Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2027 CE

2027 CE

I first became aware of Time Travel in 1994 CE. I was in College and chose not to be in a College Dorm / Apartment. This triggered a series of pre-incarnate memories. In the first life (Mike Costa #1), I was legally published and a best seller (Eye of the Pharaoh first edition), and used my fortune to build the Trans-Pacific Expansion (Super Highway; not the Internet like it is now), a road connecting Hawaii, Japan and California on land bridges made of land fill and large rocks. In 2027 CE I died in bed of some illness. I had visited Egypt twice, and found Ankhesenamon’s tomb. Then I remember going to Duat and entered a Time Tunnel, then edited the Book of Time in Duat. Then I was born in the same body some time before my previous entry.

In 1989, using blocked memories, I was able to write my book (above); and in it I said certain events would happen, like the Democracy Revolution/War in Egypt/Middle East. This revolution, worded differently, will become the UEIR (I had used UEIR prior to this event, leading up to it). Any “collected taxes for the UEIR” would go to this new country. This is because it didn’t exist before January 2011. I merely pre-empted its existence via Time Travel. It existed in 2027 CE in my previous life as MC #1. As I am now MC #2, I know events that will happen, but do not want to reveal them to you because in doing so it would prevent their formation. I am also in synch with Time Events now. Reliving this life was a pain for the first half, having to relive my childhood for instance.

© Copyright M7 2011

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