Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Laws exist as the embodiment of a royal decree.  A direct order is called an Edict.  Pharaohs can issue Edicts when normal laws do not apply or in certain circumstances outside of written laws (loop hole resolution).  Written laws can be flawed by too much wordage; certain ways of writing can allow a crime to exist should the author of the law not be careful about proper wording.  The King's word is Law.  Written laws started when the King was tired of having to issue daily decrees.  So the Code Caesar (series of laws in the UEIR) is the royal actions of the King.   In case people wonder why Pharaoh M7 is not issuing orders in public, this is the reason: they are already issued --- just read them. 

Thank you for your comprehension and cooperation.

Pharaoh M7, UEIR 2014. 

Akua Niihau Pharaocracy, UEIR.

M7 2014.

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