Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Budgism and the Nature of Race in Ancient Egypt

The ONLY Evidence that supports the view of "Black People in Ancient Egypt" comes from the writings of the Late Egyptologist, E.A. Wallis Budge, whose books are still in print and online (due to expired Copyright).  He said in a general statement that "Ancient Egyptians were of Black Ancestry in Africa."  This is found in the Book of the Opening of the Mouth, and other works.  An Internet Conspiracy began after 1994 that seeks to replace Standard "White" Egyptology with systematic brainwashing via you-tube and online book sellers.  The people want to interpret Egyptology with "Black Supremacy" ideology that has no direct evidence in support of it, due to lack of actual PhD / Doctorates of its supporters.

Now I am not a Budgite - a follower of that Egyptologist - but I use his works sometimes to see where current Egyptology is headed.  The followers of that system attack Hollywood Movies that show only "white actors" or want Africanized Egyptians.  This is not new entirely -- when Rome took Egypt they displayed Egyptian gods in Roman attire, or showed Roman culture in Egyptian art.  What these people suggest amounts to Racism on their part.  Racism does not belong only to the first people who complained about it, just as Rape does not apply entirely to women, and there are Female Stalkers in society.  You are treading on a 2-lane concourse.

There are not enough Black Actors who study Egyptian History.  There are not enough Black Scholars with Egyptology degrees.  There are Egyptians with Egyptology degrees, and Egyptian born Actors.  These Egyptians are the descendants of the Pharaohs, not Arabs.  I  am an Genetic Descendant of the Pharaohs.  I am not "Black" African.  The REAL ANCIENT EGYPT was Cosmopolitan --- they had many ethnic groups, not one.  Their gods came from Atlantis - a non-human ethnic group that ate Humans for food (Humen: the Other White Meat), as with the god Set.  Osiris taught Agriculture so human people would not be eaten.  You don't know that.  It's a Secret from Ancient Egyptian Temples.  Green-skinned Gods from Emeraldian-Duat are not human.

Before you tread on shaky ground learn about what you are suggesting here.
Egyptian society was scientific and technical.  Racism did not exist because the people didn't know Modern Biology.  Slaves existed.  Slavery was either voluntary (Temples) or forced (Prisoners of War).  Nubians were always painted darker than Egyptians.  Nubians are Black Africans on the Southern Lands.  Egyptians had red skin and dark hair in the Old Kingdom / Pyramid Age.  Red skinned people also existed in America before Columbus (Aztec, Mayan, and North America). 

Mummies found in Egypt had Red Skin and Black or Brown Hair. 
Later Mummies had a variety of skin and hair colors.  Nubians invaded and sometimes lived in Egypt.  So there were Nubian Egyptians.  What is the problem?

Genealogy has some answers.  Kenya had White People once.  They left because of migratory patterns or weather changes or food sources or the fact they get sunburned easier.  Does this matter?

Why don't you make your own culture instead of Stealing Egyptian Culture?  Cultural Plagiarism is illegal in the UEIR/Kingdom of Niihau.  

M7-UEIR 2016.
Kingdom of Niihau, United Egyptian Imperial-Republic.

Post Script:

Ancient Egyptians may have migrated to the American Continent in the New Kingdom Era and also with the Polynesian/Hawaiians.  Though Egyptologists don't think it is likely; however, American Pyramids as tombs existed in Mayan culture, and Ancient Hawaiians had Petraglyphs (similar to Egyptian Hieroglyphs, but with a forgotten knowledge).

M7 2016.

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