Friday, October 25, 2019

Adorations of the Egyptian NTRW by Pharaoh M7...

 Adorations of the Egyptian NTRW ©M7 2019

Dua Shu htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Tefnut Nbt-Nu

Dua Imn htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Khonsu Mut Imnet

Dua Tefnut htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Shu Nb-Nefw

Dua Imn-Ra htp di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Khonsu Mut Per-aa

Dua Sakhmet htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Ptah

Dua WSir htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw  Maahru Mry Ast Hor Nephthys

Dua Ast htp di ankh per-thrw htpw-nfrw Maahru Mry Wsir Hor

Dua Per-aa Sa-Ra Nb-Pet Nb-Ta Horus Michael di ankh htpw-nfrw Maahru

Dua Ntrw htp di ankh Htpw-Nfrw htp per-thrw per-Ankh Maahru Mry Duat

©M7 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

Visualization works...

Part of being a Telepath includes the ability to sometimes see a person's face who calls me on the telephone and doesn't say anything.  Usually it takes about 3 to 5 seconds to visualize.  

MC 2019.