Sunday, June 2, 2024

One Nation under S7...



    Ex-President Trump was convicted 34 times this week for false business records.  If everyone is subject to the Rule of Laws (Laws and Order) this includes him, and should he make new Laws he is subject to those Laws.  Compare Fox News to MSNBC/CNN.  Fox is Republican (and worse) and MSNBC/CNN is Democrat (sanity).  Who does one believe?  The Left say he is guilty because they are Sober; the Right say he is innocent because they are Drunk on something.  If he was vindicated, he would say positive things about the Justice System.  If he loses, he blames the system.   If you don't want an Autocratic System run by Republicans, or a Democratic System run by Democrats and Republicans, choose a Theocracy run by S7 using Kemetic Omnitheism (now on Amazon).

May the person who added "1 star rating" have an accident involving loss of health/life. 

M7C 2024.


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