Monday, September 23, 2019

An investment in Egypt?

The UEIR "invested $90B in Egypt" to create a new Egyptian State (selling price).  
If this is what the President of Egypt is trying to build, good.  Media in the region paints a different picture of an incomplete puzzle.  Why can't the people wait and see what will happen instead of trying to stop it? 

- Pharaoh M7, 2019.

Forms of Government

1. Capitalism (Democracy) - USA
2. Socialism (Communism) - USSR/Russia
3. Theocracy (Islamic State) - Iran, Ancient Israel
4. Feudalism (Monarchy) - Europe
5. Military Dictatorship (Despotism) - Iraq, Africa
6. Technocracy (Science) - Atlantis
7. Corporation (Business) - USA
8. Pharaocracy (Electoral Monarchy) - Ancient Egypt
9. Republic (Constitutional Democracy) - Ancient Rome/Greece, USA
10. Commonwealth (Union) - Modern Russia, EU
11. Imperial-Republic (Combination) - UEIR

M7 2019.

In a Capitalist Democracy, there are rich people at the top of the economic ladder and mostly poor to middle class below.  Modern Egypt is trying to adopt this government type, although led by a former Military General post-revolution.  In Socialism, there is only Middle Class with no room for improvement.  



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