Thursday, August 11, 2011


There is no "Jesus Christ" of the Bible, because his true name is Joshua the Scribe.
Joshua was a Scribe in Alexandria, Egypt, who worked in the Library there; this library was famous in its day for thousands of works by many authors. Joshua read most of the Egyptian religious works, then founded a religion based on it which was exported into Roman Judea as a "new Testament" of Israeli religion. Everything else about him as the fictitious main character in that book was invented to coincide with Egyptian texts. I did something similar by making myself a character in my first novel, Eye of the Pharaoh (C)1990, which started like a religious doctrine. Jesus is a Greek word, not Hebrew, and the Messiah is Hebrew name for their Liberator, a concept first created in Egypt of course. Biblical Scholars are studying a work of fiction, created by Joshua the Scribe, with thousands of artifacts called relics of this fictional faith. I know this because I was Joshua the Scribe and can recall what I did back then; no one else was crowned with Rose Bush thorns by the Romans, mocking the King of the Jews.

M7, 2011.

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