Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Kemetic Omnitheism...




 About the Book:

    Kemetic Omnitheism®: The Pharaocracy of Osiris is a revised Ancient Egyptian religion, an all-embracing new edition.   It acknowledges the Monotheism of Set, the Egyptian God of the Desert, and a host of returning and new Deities, Saints, Akhu or Angels of the Ancestors, and is complemented by new Utterances/Spells/Prayers and connections with Astronomy (the Big Bang Theory of Creation as it relates to the death and scattering of Lord Osiris by Set, the Chaos God; and Set’s role in protecting the Celestial Boat of Ra from Apep/the Black Hole at the center of Heaven).
    The Pharaocracy of Osiris is the Post-Pandemic World Government created from the Chaos of 2020; it is ruled by mostly electable officials.  The Revised Constitution for the Imperial-Republic is included.  
Copyright © ®2024 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.  

About the Author:

    Horus Michael is an Author of 167+ books, a KheriHeb Priest & Pharaoh, the Founder of the Kingdom of Ni’ihau (originally a Micronation), a Computer-Game Modder, and an Archaeologist.  He currently lives in California, USA.  Copyright ©2024 M.J. Costa.  All Rights Reserved.  

    In the Set Monotheism, the God of the Israelites is the Egyptian God of the Desert, Lord Set. Since he murdered Lord Osiris [Asar] in an effort to usurp the throne of Egypt/Kemt, Set was banished by the other Gods to the Desert and his Temple images were destroyed.  Afterwards the Biblical Prophet Moses found Set in Sinai Peninsula/Desert and became Set's proxy.  Set wanted revenge against the Gods for the banishment, so he gave Moses powers over Nature to combat Pharaoh's Priests/Magicians in releasing people for a new country.  The First Commandment acknowledged that Set was Jealous of Osiris and forbade the worship of the other Gods. His Second Commandment prevented the Divine Images from being worshiped, and to prevent any vandalism.  Set became the Great God of the Israelites, and any future religions that incorporate his ideas.  The Ancient Greeks identified Set with Jehovah as Storm Gods.  Set had to combat Horus, the rightful heir of Osiris, for control of Egypt/Kemt and the First Empire.  Set's last battle was in Court, in which he lost and was executed.  As penance for his sins, Set was to protect the Boat of Ra from the Worm of Darkness (Apep) at the Center of Heaven.  Set returned to Earth and lived a sinless life as Joshua, in order to enter Heaven again.  Joshua was born at night and in a Mansion, which in Egyptian language was "House of Bread," and in Hebrew "House of Bread" translates as Bethlehem.  His mother was a Priestess of Vesta, or a Vestal Virgin.  She had a vow of Chastity which she violated when she became pregnant.  So she left the Roman Province of Judea in fear of being arrested and her child killed as punishment.  They lived in Egypt for a time, and Joshua was educated there using the Gifts of the Wise Men of gold coins and precious incense. By age 12 he impressed the Egyptian Temple Priests with his knowledge.  By age 30 he was educated enough to start his own religion.  He was arrested by the Romans for conspiracy and crucified.  He instructed his followers to prepare Mandrake Root with sour wine/vinegar when he asks for something to drink, leftover from the Last Supper.  Afterwards he drinks it and passes out from a drug overdose, awakens in the tomb and exits it to search for his followers.  

MC 2024.

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