Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Climate Change and Coronavirus

As the World stops working due to COVID19, with people isolated in their homes and not traveling as much by Car or Train or Airplanes, the level of Carbon based pollution also lowers.  This cuts into Climate Change effects, causing less Storms in the usual locations.  

The Middle East recently experienced Rain, Sandstorms and Floods.  Though unusual for this time of the year, the cause can more likely be attributed to Effective Egyptian Magic books written by a person with Divine Powers than directly connected to Carbon.  Science will believe in Carbon as the answer as they do not accept the former, as they also do not know this person because he is classified top secret by the CIA since 1990s.  So Climate Change is their only known source.  

If a normal person writes a book, nothing happens. If a supernatural person writes a book and this causes something, normal people react by insulting him with Psychological terminology because they cannot accept the supernatural due to information poisoning coming from Science.  Science is supposed to explore the unknown.  How else would they explain anything if it wasn't for explorers?  If a supernatural person is a Scientist, would he be laughed at in the Scientific Community for explaining to them how the Universe works using "Magic?"  Because what we moderns call "Magic" is a form of Science.  Then said person uses the system he discovered and everyone becomes fearful about it.  They cry to themselves at night, saying "It's not possible!"  Yet it is.  Pestilence is a Magic Spell in my books.  Only will something if you really want it.  Reading by itself does nothing; you have to will the effect as you read it in order to cause an event.  To pray / desire / want is to will. Do you really want Pestilence?  Oh the spell said "To cause an enemy Pestilence" so you cast it on an enemy, then it spread because, well, Pestilence is an epidemic.  If you can will something into existence, you can also will it out of existence using the same method.  Try that.  Then in a couple of weeks you will be a hero.  

MC 2020.


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