Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Why god is the antichrist

Copyright 2011 M7

1. Jesus the "christ" wants to return to Destroy the Earth.
2. God so "loved the world" that he allows his "son" to be killed by humans as an excuse to destroy Earth.
3. Antichrist, the World ruler, wants to Save the Earth and establish Civilization.
4. Jesus was anti-Rome, anti-Civilization.
5. Jesus was an anarchist and a criminal.
6. God Created the World for himself, not so the "Devil" could take over, with his Son the "Antichrist" as King.
7. Every Liberator that fails to return exactly as it is written is called "antichrist."
8. Each Liberator who has come to Earth to save it was killed or persecuted later.
9. Antichrist claims to be God; Jesus claims to be "son of God."
10. Jesus was never once "anointed" with oil, and "anointed with divine ability" is not the same.
11. Jesus has a false pedigree.
12. Jesus is a replica of other Solar gods, like Mithra, Horus-Osiris, and Buddha (according to Muslim scholars).
13. Islam denies the powers of Jesus the Christ. The only reason Jesus was Christ is due to his powers.
14. When god comes to Earth and says "he is God" people then call him "antichrist."
15. Jesus the Christ and all other Prophets are mentally ill. God just "appears" that way.
16. God's voice can be heard by the faithful.
17. Archangel Michael / Horus is God's form on Earth, Allah / Osiris is God's form in Heaven/Duat.
18. God creates by expression or his Word. Antichrist creates by willing or writing.
19. People would rather not accept a person is God if they dislike him; God can be anyone, anywhere he desires it.
20. People hate God, yet Jesus said "God loves you."
21. God is a wonder-worker, and is a God to be feared according to the Torah & Quran.
22. If Antichrist is a God, then why say: "There is only One God..."?
23. If Antichrist has powers, why is he Antichrist and not Christ?
24. If Jesus is "Good" why does he want to return to Destroy the Earth if not avenging his death?
25. Why mix stories together, hoping this will make sense to the idiots who believe in them?
26. Why are Muslims immature and violent if Islam is a "peaceful religion"?
27. Why is Iran fundamentally stupid? Have they forgotten what Alexander did to them?
28. Why is Alexander the Great in the Quran, and why is Iran Muslim?
29. If Muslims "submit to God" in prayer, why declare war on God when he visits Earth by calling him names?
30. God as Judge of the Living is the same as Osiris the Judge and Ruler of the Dead in Ancient Egypt.
31. Where was Allah before Muhammad was born? Answer: He was God in other forms, in so-called "pagan" religions.

M7 2011

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