Saturday, July 22, 2023

On Magical Energy...





Magic Requires Energy

© MC 2023

If you believe that Magic works all the time without recharging then you are wrong.  Scientists perform calculations on the assumption that something works, time after time, and if it doesn’t then it must not be real.  Magic requires Energy to work.  If one uses up all their Energy reserves for healing others, fulfilling others’ requests, then one cannot use it for their own interests such as winning the Lottery.  If only the Lottery then of course one will win it.  One wish, one result. 

Magic is the Software to the Hardware of Psychic or Mental ability.  Gods are power sources.  By praying to a God one can receive energy, using their energy in the names of the Gods (words of power).  This is borrowed energy, and it doesn’t originate with the practitioner; not to say one doesn’t have it, one’s personal energy is limited to Psychic Development and storage capacity. 

For the past Powerball Lottery I attracted wealth to fellow Californians, 7 of whom won 5/5 sets of numbers, with a winner in Southern California.  They were in my Area of Effect (Magical Radius).  The same week I used my energy to heal friends on social media and fulfilled requests of at least 2 people with Chronokinesis.  The weather was warm in USA due to my use of Lord Amon-Ra, the Egyptian God of Wind and Sunlight.   My spells for political issues drained on protecting Ukraine and attacking Russia.  I also caused Flash Floods in Eastern USA.  This is where my energy went. 

Energy is invisible, but you know it is there when you feel it.  The Magic is the method of using this Energy.  If you saw me cast a spell and it didn’t work and decide I am a “con artist” for doing so and stop practicing Magic on that basis, then you are not intelligent life.  Con-Artists do not cause Tsunamis on command when angry (See Alaska).  When the energy returns rest assured I will become God again.  Then my Magic will work.  I just do not like energy overload when it does. 

©MC 2023


Magic Requires Energy 2

© MC 2023

Matthew 10-18

Jesus called his twelve followers together. He gave them power over evil spirits and power to heal every kind of disease and sickness.

I give you these powers freely, so help others freely.

Power = Energy

In Today’s World, Energy costs Money, regardless of type.  Jesus was poor but not because he wanted to remain that way, as he was collecting money to build the Kingdom of his God.  He bartered his healing for things like Spikenard, an expensive perfume (before the existence of soap, people used perfume; hence the Anointed One, or “the Clean One”), wine, lodging, and services in the Roman World.  Most likely he quit his job as a Carpenter when he started preaching, since nothing indicates he worked afterwards.  His Carpenter’s Mark would be on existing artifacts made of wood or on metal tools.  Egyptians started the idea of Compensation or offerings to their Gods that became the Christian collections basket, or Paid Prayers.   One is not paying for writing a prayer, but for the energy that accompanies it to fulfill the request.

I haven’t charged money for my energy services (yet) other than the price of the books where the written part appears in.  You are given power to heal the sick using my borrowed energy embedded in the books I write.  Once energy (which is cyclical) appears the Spells or prayers will then work.   The energy appears after one is fully rested and recharged; insomnia has a tendency to interfere with results, and I mostly have about 5 hours of sleep per day over the past month as I am awake each night either writing or using my computer games (which helps reduce stress). 

The money collected to build the Kingdom of Osiris was classified top secret by CIA including the lands, businesses, and other buildings; this is Not in the Public Domain.  This also prevents Lord Osiris (S7) from being a target. 

©MC 2023.  



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