Friday, November 5, 2021

The role of Islam in the Nematawy Egyptian Faith...




The Role of Islam in Nematawy the Egyptian Faith

Copyright © 2021 MJC All rights reserved.

Chapter 2: The Setesh Monotheism


          Setesh (Set, Seth, or Sutekh) was the Egyptian God of the Desert, War, Chaos, Destruction, Storms, Earthquakes, Foreign people, negativity, etc.  His sacred animals consisted of Donkeys, Crocodiles, Snakes, Hippopotamus, Rhinos, Hyenas, Aardvarks, Okapi, etc.  After he murdered Osiris and usurped the throne, he fought Horus for control of the country (in Osirian stories); later he lost a court room battle and was executed.  His spirit protected the Boat of Ra in the Milky Way (Heaven) from Apophis, the Demon of Darkness (a Black Hole).  There is a massive Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Setesh worship was exiled from Egypt after some time.  His temples were closed and his images were hacked out. 

          So Setesh worship continued as the Habiru Monotheism, and later as Islam.  Moses and Mohammad both lived in the Desert, where they found Setesh.  Moses was an exiled Prince (reference to Prince Ahmosis) who found Setesh on Mount Sinai in natural form.  Mohammad found Setesh in the Desert in the guise of an Archangel.  Setesh was the Jealous God, envious of Osiris whom he killed.  The first sets of Commandments of YHWH were concerned with worshiping “other gods before me,” and worshiping graven images.  If Allah and YHWH are the “only God” then who are the other gods? The other gods are the Egyptian Gods who exiled Setesh from Egypt.  He didn’t want his images damaged so he forbade their worship.  He also didn’t want food offerings sacrificed to idols of the other gods (in Islam).  Muslims pray by surrendering themselves to Allah as God of War; this act of prayer is called SENTA in Egyptian, where people pray by touching their face toward the ground. 

          While Setesh is the Almighty God, he is not the intelligent God Horus.  YHWH didn’t want the first Humans (Adam, Eve) to become intelligent, so he forbade them to “eat of the fruit of knowledge” saying they would “surely die” from it. The serpent whom they later blamed for being evicted from the Garden of Eden said the fruit was safe, probably because he ate it.  Eve was the first to eat the fruit, being a woman, as the religion was male-dominant.  Men blamed women for causing problems in society if they were educated.  The fruit of knowledge was actually a book.   

The Garden of Eden was the Temple of Aton, as Egyptian Temples took the shape of gardens and the word Aton is rendered as Eden (t/d, as in Tuat/Duat).  The Serpent was SATA, the Serpent of Transformation from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chapter 87.  SATA is the word for SATAN in Habiru.  People become SATA when they die; SATA is not evil.

          The word SATAN could be written in place of SUTEN, which meant King of Upper Egypt (Seth) in Egyptian (replaced by Nesu)?

          Setesh once blinded Horus by gouging his eyes.  The left eye is the Moon, the right eye is the Sun.  In later Osiris religion, the Demon Apophis swallows the Sun/Moon in eclipses.  Osiris was killed in the form of a Blood Moon, as Osiris was shown as a Moon god (the night form of Ra). 

          The original-sin that Jesus Christ was sacrificed for was the sin of intellect of Adam/Eve.  He was the incarnation of YHWH in the Trinity, the good-god (NFR-NTR), an incarnation of Setesh.  In Egypt people or animals with attributes of Setesh were sacrificed.  Setesh had fiery-red hair and pale complexion.  The Western Jesus had white skin with red-brown hair, as on (Church) stained-glass windows or icons.  That Setesh lost the court battle is indicated by the detached Cross which resembles a Scale of Justice, rather than an Ankh.  Crucifixion was also practiced by Egyptians prior to Rome.  Iron is a sacred metal of Setesh, as in the iron crucifixion nails, because Iron rusts and is a strong metal.  Red is the sacred color of Setesh/Christ in Coptic Christianity.  The word “Sin” is a Moon god in Ancient Babylon. 

          Aram is the Egyptian word for Babylon, which was Abram in the Bible, later changed to Abraham.  Marduk was a God of Light in Babylon, which was the country that existed after the Sumerians.  Marduk conquered the Demon Tiamat, and created Humanity from the “Blood of Kingu” (Son of Tiamat).  Marduk is also called Bel Marduk (the Lord Marduk).  In Islam, God created Humanity from “clots of blood (cloning?).”  Another variation is that people were “made from clay.”  Khnum was a Creator God in Egypt whom made people (from clay) on his potter’s wheel. 

          Jesus once rode a donkey into Jerusalem; a donkey is a sacred animal of Seth.  The Communion rite involves “eating and drinking the blood and body of Christ” as ritual Cannibalism of Seth. 

          In Egypt the Communion existed as the Opening of the Mouth (banquet) using the sacrificial Eye of Horus. 

          In Ancient Egypt, Osiris is the Lord of Life, the Judge of the Dead, the King of Heaven who resurrected and promised to return in the future to establish his Eternal Egypt once evil was vanquished.  Osiris was a bearded man who introduced Technology, Agriculture, and Civilization to Egypt and the Ancient World in the First Empire at the end of the last Ice Age.  He once wore a feathery robe with plumed Atef crown and cobra diadem.

          In Ancient Aztec religion, Quetzalcoatl the “plumed serpent” was a “bearded white man from the East who arrived by boat,” who introduced technology and civilization and promised to return in the future to continue this trend. 

          In Ancient Rome/Judea, Jesus Christ was a bearded man from the East who introduced education and salvation and promised to return to establish the Eternal Kingdom of God once evil was vanquished via the Apocalypse. 

          During Ancient Rome Osiris worship reached its peak by the time Christianity began; Osiris and Isis absorbed all the attributes of the other Gods and Goddesses, becoming the Sole God and Goddess.  Romans felt threatened by this trend and they didn’t like Ancient Egyptian culture, so they created their version of Osiris and had him ritually killed by the Roman Govt. so Romans could sleep at night; this was Christianity.  This replaced Egyptian religion in the Roman Empire.  Osiris/Horus was replaced by Jesus the Christ (QRST), Isis by Mary, and Seth by Satan/Christ.

          The Law Code of Hammurabi was attributed to the Deity Marduk in Babylon, just as the Habiru laws are attributed to God.  Hammurabi was a King of Babylon who conquered countries.  His laws were somewhat strict, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life,” as examples.  Other laws were enforced by Fines payable in Silver.  The Egyptian word Habiru (Hebrew) meant “outcast or wanderer,” the word for the homeless or stateless.  Habiru sometimes invaded Egypt. 

          The only recorded expulsion of people in the New Kingdom era of Egyptian History was the removal of the Shepherd-Kings (Hyksos) by Prince Ah-Moses of Thebes (Waset).  If his name was read correctly (from right to left) it reads Moses-Ah or “Messiah” the word for liberator.  Ah-Moses liberated Egypt.   

Following his brief reign are other Pharaohs which are suggested to be Hebrew Kings by scholar Ahmed Osman.  Thutmose 3 is suggested to be King David, Amonhotep 3 as Solomon, and Tutankhamon as Jesus Christ.  This of course suggests the Bible is fictional and based on incorrectly placed Egyptian chronology.   

          Osman also stated that “Joseph of the Bible is Yuya,” which must be incorrect as Joseph lived to be 110 years of age.  The only person I am aware of that lived to that age was Amonhotep the Son of Hapu, a Vizier and Seer to Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra of the 18th Dynasty.  In Nebmaatra’s funerary text, the “Seven Hathor Cows” is a Biblical reference to Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s Dream, the “Seven fat cows devoured by seven thin Cows,” or “7 years of prosperity followed by 7 years of Famine.”  Nebmaatra’s Egypt was prosperous mostly. 

          By the time of Islam, Egyptian Civilization was forgotten since their language was no longer spoken.  So whatever story they created was not accurate for Egyptian History.  They continued the falsehood that Habiru Slaves built treasure cities for an unnamed Pharaoh.  The only Pharaoh who used forced labor to build a city was Akhenaton, not the first Egyptian King to be called a Pharaoh.  Habiru were a problem during his reign. 

          Akhenaton is regarded as the First Monotheist, who created a solar cult based on the Science of the Sun (Aton).  He constructed an open-ceiling Temple where he observed the Sun “drink daily offerings of wine or beer” (Evaporation).  His Poetry reflects Biology and Physical Sciences of observation.  All life benefits from sunlight in his doctrine. 

          When the people did not agree to his doctrine, he became angry.  He closed the other Temples, fired their priests, and effaced statues of any god that was against Aton.  He erased the plurality of Gods.  Egyptian Feudalism was from the Temples as land owners.  By the time of Akhenaton, the Temples owned 90% of all farmland, leaving the Pharaoh with less power.  He created his own god (the Sun itself) and only the Pharaoh was its High Priest.  Only the royal family could be in the Temple of Aton.  So this was more of a power struggle than a religious program.  Akhenaton wanted his heir, Tut-ankh-Aton, to continue this “heresy.” Tut refused after he discovered how the rest of the country fared.  The Economy was in shambles due to the Temples being closed.  Border States threatened Egypt and needed to be pacified with forced Tribute.  Tut waged war on these Border States and in doing so sent Tribute to the Temples for repair work.  His Mortuary Temple reflects this. 

          The “Evil Pharaoh” in the Quran is either Akhenaton or one of the Hyksos Pharaohs.  The Hyksos or “Shepherd Kings” had occupied Northern Egypt for several generations until Prince Ahmosis of Upper Egypt drove them out and back into Canaan.  The Hyksos later became the Habiru as they were now Stateless.  Because the original Hyksos could not read Egyptian language, they had their revenge by authoring the Old Testament while in exile in Canaan (Modern Israel). 

          The Egyptians taught that the Universe was created after Setesh killed Osiris and dismembered his body, scattering his parts along the Nile River.  Dimensionally the Universe was seen as Egypt, with the Nile River being the Voidal Stream and Osiris being a mass of Matter or Energy that exploded via Chaos (Setesh, the God of Chaos) in the Astronomy’s Big Bang Theory.  The Nucleus of the Cell exploded to form new cells, as in Cell Mitosis (Biology).  Each Universe is a cell.  The cells are in the body in 11D.  Spirits are created from Spirit Matter and perfected via Life on planets.  They are weighed or measured to be Good or positive polarity before they are sent into the Voidal Stream, a blood vessel or vein in the 11D body.  Spirits are like anti-bodies to heal the body in 11D.  The Voids opposite each side of the Voidal Stream are seen as deserts where Setesh/ Chaos dwells.  At the end of the cycle, Horus (Son/Rebirth of Osiris) reassembles Osiris with divine light. 

          (From Chapter 3):

The Prophets of Setesh include Adam, Moses, Elijah, Abram, Noah, David, Solomon, Jesus, the Mahdi, and Mohammad.  Other Prophets of Setesh are Seth Peribsen (2nd Dynasty Pharaoh), and the Hyksos Pharaohs. 

          Paradise (Duat, Elysium) is in a higher Dimension accessible by a dimensional stairwell or ladder (as found in Egyptian tombs), or via a “false door” in tombs.  It is a replica of Earth, in its original pristine form without pollution, Erosion, weather, pain or suffering of any kind.  It exists as a second level of existence after the Trials of Earthly life, which focuses on desirable Akhu from actions done when alive or incarnate.  Islam and Ancient Egyptian “Osiris” worship shows this.  Pyramids are a form of Stairwell to Paradise for souls (not living people) to ascend.  It is also accessible via a Spirit Boat, so oars are found in some tombs in Egypt.  In Ancient Greece, people placed coins over the eyes of a corpse to pay the Ferryman to access Elysium.  In Egypt the Ferryman faced the opposite direction.  At the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) ritual boats were buried for this purpose.  Duat is accessible at night. 


© MC 2021


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