Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tutmas is November 26

The UEIR Holiday of Tut-mas is November 26.

IF Akhenaton was the father of Tutankhamun, or step-father, Tut was still the designated Heir to Akhenaton.  The Jews originated in Egypt, as Aton worshipers of the One God of Akhenaton (rather than worship statues, he told everyone to worship the Sun as a real power of Science.  Temples without ceilings allowed Aton to drink his offerings via Evaporation).  The Heir of Moses was Joshua.  Moses was an "exiled Prince or ruler from Egypt," and Akhenaton was exiled because his remains have not been found (except for the skeleton in KV55 which is the wrong age, thought to be Smenkhkara, his brother).  The word Moses means "born of." 

There is already a Joshua in the Bible, so the name was changed to Jesus to avoid confusion.  (Jesus is a Greek word, in Aramaic the word is Yeshua). Joshua = Jesus = Tutankhamun. The word Christ in Egypt means "Burial" and in Greek it means "Anointed with perfumed oils"; as this was in an age before the invention of Soap, being anointed was seen as cleanliness, as opposed to being dirty or impure.  

Tutankhamun was found in 1922 CE and his tomb was opened on Nov. 26.  
M7 was born on Howard Carter's birthday as evidence of reincarnation from Tutankhamun, as this involves Karma.  

Tutankhamon's real parents were Smenkhkara Djoserkheperu and Queen Meritaton.  
If from a fragmented stone the names are abbreviated:

Djos(er)-Khep(eru) = Djos-Khep, or Joseph.
Meri(t-Aton) = Mary.  

Joseph and Mary are the Biblical Parents of Jesus Christ.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the reincarnation of Tutankhamun (M7).

Merry Tut-mas and a Happy New Year!

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