Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Alternative Currencies

Alternative Currencies for USA
© Copyright 2011 M7C

Use 100+ Alternative Currencies with supported values and sell them after making a profit for tax purposes (send US$ Dollars to Government, causing a surplus). Stock is like a currency and it generates its own value in terms of Dollars. Dollar debts are not resolved with Dollars, so alternative currencies may be the solution.

By not using Dollars for most transactions, debts are reduced. Use Dollars only for taxes or fines. This makes the Government happy.

100+ Alternative Currencies give Americans a choice for trading. Each currency is not “fiat” or “government set value”, and is like spending money in a foreign nation or amusement park. They may have profit-making properties like the Stocks on the NYSE, or one can create an Alternative Currency Market for weekly price / value differences. Each currency is a Popular Currency, not National Currency, and may be supported by any industry, product, or idea. This is still legal in USA and most modern nations.

USA Government demands revenue (in Dollars) every year. If it doesn’t have returns equal to what it sends out, there is a recession or decrease in collection. Countries like China could be hoarding Dollars to keep money from returning to the Government, rather than simply flooding the market with Dollars at a later date to cause under-valuing.

Some modern Alternative Currencies are: “Credits” for Social Networks, Airlines, companies, restaurants, stores, or amusement parks. “Tokens” like in video games are another form of Alternative money used in private buildings.

© M7C 2011

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