Thursday, March 6, 2014

UEIR bans Islam from Niihau...

More can play the "ban this" game than one group.

The UEIR has banned the practice of Islam from Niihau, as "it is not credible to the Neteru." The Neteru [Us Dimensional Aliens] are the GODS of Ancient Egypt and Duat, where the UEIR is based.  Duat is our home Dimension, where Akhu (Egyptian word for Angels) are.  The Duat has always existed.  It has regions that are replicas of Earth and many other worlds.  Had Muslims decided to explore the universe rather than focus on destroying Earth, they would know this truth; that other life forms do not agree with Islam or Islamic claims.  The UEIR has also banned "Noah" film as it is considered Blasphemous because Noah never existed and the Hebrew religion is False and Fictional.  We Egyptians know this.  The Hebrew religion is fictional and has no place in recorded History or religious practice.  The Ark of Noah in the mountains was placed there from a Tsunami, not a "Great Flood."  Ocean levels were higher during Climate Change Cycles.  These cycles occur every marked thousand year or so events. Religions or Mythologies are stories used to explain events or objects, and are the Science of the Ancient World and are outdated.  So this is why we "ban" the film and other conjectural ideas. 

M7 UEIR 2014.


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