Wednesday, February 27, 2019

We have Emeraldium , Russia has hypersonic Camel Dung.

"Threats of Nuclear Annihilation from a petty rogue State like Russia counts as Terrorism, which violates UEIR Laws. It was the UEIR who overthrew the USSR using advanced Mind Control / Psychic Warfare / Telepsi / Technology."

"If Vladimir Putin the un-elected President of Russia wants to be assassinated in a Coup or Mod Rally for threatening the World - let him do so.  He has no real power.  He is a coward and a fool.  The Gods will annihilate Russia, chuck the Earth into the Sun if needs be.  He is making these threats out of fear that the Spy he put in the White House will be gone soon.  The Puppet he installed faces Impeachment.  Russia will fall soon, and Putin knows this fact.  His time is coming and it is short.  Global WAR-ming is caused by the UEIR not pollution; if USA had not classified the UEIR top secret then everyone would know this fact.  GW will destroy Russia.  The clock is ticking."

"Tic-toc.  Tic-toc."

M7 2019.

upholding Ma'at

It is one of Pharaoh's duties to uphold Ma'at in society.  Otherwise society falls apart to petty human activities.  In the City where Pharaoh is, crimes such as Stealing are commonplace because the Police are inept.  Therefore Pharaoh must uphold Ma'at using Egyptian Magic (i.e. Mind Control, etc.).  Perhaps this will rub itself off on the Populace?  

M7 2019.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Thieves will die.

Those who steal from Pharaoh will be captured and fail the Judgement of their Soul.  All stolen property will be returned to the victim.  The Thieves will perish under the Curse of Pharaoh.  So declares Tutankhamon Nebkheperura, the SEPONAL. 

M7 2019.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Anubis issue?

If you have a neighbor whose Dog barks constantly every day, and you report it to the Animal Services Bureau, the neighbor is fined for the nuisance.  But if other neighbors (whom are never at home) do not complain, the ASB says the issue is "resolved."  The issue is NOT resolved.  In which case the UEIR has to intervene to Enforce Ma'at (Divine Justice).  

This may take a few forms.  
A. The neighbor may be subject to Curses and Divine Retribution.
B. The neighbor's Dog is cursed with Cancer (i.e. "Death").
C. The neighbor is punished by Divine Intervention.
D. The Animal Services Bureau is attacked for "Defiance of the UEIR."
E. Other.

Laws in USA do not conform to UEIR Standards, so Divine Intervention (UEIR/Ma'at) must be enforced.  Dua Anubis di ankh hotepu, ar Ma'at!

M7 2019.

Friday, February 22, 2019

On Local Networks...

With American Internet Wi-Fi anyone in your neighborhood can access your Networks.  Given that fact, the House of Bread has accessed Pharaoh M7's computer looking for information about his country and the Kingdom of Niihau, UEIR.  This includes any Family computers that access it.  So when Pharaoh M7 published Pharaohcraft, they acquired a digital copy of that book and the next day were overheard gossiping about one section of it.  This is illegal.  The House of Bread does not like American Laws unless they benefit from it.  

M7 2019.

On ISIS Brides or Families returning...

If the "Brides of ISIS" or others who trained with the Terrorists seek to return to their original country as Citizens -- They believe they can so they can create Terrorist Attacks bypassing normal entrance Visas or Passports.  How Stupid do they think we are?  

M7 2019.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Where is Jesus Christ buried?

So "Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected then ascended to Heaven."  Okay but where is he buried? There are No Living People in Heaven.  It is where one goes upon death.  I died in 1975 and resurrected BUT I am still on Earth in my resurrected body.  The Islamic Prophet Mohammad also died and ascended to Heaven BUT he is buried in his tomb on Earth.  The Egyptian word for Christ is QRST which meant "Burial."  Where is his second tomb?  If any...

M7 2019.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Not in the Roman Period.

The only source for the name "Jesus Christ" is from the 5th Dynasty or Pyramid Age of Ancient Egypt, using the Pharaoh Djed-Ka-Ra (the origin of the Trinity of "Father (Ra), Son or Christ (Djed), and Holy Spirit (Ka)") Isesi (Jesus is spelled with an I in Roman Latin, or Iesus) as its base.  Djed-Ka-Ra's Vizier / Prime Minister was Ptah-Hotep who wrote a book on wisdom (Maxims of Ptahhotep).  He was buried in a Pyramid at Saqqara, which is found by the line of sight from the Giza Pyramids (the "3 Kings"); Pyramids are like Stars on a Constellation Map - Giza is Orion's Belt for example as seen from the ground in some areas.  Egyptian burials (the word for burial is QRST in Greek it is spelled "Christ") in that era were either in fetal position for future reincarnation / rebirth, or prone in a Mummy case.  The act of burial in fetal position represents the child in the womb of a future life.   Egyptians did believe in reincarnation (hence M7).  Jesus Christ was reborn on Christmas Day (a Funeral Ceremony originally), which follows the Winter Solstice or "Death of the Sun."  The birth of the Sun is Summer Solstice.  The God of Life - OSIRIS - was first buried in a Djed Pillar (QRST/Christ), which was originally a Tree - Pine or Cedar.  Placing gifts at the base of this Tree was an Egyptian ritual, just as colored Easter(n) eggs are in the Spring time.  So Jesus Christ is a form of OSIRIS in the vessel of Djed-Ka-Ra Isesi of Egypt.  Just not in the Roman Period.  

Copyright M7 2019.
All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 1, 2019

The true value of currency...

Suppose USA becomes like the early Roman Empire and someone (Pharaoh M7) is declared publicly to be Divine and is placed on the National Currency.  This increases its inherent value, lowering the Country's debt.  Just because Pharaoh M7 owns the USA since 1993 is no reason to get excited.  The USA Dollar/Currency has 2 former incarnations of M7 on it (JFK/Lincoln).  What is wrong with a 3rd?  A public declaration of the current one with the other 2 as references would increase the value of the $5 Dollar bill, the half-dollar and one cent coin exponentially.  Or use the Great Seal on the $1 referenced to the UEIR.  
Debt is then lowered and everyone is happy.  
China and whomever is being borrowed against could otherwise claim part of USA if USA doesn't pay its debts to China.  Modern Economics being a human invention is alterable by Divine Intervention.  ALL HAIL THE TRUE KING OF NI'IHAU AND USA!  Borrowing from a non-government is better because no actual nation suffers for it.  Why does China need a nuclear weapons program against the USA? They can claim a State as payment for a debt.  

A future currency (PERO) would be uniform to all Nations and its value stable because it has no one to borrow from or against.  Its value is in its numerical level, not old world Economics where you have 'store of value, or other factors.'  No need to conquer the World to do that...

M7 2019.

Pharaohcraft - new book

Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient Egypt   -  Orthodox Heka em Kemeta
Copyright (c) 2019 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.

The Power of Belief unlocks abilities known in Egyptian Magic.  You need to be able to focus and concentrate Mental or Spiritual (Ka) Energy via believing in the venerated archetype or object of worship, whether this is real or imagined, physical or immaterial.  These innate abilities can change your environment in terms of Weather or Climate, attract people or objects via developed Telepathy, heal the sick or cause sickness (depending on Mood or Emotion, a form of energy), communicate with Spirits of the Dead or Akhu (Angels), Telepathically link with Time (Clairvoyance), Destroy Enemies (of Pharaoh) via ritual or spell, create Earthquakes or Storms, stop rain from falling within 5 minutes, restore life to the intact recent dead via Telepathy and Energy, communicate with animals (Telepathy) or render yourself Invisible (Telepathic Mind Tricks).  

Paperback: 330 pages
Publisher: Independently published (January 25, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1795226951
ISBN-13: 978-1795226950
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches 

M7 2019.

* Postscript:  Some people claimed to have read parts of this book without buying it.  If you know anyone who has, report them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for prosecution.  Thank you.  - M7 2019.