Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Why Religions Do Not Have Fictional Labels




Why Religions Do Not Have Fictional Labels

Copyright © 2020 MC

The Word “Fictional” is a Modern label for literature that is not real events. 

Historical Documents (the Bible, Quran, Homer’s Works, & Egyptian Myths) do not have this label as they pre-exist the terminology, yet contain Fictional elements.  When Scientists look to validate religious sources they cannot find real events if real events are mixed with fictional ones, like in the Old Testament.  Religions are stories that want the reader to believe in them for the purpose of control in society.  They also teach spiritual information and morality or civil behavior.  The Bible and anything based on it is fictional.  Homer’s works (the Iliad, Odyssey) are based on actual events like the Trojan War, but included fictional or fantasy elements; Alexander the Great used the Iliad as his religion and kept a copy with him on his world conquest tour.  Fictional or Fantasy elements are “Angels, God(s), Miracles, Heroes, Superheroes, Spiritual events, etc.”  Polytheism (the worship of many Gods) in today’s world is the “Superheroes” genre, or people with supernatural powers (super-psychic/M7).  Rigid belief in this causes Mental Disorders, Hallucinations, Delusions, etc.  Most religious creators had some form of condition caused by such beliefs (Akhenaton, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Moses, etc.).  By using a Fictional system of Religion without acknowledging its Fiction Label will cause their adherents to become Mentally Ill people.  People from strong religious backgrounds have Mental Illness in their DNA (this mutates with mental actions to their heirs).  It is a well-known fact that Mohammed’s family said he was Mentally Ill before he left home and found people who accepted his beliefs and founded Islam.  The Caliphate (IS) only recruits from Mentally Ill people in weakened countries.  Islamic Terrorists kill over cartoons.  Jesus Christ heard voices, and heard “Satan in the Wilderness” when he was “tempted after 40 days of Fasting.”  Moses had hallucinations of a talking Burning Bush on Mt. Sinai.  Akhenaton believed the Sun is God.  A therapist believed the stolen book Eye of the Pharaoh (Science Fiction) is a religion because the label was missing after it was stolen by her, later published to the Dark Web.  My college literary educator said “Keep people in the story.”  When does the story keep the person? 

© MC 2020.



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