Tuesday, December 23, 2014

So what does a KheriHeb Priest do?

An example of a Kheriheb Priest is Imhotep in The Mummy Returns film.

Traditionally a Kheriheb Priest was a funeral director in Egyptian Temples; he also wrote and uttered the Divine Names of the Netru to influence Nature, human affairs and actions, and protected Egypt from its enemies.  They worked in the House of Life section of the Temple, and may be full time or part time Priests.  The Egyptian religion was based in Magic; as per the stories and actions of the characters.  He wore a shoulder cloth and carried a scroll or book, from which he read spells.  Legendary KheriHeb Priests (Westcar Papyrus) could divide waters and stacked them (ice), resurrect the dead and summon Angels (Akhu), cause Plagues (Natural Disasters), and influence the actions of people (against their will using Telepathy & Chronokinetic Energy).   I have been a Kheriheb since late 1980s.  Numerous events are attributed to my skills.  Mostly to work my system of Magic all that is required is Literacy and willpower. 

M7 2014.

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