Saturday, December 24, 2016

What connection?

Israel - the State of Israel not the original one that was conquered by Pharaoh Merenptah - claims it has Biblical Connections to the land they are building on, as "evidence" and are now against the United Nations because the UN disagrees with the settlements being built on stolen land.  

If the Bible can be authenticated as real perhaps Israel would have a case.

Wagons never existed in Ancient Egypt (we used boats for transportation of goods) and you could not "buy grain in Egypt with silver money" at the time of Joseph because Silver Money was invented 1000 years later.  Israelis must be Time Travelers or very good at lying...

M7-UEIR 2016.

Pharaoh M7, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic, Kingdom of Niiihau.

Edit: Fake News Stories do not help the situation.  

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