Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Title of Nobility?

Under American Government, a title of nobility cannot be used by US Citizens, except in foreign nations. So one cannot be called a Lord of the Manor, or Prince. This didn't stop musicians Michael Jackson (Prince of Pop) or Elvis Presley (King of Rock & Roll). Another idea is when people are called by a mental illness that doctors want to believe in, forming a title of its own... In religion, we have one concept that Jesus Christ suffered not from being a Messiah, but because he was in fact Schizophrenic, based on his symptoms. In which case, anyone with the same symptoms as Christ are able to use this as a title of Nobility -- ever hear about Christ the King? (via Divine Right).

M7 2011.

1 comment:

  1. My use of Divine Right is based on psychic ability, not an illness.

    M7 2011.
