telepath includes the ability to sometimes see a person's face who calls me on the telephone and doesn't say anything.  Usually it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to visualize.  

MC 2019.

Monday, September 23, 2019

An investment in Egypt?

The UEIR "invested $90B in Egypt" to create a new Egyptian State (selling price).  
If this is what the President of Egypt is trying to build, good.  Media in the region paints a different picture of an incomplete puzzle.  Why can't the people wait and see what will happen instead of trying to stop it? 

- Pharaoh M7, 2019.

Forms of Government

1. Capitalism (Democracy) - USA
2. Socialism (Communism) - USSR/Russia
3. Theocracy (Islamic State) - Iran, Ancient Israel
4. Feudalism (Monarchy) - Europe
5. Military Dictatorship (Despotism) - Iraq, Africa
6. Technocracy (Science) - Atlantis
7. Corporation (Business) - USA
8. Pharaocracy (Electoral Monarchy) - Ancient Egypt
9. Republic (Constitutional Democracy) - Ancient Rome/Greece, USA
10. Commonwealth (Union) - Modern Russia, EU
11. Imperial-Republic (Combination) - UEIR

M7 2019.

In a Capitalist Democracy, there are rich people at the top of the economic ladder and mostly poor to middle class below.  Modern Egypt is trying to adopt this government type, although led by a former Military General post-revolution.  In Socialism, there is only Middle Class with no room for improvement.  



Saturday, September 7, 2019

WW3 - results

Eye of the Pharaoh - Chapter 21 - excerpt:
Copyright (c) Michael J. Costa 1990-1995, All rights reserved. 

        One year has passed since my inventions held a firm grip on the world's industry and technical age.  The nation of Iran recently broke free from the empire of Egypt once it acquired a substantial amount of nuclear weapons.  The thought of that didn't seem to matter, although Iran directed its interest to the USSR rather than other countries of the world.  Iran seemed to take the path of Libya when it acquired nuclear warheads from Russia.  Soon enough, World War III started to bubble from the fathoms of incompetence when my empire directed its warring attention to Iran.  Russia protected Iran, and America protected my empire.  Finally, Nuclear war was inevitable.

    I transported all furniture and items of value from the palace in the Egyptian empire to the M.C. Futura residence and the prism tomb near Thebes.  The palace was the only area not protected by the Diamond glass domes.  Although many zoos and wildlife centers were protected, nothing protected the open land of Africa.  Only those animals in the wild were subject to mutation from the radioactivity from the nuclear fallout. 
    To state what happened is simply that America and Russia were annihilated and Iran was completely flattened.  The empire still remained yet it suffered from fallout and acid rain.  Those areas protected by the domes were safe and not subject to the second-degree mutation that occurred around them.  I consider the mutation process to be second degree because of the fact that the life forms were mutated once and that was during the creation of the humans.  This second degree was slightly different in the formation of giant insects and mutant humans in the form of crossbreeds which consisted of humans and reptiles combined to form anything less than dragons. 
    My family and friends were safe within various domed cities around the world.  I slept in a sleep chamber with Ankhesenamon sleeping in her own capsule only a few feet away.  The capsules are programmed to awaken the user at a specific time whenever summoned.  We were positioned in the tomb chamber beneath the pyramid at the M.C. Futura Mansion in the Hawaiian Islands, safe from destruction. 

"USA is being destroyed by Russia" via POTUS-45: Donald J. Trump in 2019.

Hawaiian Weather

M7 2019.

(No Hurricanes yet).

Egyptian origins of the Christian Book?

M7 2019.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Anti-Hurricane spell?

With all of the focus on the hurricane in the Bahamas, there are 4 other storms, one near Hawaii, that are unreported.  I would use a "anti-Hurricane or Clear Sky spell" to force a storm away.  It seems someone did that to force "Dorian" storm away from Florida or to remain near the Bahamas.  

M7 2019.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Why Smoking or Vaping is bad for your health...

Commercials in USA like to associate effects of what they are advertising with UEIR Marketing.

"Smoking is Brain Poison - causes Anxiety, Mood Swings, etc."

I do not Smoke - nor have I ever. I may light incense occasionally - you know - because I practice Egyptian religion and it requires offerings such as fragrant incense -- not tobacco or anything else such as Cannabis. Information Poison is worse than smoking. 

- Pharaoh Horus Michael / M7, 2019.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Greenland and the Destruction of Atlantis...

Greenland and the Destruction of Atlantis
Copyright © 2019 M7C All rights reserved.

Atlantis is said to have existed past the Pillars of Hercules and in the Atlantic Ocean.  This was about 14,000 years ago, before the last Ice Age ended.  Atlantis was “destroyed by Natural Disasters.”  

Now suppose that Greenland originally extended to the middle of the Atlantic, near modern Madeira and the Azores Islands.  History states Atlantis “was a continent.”  Now suppose it simply melted, dooming the City to sink below the ocean.   This would happen when the Ice Age ended, thus warm up the Earth like our Climate Change.  So Atlantis is still there.  It’s just buried under ice and snow. 

© M7C 2019.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Kennedy Family Curse vs. King Tutankhamon?

The Kennedy Family Curse began with the eldest son being killed in WW2.  This was because JFK/Jack was coerced into believing that if the eldest son died, that JFK could become President of the USA via his sister Kathleen Kennedy who suggested this.  So JFK willed the event.  JFK is the reincarnation of King Tutankhamon, who was discovered in 1922.  JFK was born in 1917.  Tut's soul entered Jack after 1923, and was later reborn as M7 in the 1970s.  So the Curse of Tutankhamon became the Kennedy Family Curse.  

M7 2019.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Vertical Agriculture on Niihau?

For Ni'ihau Island Economy:

Vertical farming is a form of controlled environment agriculture (CEA) that consists of fully insulated indoor operations, producing crops on multiple levels solely using electrical lighting. Vertical farms, and CEA operations more broadly, are advertised as solutions to many environmental issues in food production in part because they are protected from the outside environment, and can be constructed in even the most extreme environments. The USDA Office of the Chief Scientist recently published a workshop report that contains more information about the potential benefits of vertical farming and CEA, as well as future areas for research and development to consider in this technology space. To learn more, you may view the Research and Development Potentials Indoor Agriculture and Sustainable Urban Ecosystems workshop report.

 - Pharaoh M7,
Kingdom of Akua-Ni'ihau 

July 30, 2019.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Free Currency!

Free Money: Barternotes!
Copyright © 2019 M7 

Barternotes are a Free Currency to use for Trade and Business Transactions.  

How it works:

Bartering is an ancient form of Trading using existing items to trade against other items without using a Medium of Exchange (Dollars).  For example: Say you are in a Desert and there are 3 items you can trade for: a bag of Rice, a Gallon Jug of Water, and a bag of 10 Diamonds.  The Gallon Jug of Water is the most valuable item in this transaction, as you are in the Desert and need water.  The other items pale in comparison.  If you have a Barternote, you can give this to the person as a temporary solution, as a promise to pay later once you have the items the other person wants or needs; like Credit.  This acts as an I.O.U. certificate.  Additionally having a Barternote in possession for the Trade adds 5% value to the transaction, per Barternote.  

Barternotes came come in a variety of numeration – 10BN for ten items, 25BN for 25 items, 50BN for 50 items, etc.  Barternotes can exist on your Cell Phone for easier transactions (copy it or photograph it on your cell phone; the Copyright © M7 seal is for prevention of copying the idea, not the note itself).  You can trade with Barternotes for any item regardless of price in Conventional Currency (i.e. if you trade 10 apples for 10 scooters, it is still 10 items regardless).  This is far superior to “Crypto-currency.” 

In case the US Dollar fails to work, Barternotes can serve as a temporary replacement.  Of course US Dollars originally were like Credit when they could be exchanged for gold or silver, and now Dollars are simply exchanged for other Dollars.  Dollars serve as a paper form of Credit, replaced by Credit Cards. 

© M7 2019