Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Money is a right to use

Money as in US Dollars is not valuable.
You use Money as a way of expressing a Right to Use a Product or Service when exchanged. Dollars are worthless paper; a poor person without Dollars is as Rich as a multi-Billionaire. your rights are given up by several factors: arrest or prison time, death or illness, lawsuit or bankruptcy.  you have certain rights without money, as political rights in any given country.
you can trade items for items or services without money; by using money you are agreeing to a set of values.  Values are set as follows: you believe a book or music is valuable in the future when its artist is dead.  You have a rare artifact that no one else has, so it is valuable. you believe having money is an investment.  You believe real estate is valuable for its future usage.

M7 2013.

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